Kids will be kids … we’re talking goats #video

| April 30, 2023

Some animals “kids” are just like human kids. Who doesn’t see the similarity between goat kids and human kids when it comes to playground excitement.

Filler Post: How fast is fast when it comes to #aviation

| April 20, 2023

When it comes to fast aircraft, the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird is the one most of us know about. In a social media Twitter mention last week, Massimo posted this photo and link. The SR-71 Blackbird was so fast that, if attacked by surface-to-air missiles, it simply flew higher, faster, and in a slightly different direction […]

How many different electrical outlets to we need?

| April 19, 2023

On Twitter this past week, Elon Musk retweeted an image of a bunch of different outlets around the world. Wow, do we really need that many different electrical outlets and plugs?

NPR’s Twitter account gets an appropriate label

| April 13, 2023

There is part of me that can’t help but smile when seeing the new label that Elon Musk’s Twitter put on NPR’s feed. The left-leaning taxpayer-funded media title is partially accurate since tax dollars are used to support public radio and television. At this point with the variety of media news and programming available in […]

Blog test: A claw to claw eagle dance in the sky #video

| April 12, 2023

Just a short video filler test from Twitter after receiving a message that MyDesultoryBlog was inaccessible (suspect it is because previous post was personal and only for registered readers?)

Food For Thought: A Life Expectancy in America Map

| April 8, 2023

I’m not really sure where the data for this map came from or if it is accurate (??) … but it is something to think about. 

Books: “Three Days In January: Dwight Eisenhower’s final mission” by Bret Baier

| March 29, 2023

My daily routine, at least when I’m in town, is to DVR the evening news, “Special Report” at 6PM. I generally watch it and skip the commercials while eating … when it is permitted by Brenda. HA! The daily new wrap-up is probably not edifying since it includes a good dose of disfunctional national politics […]

Unhealthy Aging graphic and my granddaughters in church

| March 15, 2023

While reading a health related social media post this past week, a graphic struck me as interesting since it highlights many of the ailments that most doctors and aging humans eventually face. Just to keep it personal, I’m noticing the hair thinning, vision and hearing loss as well as my high cholesterol needing some work […]

What inspires someone to become an engineer? #video

| March 11, 2023

When I was in high school, I headed off to Ohio Northern University to become an engineer although veered off into industrial technology, facility design and then teaching when offered a Miami University instructor position when in graduate school. Now putting that education redirection aside … and the other career moves that followed … I’m […]

An accident that goes beyond the ordinary in Baltimore, MD

| March 5, 2023

It is one thing trying to evade the police by speeding, then running a red light and crashing into an unsuspecting driver … but to also hit a building and have it collapse is another? Yikes!

Friday Filler: Sharks in a tank and being manipulated by fear

| March 3, 2023

Snipped a couple of social media shared images this past week that may not be completely truthful … but they do trigger thinking about one’s “personal growth” and how easily we are manipulated by “fear.”  So .. open your mind, be thoughtful and willing to entertain different views with polite debate and discussion. Most of […]

A young chef fixes his own lunch #video

| February 8, 2023

From experience, I do know that younggist children in the U.S. (often farm kids — or commercial fisherman kids) were responsible for home chores, pitched in with caring for their siblings … and over a century ago (thankfully) would be sent to work outside the home. But in many parts of the world, children learn […]

Archive: Saving a couple family update items to the blog

| February 1, 2023

This content is restricted.

The 3 monkeys have added a 4th. A sign of our times #filler

| January 12, 2023

Viral Social Media image

Tech Friday: Installed Wyze Doorbell and temp probe grilling

| January 6, 2023

It is hard to resist loving gadget gifts and this past year for Christmas I was excited to receive a Wyze Doorbell from Drew (and Katelyn – Thx!) Although the previous year in 2021, I will admit that I was intimidated … and still am … by the fancy double temperature Bluetooth and WiFi Weber […]

Wishing ALL a Happy and Healthy New Year in 2023

| January 1, 2023

I would like to wish everyone visiting a Happy and Healthy New Year … and after seeing this “black ice” social media shared video from last months deadly winter storm … safe traveling in 2023. Whew … very frightening.

Proposing our family listen to a podcast on Christmas Eve

| December 24, 2022

Jane Wells has been a reporter for CNBC (“Janie” as the late Mark Haines called her)  that I’ve followed for years while watching business news channels (or should I have said, “is a ‘has-been’ reporter?” – hopefully a little humor that she would appreciate!). Anyway, I always smiled when watching her “quirky” stories and reporting […]

Amazon book order delay and leftover snow mailbox photo

| December 6, 2022

No … we don’t have snow in Cincinnati just yet, but the snowbelt areas of western New York sure got their share in November. I’ll include a leftover Twitter photo from the Buffalo NY area that is sure to make someone smile (very creative snowman or mailbox)? On the Amazon rant subject, I ordered an  […]

Music Monday: “Hey Jude” (or Julian) – The Beatles

| November 21, 2022

Surprisingly Music Monday has only highlighted a little bit from The Beatles. Perhaps it was because they were for the most part “before my time” … or maybe it’s just not the kind of music that I’m attracted too? Nevertheless, the British group made a big splash in the 1960s and had an enormous influence […]

Our Chick-fil-A order was securely delivered with a smile

| November 19, 2022

Our Chick-fil-A order last week was “securely” delivered to our car by a law enforcement officer … and with a smile (wish I could have tipped him)! My kind of city and state. Community outreach does not get much better than this! #lawenforcement & @ChickfilA working together to keep the line moving. 😉 — […]

Learning the phonetic alphabet at a young age

| November 16, 2022

While talking with an aviation (and space) acquaintance on Twitter earlier this week, I mentioned that while playing “old-school” Battleship with my granddaughter, that I was teaching her the phonetic alphabet (military, aviation, nautical, amateur radio, etc). Thankfully while playing the game, we only made it to “K” since the grid on the game only […]

Remembering Lt. Frederick Howard on this Veterans Day

| November 11, 2022

Although there are many who serve or served our country we can think about on this Veterans Day, I’ve opted to reflect on my late father-in-law, Frederick Howard, who navigated B-26 bombers over Europe in World War II. He was definitely part of the “Greatest Generation” and volunteered immediately when he came of age and […]

Music Monday: An aviation photo triggered a memory of a funky boombox McDonalds commercial from years ago

| October 31, 2022

It doesn’t get any odder than seeing a “very low” fly-by photo from a fellow aviation enthusiast Ron Eisele on Twitter and having it trigger a “how low can you go” McDonalds commercial from way back when??? It’s probably not an appropriate Music Monday, but the music well is dry today … so I’m using […]

Idioms: The whole – or full – nine – six – yards phrase

| October 30, 2022

Although the meme floating around social networks (the one at the bottom of this post) is probably not correct, I enjoyed it enough to do a little digging. Personally I’ve always thought that “the whole (or full) nine (six) yards” had to do with the innings in a baseball game (old article below), so I […]

Music Monday: A recovery message from Jimmy Buffett

| October 10, 2022 — Jimmy Buffett (@jimmybuffett) October 6, 2022

Filler Friday: Do you enjoy photos of our moon? #space

| October 7, 2022

Not that I’m trying to promote astrophotographers (although have mentioned this photographer before) or the selling of things on my blog, but since I enjoy maps and space photography … check out this from Andrew McCarthy (see Sunrise on the Highlands).

Imagine learning to operate the Lockheed F-117 #aviation

| October 4, 2022

The Lockheed F-117 was one of the most specialized and sophisticated aircraft to ever enter USAF service. Purpose built to defeat radars, it was all square and flat, a fact, reflected in the aircraft’s boxy cockpit. (@realairpower1)

Music Monday: “I Don’t Want To Know” – Fleetwood Mac

| October 3, 2022

Several years ago in 2018, Fleetwood Mac was at the top of my music listening as was evident by the number of posts regarding a Rumours of Fleetwood Mac concert Brenda and I enjoyed in Cincinnati. It doesn’t seem possible that was 4 years ago? Since I personally have rated their “Rumours” album the best […]

Who knew? Prairie dogs used the Bernoulli principle

| September 24, 2022

In order to ensure sufficient oxygen within their burrow, prairie dogs use the Bernoulli’s principle. One of the entrances is built with a raised mound of dirt, while the other is not. This determines different wind velocities and different pressures. (Massimo – @Rainmaker1973) Bernoulli flow and viscous entrainment were identified by the researchers as the […]

Motorheads are slowly showing interest in EVs #automotive

| August 20, 2022

My social participation in automotive groups and forums that were common for me decades ago (CinciTDI, TDIClub, etc) have shifted to social media friends on Facebook groups (not so much anymore) and Twitter (daily). Those contacts include a bunch of automotive journalist as well as people just interested in cars and trucks. The conversations has […]

Tech Friday: Campaign to fix the Apple iMessaging problem

| August 19, 2022

Google and their Android mobile OS platform has a social media campaign running to hopefully get Apple to fix their widely used text messaging app called iMessage. For years now, sending messages between Apple iPhones and other iDevices has frustrated many a users trying to communicate with friends and family. Google would like Apple to […]

When hammerhead sharks feed, stay on the beach #video

| August 18, 2022

It is summer vacation season … and shark video time … so here’s one from Twitter of a LARGE Hammerhead Shark chasing a stingray in Orange Beach, Alabama. Whoa … it’s better to stay out of the water when this is happening. I’ll stick with just looking at the little Sand Tiger Sharks.

Video: Comparing a few different wall anchors for screws

| July 23, 2022

Here’s a very short video highlighting several different kinds of popular wall anchors or mollies and how easy they are to use compared to each other. I saw it on social media and found it an interesting tidbit for woodworking or for those of us spending time in a workshop.

Art: “Tired” Elephant sculpture

| July 22, 2022

Just a Friday filler post for today since I’m too “tired” to blog. 😊

Astrophotography and The Sombrero Galaxy (Messier 104)

| July 12, 2022

For the good and the bad, Twitter’s AI algorithms do feed my astrophotography and amateur astronomy interests. Here’s a space photo of galaxy Messier 104 or better known as The Sombrero Galaxy. For a max sized download from of the Sombrero Galaxy, click this LINK

Automotive freedom: The politics of fossil fuel factors in

| July 2, 2022

In one of my social media automotive threads, I saw this comparison graphic and it triggered my thinking … both from a “freedom to choose” and “work need” perspective vs a “forced to comply” based on ever-changing environmental concerns or fiscal reasons … usually by politicians (regulation, taxes, dis-incentives or incentives). People are likely to […]

A neighbor playing practical joke with a plastic armadillo

| June 22, 2022

I’m sure what I think about this, but when I heard about it on Twitter from someone in Texas, it did make me laugh. As the story goes, it seems a couple of neighbors enjoy joking with each other as they attempt to “outdo” each other with practical jokes. One neighbor was out of town […]

Astrophotography is an interesting but expensive hobby #TBT

| June 16, 2022

As the warm evening and nights of summer arrive, I catch myself looking up at the sky again. It may have started with a purpose back when Charlie (Kamikaze) and I were locally sailing the “Fiberpile” and studying celestial navigation before there was much more than radio directional finders (LoranC was too costly and wasn’t […]

Buttercups photo and reflecting on another school shooting

| May 28, 2022

We are enjoying my late mother-in-law’s transplanted Buttercups (Ranunculus) that we brought home from the Jamestown, NY farmhouse (winter pics). Initially, Brenda’s sister Chris asked me to bring her some home for her since I was the one driving back and forth to western New York to clean out, take care of the property and […]

Tech Friday: What is all this Web3 decentralized internet about?

| May 20, 2022

While discussing the ever-changing way in which we use the “web” with a friend, he shared an “explainer“ video from Harvard Business Review earlier this month on Web3 (Web 3.0). It is also on YouTube and offers a glimpse into what they refer to as “read/write/own” information.

James Garner’s TAG Heuer Carrera watch up for auction

| May 1, 2022

As a James Garner fan and follower of his daughter Gigi on Twitter, I enjoyed a recent article highlighting raising money for animal welfare with his famous TAG Heuer Carrera watch (below). Earlier this year I was impressed with his daily driver, a 2009 Cadillac CTS 4-door sedan up for auction on Barrett-Jackson, raising $100,000 with […]

Big news: Twitter accepted buyout offer from Elon Musk

| April 26, 2022

The financial markets have been following the Federal Reserves messaging regarding tightening their easy money policies and has been selling off the last few days. The more aggressive, but late stance to slow inflation is one needed piece of the puzzle … although also heights concerns over slow growth or even a recession. That news […]

My son Taylor will like a tweet/photo in my Twitter feed

| April 24, 2022

For a better reference to the subject line, see this post! (tweet below) 😊

Amateur Astronomer photo of M51 – Whirlpool Galaxy

| April 17, 2022

No time for a post today so I’ll include an amateur astronomer’s photo of M51 – Whirlpool Galaxy from a space-oriented social network group that was impressive.

Music Monday: “Early Morning Rain” – Gordon Lightfoot (image) … Can you see it?

| April 4, 2022

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Freedom, bravery and sacrifice represented in 1, ok 2, photos

| February 26, 2022

(click photo for actual Flag of Ukraine) Zelensky refuses US offer to evacuate, saying ‘I need ammunition, not a ride’ (CNN) Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has turned down an offer from the United States of evacuation from the capital city Kyiv, the Ukraine embassy in Britain said Saturday on Twitter. "The fight is here; I […]

How many places do you call home … how about 11 in a lifetime?

| February 23, 2022

Interesting tidbit: According to a post on social media (take that for what it is worth), “the average person lives in 11 homes in there lifetime.” It doesn’t detail if a college dorm is considering a “home,”  but if I eliminate them … I’m up to EIGHT that I call “a residence.” In pondering my […]

Does she smile or not smile … that is the question?

| February 20, 2022

The photo to the left is one of those photos taking up bandwidth and being passed around the Internet in emails and on social networks. The assumption is that most people see a photo of a girl who is NOT smiling. The suggestion is that if you “squint” a bit, you can see a photo […]

Tech Friday: Testing Twitter labels for automated bots

| February 18, 2022

Over the years of playing (learning) Linux, setting up APIs and running webservers on a few Raspberry Pi computers, I’ve set up a Twitter “bot” in order to track them and keep them running. Last September 2021 Twitter launched an experiment of labels for these kinds of accounts that was voluntary. I run a “bot” […]

Starting a woodworking project on a cold winter weekend

| February 8, 2022

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The Earth without water or atmosphere … and Mauna Kea #TBT

| February 3, 2022

We rarely think about that which we cannot see … but saw a photo of the earth without water or the normal colors associated with having an atmosphere on social media and thought it was intriguing. Another comment that was made was that “IF” you were to stand on Mauna Kea in Hawaii without water, […]

Something a bit more amateur for this week’s Music Monday

| December 27, 2021

Social media is filled with nastiness and ugly news … but it is also a place for upbeat positive news, scripture, prayer requests and a shared love of song and some heartwarming father-daughter bonding.  I’m not sure who these “smiling” amateur singers are that appeared on my Twitter feed, but it made my day and […]

Time magazine’s Person of the Year for 2021 – Elon Musk

| December 26, 2021

Before the year 2021 disappears, it is worth highlighting Time magazine’s pick for Person of the Year  – although I generally just roll my eyes. This time in picking Elon Musk, it is hard to disagree. The pick of Musk, the richest man on Earth, is a good one as he is not only an […]

Not the Christ you want, but the Christ you need

| December 24, 2021

It is not easy to follow Christ, but His teachings, AND gift of salvation, are what we sinners need. Then He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”  – Matthew 4:19 While mailing out our Christmas cards, decorating our Christmas tree and reflecting on this past year, I listened […]

Happy Winter Solstice; it is the shortest day of the year.

| December 21, 2021

The planetary astronomer and science guru, Dr. James O’Donoghue, that I follow on Twitter posted a great video illustration that explains today, December 21st … or more appropriately a couple of days that occur as the seasons change. Today is the winter solstice and it marks the shortest day in the northern hemisphere. On December […]

Following NASA’s Perseverance Mars Rover as it explores

| December 17, 2021

It has been interesting following NASA’s Perseverance Mars Rover “virtually” since the launch on July 30, 2020 and landing on Mars February 18, 2021. Since that time, Perseverancehas sent back hundreds of photos from the surface, collected (core samples) rocks and spent time “off-roading” on the surface. The terrain photo above (click it for larger) […]

The “fuel surcharge model” for TV cable content delivery?

| December 11, 2021

It is a sneaky way to increase what I thought was a customer to Cincinnati Bell “contracted-each-year” cable TV and Internet monthly bill? Nope, according to @CincyBell … after being mislead by customer service that the below increases were “government related fees” and “out of their control” … the increases are negotiated contracts with content […]

Tech Friday: Is there too much of YOU on the Internet?

| December 3, 2021

As years of your personal information accumulates on servers across the Internet, do you ever wonder just how much of your data has evolved from a generic interpreted sketch, to a colorful painting with specific details … to now a high resolution gigabyte sized photo of you and your life? Well it is past due […]

Green cars and hopefully green grass seed edging our driveway

| December 1, 2021

Earlier this week on Twitter I shared this parking photo and thought that maybe my next vehicle should be “green?” But really just wanted to archive the kind of grass seed being used to reseed and along the edge of our new driveway.

A practical lesson for students who insist that socialism works

| November 27, 2021

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog