Spent the weekend wire-brushing and painting the utility trailer

August 27, 2024

The “flowers photo” was not the purpose of this post, but because the tiny purple flowers looked so nice this past weekend, I took a photo (I should know the name or at least take the time to look it up … but I’m not).  BUT the real reason was to archive the very messy […]

Tech Friday: AltaFiber updated our home Internet router

August 16, 2024

It is about time that our questionable Cincinnati Bell router is being updated by the aquiring company AltaFiber to an Eero device (similar to at the condo). It will hopefully improve and keep our home Internet connections a bit more stable. I’ve really never complained much since adding the Mesh system to the “cheap” Zytel […]

A new Schraiber Grinder Pump as a replacement for a Zoeller

July 5, 2024

After repeated malfunctions with a Zoeller sewage pump in the pool house, I’ve started the process of evaluating what might be wrong. I did have a couple plumbers come out under the Angi “free estimate” home repair. They were both expensive and wanted to replace the current “still running” 230VAC pump with a new one […]

Thanks all for reminding me that I’m another year older 🙃

May 8, 2024

Late spring yard work and continued Kubota diagnosis and repairs continued over the weekend, but on the 7th, another year for me is in the books; can’t say I’m feeling all that different? But THANK YOU to my family and friends for wishing me a Happy Birthday … and some doing the traditional Howard family […]

Archive: Window washing and dining room aircraft carrier

November 7, 2023

The weather was just right this past weekend to work on the second batch of leaves for 2023. Even Brenda enjoyed coming outside to help as the sun was shining and was warm (HOT when working) for a breezy 60 degrees. We had a productive Saturday.  On Sunday the weather was even better and about […]

Summer storms have been blasting through with a lot of wind

July 11, 2023

We’ve had several short-lived summer storms blasting through this year. Often I wrap up my sun sail in the back of the pool house garage (use it for a little shade), but didn’t last week. Unfortunately some VERY high winds hit and stretched out my homemade bungee (steel cable inside rope) and bent the hooks […]

Replaced LED security light with Wyze Cam Floodlight

April 27, 2022

Earlier this year after an HOA meeting, I added myself to the waitlist for a new Wyze Cam product called the Wyze Cam Floodlight. The neighborhood has been looking for a better way to monitor the pool without the high cost of a commercial security camera. I mentioned this economical motion floodlight with cam and […]

Defective, but quickly replaced Wyze Socket Cam3

February 22, 2022

For years now we have been satisfied with the bulky (and older) Canary Cams for added security at home. The first Canary continues to work flawlessly “inside” our house and thankfully just perches quietly in our great room and is suppose to trigger when motion is detected “when we are not home.” The plan was […]

Tech Friday: On the waitlist for some new tech from Wyze

January 14, 2022

This past Christmas, my daughter Katelyn gave Drew a new Wyze Watch and, as always with all Wyze products, I was  impressed with their reasonably low price for excellent products (although I’m still super happy with my Fitbit Versa – thank you K and D). The Wyze gift reminder had me revisit one of their […]

As cracks appear we are prepared to dispute the concrete driveway

September 14, 2021

Our end of summer driveway project has left us irritated and a bit depressed. This isn’t our first concrete project, so we do know what to expect and what is possible. Our builder supervised our first driveway at this house (the finish looked good and there were no initial cracks, but after a decade it […]

Driveway project: Day 1 of the planned 2 day concrete pour

August 28, 2021

Friday was Day One, of what is the longest day of the planned two day driveway pour (Day 2 on Monday). The crew was at the house before 5:30AM with spot lights, last minute prep and ready for the first truck of concrete which was scheduled to arrive at 6AM – was here at 6:15. […]

The “replacing our driveway project” is finally underway $$

August 18, 2021

It is a month and a half late, but concrete companies and for that matter most construction companies are very busy this summer. The COVID19pandemic has put most projects behind and perhaps we should be thankful to be on their schedule. Tearing out (video from Canary Security Cam) and re-concreting a driveway is one of […]

Preparation yardwork for upcoming concrete driveway project

June 29, 2021

Beautiful Panarama iPhone7 Evening Sky photo – 6/28/2021 In preparation for the driveway demolition crew to arrive (neighborhood driveway work needs to be done before road repaving), I spent the weekend working to get access around the garage ready for the workers. I’m not exactly sure where our driveway fits into the schedule, since several […]

Workshop brainstorming for better chip and dust containment

February 16, 2021

It is time for a little more research on better dust and chip control in my basement workshop. Brenda can deal with the noise and giving me a place to escape, but she is not fond of the dust that makes its way upstairs – those with basement woodworking workshops know what I mean. I’ve […]

Tech Friday: Look what arrived this week – the Wyze Cam 3

January 22, 2021

It was back in November when everyone was Black Friday shopping for gifts or ording Cyber Monday items … that is when the inexpensive security camera company Wyze, sent me an email about their new camera and motion detection subscription. At the time I was struggling with way too many notifications after the company lost […]

Cleaning, reorganizing, some sanding and new ZipGuard finsih

October 4, 2020

In my goal to gain space in the poolhouse garage (a failure) and clearing out and cleaning the east-side wall, I shifted my attention to the beat-up bench top. Part of this was just clearing the workbench of junk, then reorganizing and cleaning each shelf. The boxes have been sort-of shuffled (drawers ignored), but I […]

After cleaning, tossing junk and the re-organizing a couple walls, the pool house garage is still way too cluttered

October 3, 2020

As much as I love working in an organized space, for the life of me I have trouble keeping it that way. Also,  I can’t get rid of things I use, might use or that are too good to sell or toss. The truth is that I have the packrat gene.  My parents were not […]

Paintied the hinges and door hardware for the pool changing room

September 19, 2020

It has taken me most of the second half of the summer, but I’m finally finishing the poolhouse changing room … more work than I thought. The damage done by Katelyn’s “late” pet rabbit Pumpy Umpy was significant enough to require lower drywall (greenboard) and all new casing and baseboard trim. Part of my slowdown […]

Photos of a few new hardwood trees from my brother’s nursery

September 15, 2020

It has been eleven years since we last purchased a few trees from my brother Ron’s retirement avocation – a nursery dedicated to NativeOhioPlants. He started planting trees years before so after he retired from the Air Force in 2018, it was a natural to make it a part time business. It’s not too big […]

An updated shade sail photo and a granddaughter photo too

August 28, 2020

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A summer thunderstorm may be a Hurricane Laura precursor

August 27, 2020

As the Gulf of Mexico coast of Louisiana and Texas prepare for Hurricane Laura (as well as areas well inland), we got a taste of the kind of rain that might also be headed our way as this tropical weather works its way north. A strong thunderstorm swept through our area on Wednesday night this […]

The climate hardiness guides says “no” to Evergreen Clematis

August 16, 2020

After doing a little research on different kinds of Clematis, I thought I had the perfect pick for the rear corner of the pool house garage where I often work outside the back door. Something that stayed green a bit longer in the year like Evergreen Clematis sounded perfect … but the “Plant Hardiness Zone […]

A baby mourning dove is trying to blend in outside the door

August 14, 2020

Wouldn’t you know, just as I was contemplating how to get rid of our annoying pair of Mourning Doves (pretty much pigeons in my book), they go and have at least one baby. Now I can’t in good conscious shoo them away. The little guy must have jumped or fallen out of the nest and […]

When is it time to say goodbye to family pets? #PumpyUmpy

February 15, 2020

While emailing my daughter this week about taking her “long living” bunny, Pumpy Umpy to the vet (injury and can’t move his leg), I mentioned that I eventually had to take Tootsie to the Butler County Humane Society as a way to prep for her eventual decision. I ended up seeing this “Keep in touch” […]

The last post of the decade: Do you remember yard Jarts?

December 31, 2019

While getting the Christmas decorations for Evergreen Farm Estates down from the poolhouse-garage loft earlier this month (Brenda and neighbor Pam have always decorated our neighborhood) …  I spotted the yard game of Jarts. (you probably need to be a baby boomer to remember them?) What were they thinking??? Just as with the “design of […]

A final 3-day Labor Day 2019 weekend photos update

September 4, 2019

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Our new home Internet Mesh network is up and running

August 14, 2019

Our current NetGear Nighthawk R7000 router has been exceptionally stable considering the issues I’ve had with cheaper routers and networked devices in the past. I’m pretty happy with it, but in order to get solid coverage, had to add a WiFi Range Extender to cover the detached garage and poolhouse (and yet still have weak […]

Falling back on fiberglass and autobody skills for house repairs

July 30, 2019

The summer of 2019 around our house has meant more repairs and maintenance updates than usual. This means weekends have been busy with house projects and in also finding and hiring help to complete the updates that are too overwhelming for this one “aging” guy to handle on his own (although my 60th birthday celebrations […]

West System epoxy repair to one of our many porch columns

March 30, 2019

While working on the “bird away boxes” last weekend, the spring weather warmed improved enough at least for a day in order to start a fiberglass column repair (needed for curing). The wind blew enough a few weeks ago to toss items around enough that a crack and a chunk of plastic was broken out […]

Making boxes instead of my plastic coffee cans to keep bird away

March 26, 2019

After mentioning a distraction in working on my weekend projects last week, here was the project that was first on the list  … something to deter the robins. My “keep the birds away” boxes to replace my yearly plastic coffee cans … and two of them with funky wires (photo left – I’ll have to […]

Yardwork, jury duty and enjoying the July 2018 night sky

July 26, 2018

We been enjoying summer and mostly great weather around the house and yard so far this year in 2018 and Brenda‘s growing landscape mounds are all flowering and looking really nice (she has been working on them although her current Grand Jury duty is cutting into her free time). The last few days of slightly […]

An old wooden ladder and memories good and bad

January 14, 2018

As my son Taylor said, “ladders will be our family‘s downfall.” So true … The old wooden ladder I inherited from the late Harry McKee when we bought our first sailboat Brenich in the early 1980s is still in active service. It is no longer chained to the old boat cradle we kept in Huron, […]

A snowy winter day, a warm fire and distractions

December 10, 2017

The first cold snowy winter day was the perfect time to fire up the woodstove in the poolhouse garage … unfortunately the distraction of a warm fire lead to other distractions and  keeping me from the day’s list of projects. Instead of finishing the Corbett Christmas letter, updating the mailing list, decorating and working on […]

Christmas decorating and closing the pool in the same weekend

December 4, 2017

It is hard to believe, but I finally winterized the pool and in the same weekend brought home a Christmas tree, put the wreathes up and modified the lighting we use on the house in December. The first years we used 150 watt incandescent floods (also had halogens at some point), then I switched to […]

For inexpensive whole house wireless try a WiFi Range Extender

February 24, 2017

Previous efforts at using older wireless access points and routers have all been a disappointment when extending WiFi out to our detached garage/poolhouse/workshop, so when Amazon had an AC750 Netgear WiFi Range Extender (Model EX3700) on a "Prime Daily Deals" sale, I was skeptical. Still frustrated with the lack of a good Internet connection further […]

It is great to work in the garage shop with the woodstove

December 12, 2016

One of the pleasures of winter and colder weather for me is hanging out and monkeying around in my garage shop with a fire in the woodstove. It has worked out perfectly for those weekends that I know it is going to be "just me" at home …or when I need a man cave (really […]

Roses are red, natural gas pipes are grey

September 26, 2016

Really just an excuse to post a beginning of autumn photo of roses from the flower beds … but for semi-straggly looking Knockout Roses, they add a bit of color to the greenery around our house. Actually I was painting the natural gas pipes on both the house and poolhouse as they were starting to […]

A little progress on the shop woodstove

December 12, 2015

 Well I really am working on getting ready for Christmas this weekend, but wanted to post an updated photo as the dry-stack brick project in the poolhouse/ garage. As mentioned previously, the floor leveling was the biggest pain in order to level the top of the “walls.” I used an aluminum angle to hold a […]

Finished the tricky modification for the woodstove chimney

November 15, 2015

I’m continuing to make progress on the woodstove project for my “man space” in the workshop/poolhouse. Since I’m overloaded with firewood, it will be great to be able to add a little heat to the workshop area when it is cold … and have a place to hangout where a man can keep his boots […]

The Rat Zapper: A better mousetrap, but a bit more expensive

July 14, 2015

It really works! The “new to me” Rat Zapper Classic RZC001 mousetrap did its job in our poolhouse/workshop last night. After baiting the little “garage gizmo” with a few nuggets of Tootsie’s dog food, it “caught” a first mouse in what I hope will be many. It’s an interesting gizmo in that converts 4-AA batteries […]

Thinking about sending The Rodent to Columbus

July 19, 2013

Over the many years Katelyn has had her rabbit, we (well “I”) have been both the temporary and semi-permanent pet-sitter. The little fellow has spent time in our basement (fortunately not when it flooded) and more recently in the poolhouse. I refer Pumpy Umpy affectionately as “The Rodent” and have actually grown somewhat attached to […]

Nice weather, home projects and NFL football

October 1, 2006

Since the Cincinnati Bengals game is at 4:30pm today, I had a chance to cut the backyard grass (with the help of my son) and finish adding a stone drainage area behind the garage. (Treo 700p cell phone photo) Really this is just an excuse to see if my phone to blog is still up […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog