RichC | October 29, 2021
It has been a slow process in giving up on Facebook … now Meta. I really never used it much as a social media platform, but stayed in touch with family over the years with it. The past few years I’ve tried to check in monthly and may have posted update every other month or […]
Category: Apple, Cellphone, Computer, Privacy, Social Media, Tablet, Technology |
Tags: apple,, delete, facebook, fb, instagram, ios, meta, privacy, tech friday, techfriday, tracking, whatsapp
RichC | July 15, 2021
After seeing this photo of someone workbench screwdriver holder, I don’t feel quite as bad about my multiple tool boxes and workbench racks. Without a doubt, I do have my share of tools and gadgets, but I’m not sure how many screwdrivers it is necessary to have in one holder? The Facebook photo above aside, […]
Category: Human Interest, Memories, Personal, Photos, Social Media, TBT, Tools |
Tags: 2-factor, booksafe, boy scouts, boys life, facebook, magazines, memories, popular mechanics, scout life, scouts, screwdrivers, security, toolbox, tools
RichC | April 11, 2021
Last week my sister-in-law shared an update on her Facebook page of some well-known Hollywood celebrities that I thought would be interesting to at to MyDesultoryBlog. I downloaded the 30+ different-sized photos, resized a few and decided it might work as an automated slide show (if you want my resized originals, download this .zip archive). […]
Category: Blogs, Entertainment, Human Interest, Memories, Photos, Social Media |
Tags: actors, aging, ani gif, anigif, blog, celebrities, facebook, hollywood, onu, Photos, slideshow, then and now, zip
RichC | November 26, 2020
Since I’m pre-writing this by a few days for Throwback Thursday #TBT, I realized just before post it that it will also be Thanksgiving on Thursday. Our family won’t be getting together as usual (same for a lot of families for a COVID19 resurgence), but ours was planned that way since we rotate holidays; Katelyn, […]
Category: Archive, Holiday, Memories, Personal, Photos, Social Media, TBT |
Tags: apron, aprons, bluhm, bobby, diane, facebook, family, grandfather, grandmother, granny, howard, richard bluhm, richc, ronc, ruth bluhm, TBT, thanksgiving, throwback, thursday
RichC | August 3, 2020
This content is restricted.
Category: Music, Social Media, Video |
Tags: captain, facebook, jimmy buffett, kid, mp3, mp4, music monday, musicmonday, parrothead, video
RichC | May 11, 2020
One of posts that once received a lot of traffic on my blog was Jacob Tolliver playing a piano in an Ohio hardware store several years ago. The Facebook embed was taken down, but I reposted the video from YouTube last year. I must not have been the only one who appreciates watching those with […]
Category: Blogs, Entertainment, Music, Social Media, Video |
Tags: facebook, Music, music monday, musicmonday, piano, public, social network, video
RichC | April 29, 2020
As one commenter on the Bluewater Sailing and Cruising FB social group stated, “People are disgusting.” Its also what we are all seeing in the parking lots of our communities during the coronavirus pandemic. All kinds of PPE is being lazily discarded. Without thinking, people toss their used rubber gloves, wipes and masks after they […]
Category: Environment, Health, Human Interest, Nature, Sailing, Social Media |
Tags: careless, coronavirus, covid19, disgusting, facebook, gloves, grocery stores, humans, litter, oceans, polution, society, wipes
RichC | January 24, 2020
Just your average PSA guys. Just because you use jack stands, doesn’t mean you’re safe. Always throw something else under the car if you’re going to be under it. My father and I just had a trusty old jack stand fail. Folded right over unexpectedly, luckily he was just rotating tires at the time, so […]
Category: Automotive, Social Media |
1 Comment
Tags: aaron peters, facebook, jack stands, psa, social network, subaru
RichC | December 15, 2019
I’ve often questioned just how much data is being collected by Facebook, Google, Amazon, etc … but considering I’m a relatively light user of FB … getting push timely advertising is a bit creepy. I called my insurance company last week for a windshield repair/replacement for our 2010 BMW X5 35d and handled the entire […]
Category: Automotive, Blogs, BMW, Diesel, Marketing, Personal, Photos, Social Media, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: advertising, BMW, chip, crack, facebook, information, insurance, internet, privacy, safelite, windshield, x5 35d
RichC | October 6, 2019
Saw this on one of my Facebook car groups and couldn’t help but posting on Twitter!
Category: Automotive, Humor, Social Media |
1 Comment
Tags: automotive, carseat, facebook, Humor, parenting, social media, symbol, twitter
RichC | September 29, 2019
This must be what it was like to live in the Jurassic era … or camping in the Everglades as mating season begins for the gators in Florida? (been there, done that!) A post on Facebook from the Naples Zoo at Caribbean Gardens in Naples, Florida shows three alligators bobbing in the water, making loud […]
Category: Environment, Nature, Video |
Tags: alligator, bellow, dinosaurs, facebook, florida, jurassic, mp4, naples, video, zoo
RichC | August 2, 2019
Even if you don’t regularly using cloud storage services (likely your smartphone is), most of us are at some point backing up data from our computers or using services online that store our data on major cloud storage companies. I’ve personally had a growing concern over the race for quantum computing which eventually will make […]
Category: Cloud, Computer, Software, Technology |
Tags: amazon, apple, cloud, computing, data, facebook, google, malware, microsoft, nso, online, pegasus, quantum, security, spyware, storage, tech friday, techfriday
RichC | July 19, 2019
Disturbing and “creepy” (as Katelyn messaged) … although I don’t mind looking a bit younger.
Photoshop in the old days was fun to play around with, but nowadays, video and photo manipulation is beginning to frighten me. Taylor sent me this age-changing photo from our weekend at Put-In-Bay using FaceApp. Although there is […]
Category: Innovation, Personal, Photography, Photos, Social Media, Technology |
Tags: aging, faceapp, facebook, katelyn, manipulation, ohio, Photos, photoshopped, put in bay, richc, taylor, tech friday, techfriday
RichC | July 12, 2019
There are challenges from users and governments facing several of the companies who make money advertising to the millions of eyeballs and the marketing of users personal data. We all want “free services,” but most people dislike the collection and selling of their personal data or having to sift through advertising … especially when it […]
Category: Business, News, Politics, Social Media, Technology |
Tags: debate, facebook, google, hate, rules, social media, tech friday, techfriday, twitter, youtube
RichC | April 26, 2019
Likely I am not alone in constantly reevaluating the pros and cons of participating in social media. I’ve purposely limited my exposure to only a couple of platforms even though I enjoy staying in touch with friends and acquaintances … and generally don’t have a problem with people respectfully debating news and politics. Facebook as […]
Category: Business, Financial, News, Personal, Social Media, Technology |
Tags: facebook, idioms, opinion, social media, tech friday, techfriday, techonogy, twitter, words
RichC | April 1, 2019
This is a repost from Facebook and a blog post from 5 years ago … but after someone sent me a message last week about not being able to view the embedded FB video, I decided to repost and archive the impressive piano playing of Jacob Tolliver on an “unfinished piano in a Portsmouth Ohio […]
Category: Archive, Music, Social Media, Video |
Tags: facebook, hardware, jacob tolliver, music monday, musicmonday, piano, steven hayes, store, video, youtube
RichC | January 29, 2019
Just another "Patriots are in the Super Bowl" year again. Whoop-de-do. Scott Bilik and I have been Internet “tech” friends for a long time … and humorously is my Twitter “Godfather.” He has suffered his share of heartache having lost his wife Michelle to cancer in 2013, but remains strong in his faith and marches […]
Category: Friends, Humor, Social Media, Sports |
Tags: admin, facebook, football, geek, graphic, Humor, nfl, programming, scott bilik, server, sudo, superbowl, tech, twitter
RichC | October 13, 2018
A friend from a Facebook group posted a 1982 Mercedes Benz advertisement with a W123 beauty – I thought it looked pretty close to my ‘82 MB 300D Turbodiesel. Nice! When the W123 went out of production in 1986 it had surpassed the Stroke Eight as the bestselling Mercedes-Benz with more than 2.5 million cars […]
Category: Automotive, Diesel, History, Marketing, Mercedes, Photos |
1 Comment
Tags: 300d, advertising, car club, diesel, facebook, hagerty, magazine, mercedes benz, turbodiesel, W123
RichC | July 27, 2018
If you have any vested interest in the stock market, Thursday’s huge drop for social networking’s behemoth Facebook ($FB), demonstrated what go up, can come down … and can come down fast! The "biggest ever one-day loss in market value for a U.S. listed company" happened yesterday and saw investors in $FB (or any pension […]
Category: Financial, Social Media, Technology |
Tags: FAANG, facebook, fb, investing, netflix, nflx, stocks, tech friday, trading, wsj
RichC | June 19, 2018
I generally do not read longer Facebook posts, but while scanning a few friends comments on Father’s Day remembering their dads, Kathy Pangborn (good friend and neighbor of my inlaws) reposted a story that had me remembering the different father-types that I knew. Neither my mother or father-in-laws’ or mother or fathers’ parents (my grandparents) […]
Category: Advice, Business, Education, Financial, Human Interest, Quotes, Social Media |
1 Comment
Tags: advice, consolidated, cpp, dad, Education, facebook, fathers, fathers day, hands, printing, quotes, skills, story, thoughts, work
RichC | March 25, 2017
Just when you think you’ve heard and read it all when it comes to sailing and telling the story … Guirec Soudée and his chicken Monique goes one step further. Crazy. The adventure of Monique & Guirec Our adventure is going global! Thank you all for your support! Notre aventure se mondialise! Merci à tous […]
Category: Blogs, Human Interest, Sailing, Social Media, Video |
Tags: chicken, facebook, french, liveaboard, sailing, sailor, video
RichC | December 16, 2016
Got to love Facebook for connecting people who love the same things … in this instance, a naval architect and sailing guru Robert Perry has posted a couple of his favorite photos of one of his early designs — the Baba 30 (our first sailboat, Brenich). It was a beautiful boat and enjoyable to […]
Category: Memories, Photos, Sailing, Social Media |
Tags: baba 30, design, facebook, robert perry, sailboat, ta shing
RichC | November 3, 2016
This is not a feel photo or story, and I suspect like me, seeing 4 year-old Jessica Whelan suffering from cancer and in pain in front of her dad is enough to bring tears to the eyes of any parent. For those sheltered from this kind of agony, a social network shared photo like this speaks […]
Category: Faith, Health, Photos, Social Media |
Tags: cancer, facebook, pain, photo, suffering, whelan
RichC | May 19, 2016
When consuming the news and information, whether on the Television or any other news media, it is important to pay attention to the biases of who is “painting the picture.” Off the top of my head, I’m thinking about how Facebook priorities their newsfeed.
Category: Marketing, News, Politics |
Tags: bias, facebook, media, newsfeed
RichC | December 3, 2015
I’m not going to repost the lost message from Thanksgiving in Wayzata, MN this year, but some of the personal photos are on Facebook (I don’t post there too often, but in case you want to connect click here).
Category: Holiday, Personal, Photos, Social Media |
Tags: facebook, family, thanksgiving
RichC | May 28, 2015
It looks as if Twitter is getting a head start in taking social media into the publishing realm by going after Flipbook. Facebook is working deals with news organizations and consolidating into users streams, but $TWTR has decided to buy their way into the publishing business – undisclosed price but some speculate it is close […]
Category: Business, Financial, Technology |
Tags: $TWTR, acquisitions, facebook, fb, flipboard, investing, publishing, twitter
RichC | May 3, 2015
Brenda and I knew the good news when we were on vacation last week that Taylor received an offer from Clermont County, Ohio … although Taylor didn’t yet returned to Williston North Dakota to submit his resignation properly (therefore no public blog post). On Friday, Taylor submitted his letter and verbal resignation to his superiors […]
Category: Business, Education, Personal, Productivity, Social Media |
Tags: clermont, county, facebook, family, planning, taylor, williams, williston
RichC | November 25, 2014
Twitter has been my preferred social networking connection since February 2007 as @richc (and as a blog announcement @mydesultoryblog) and tweets are nearly 10,000. Hmm, I wonder what it should be … maybe this post? As for social networking, I prefer Twitter for immediate news, customer service issues and a quick exchange of ideas or […]
Category: Social Media |
Tags: blog, facebook, google, twitter
RichC | November 8, 2014
For the past several years I’ve tried to keep Facebook as the social networking place for family sharing, although I did include some close friends. Over time, I’ve added a few more who connected from my past and am finding its no longer just a place for staying up-to-date with the family (I’ve heard old […]
Category: Social Media, Video |
Tags: explainer, facebook, newsfeed, vimeo
RichC | September 25, 2014
I posted a question on a Facebook group today for liveaboard sailors regarding sailing knives using’s animated GIF to Facebook posting. I’m not sure how many other GIF hosting services are out there for Facebook but Giphy worked well. There are times on a rolling sailboat where using both hands to open a folding […]
Category: Sailing, Social Media |
Tags: facebook, folding, groups, knife, sailboat, sheepsfoot, tactical
RichC | August 25, 2014
Uncommon brilliance from a voice “for” the common man … that would be Mike Rowe. His answer to a reader Facebook post from earlier this month is worth reading. Off The Wall Interesting conversation over on the wall. It was started by a guy called Jayson LaVictorie, who has posted a few thousand words about […]
Category: Education, Financial, Innovation, Politics, Social Media |
Tags: blue collar, debate, facebook, mike rowe, pledge, sweat, work
RichC | August 19, 2014
Don’t you wonder what it must have been like to be picking up a few hardware items in Portsmouth Ohio and hear this coming from a young man and an unfinished piano? Impressive. (after being told the FB was no longer working for someone, I’ll archive the video below the embed) Post by Steve Hayes.
Category: Music, Social Media, Video |
Tags: facebook, jacob tolliver, piano, talent
RichC | July 29, 2014
My morning routine includes turning on CNBC for my business news, trading and investing “fix” and the segment on the Facebook vs. Twitter social networking challenge peaked my interest. As expected, the focus was primarily which stock would make an investor the most money. Obviously Facebook has a significant lead both in platform maturity and […]
Category: Financial, Social Media |
1 Comment
Tags: facebook, finance, investing, Social Networking, trading, twitter
RichC | April 7, 2014
I don’t necessarily call Sidney, Ohio “home” since I only spent the last couple years of high school there and then was off to college, but I do returned regularly to visit my dad who has been there over 30-some years. I’m not really sure exactly what I should call a “hometown” … something my […]
Category: Archive, Friends, History, Social Media, Video |
Tags: dadc, facebook, jacqui, rob pottorf, sidney ohio
RichC | September 10, 2013
Taylor took a bold step toward his future by accepting a planning position in North Dakota. Since graduating from Miami University in May, the resumes and cover letters have been many, but openings in his field few. With the feedback always highlighting a desire for more experience, Taylor decided that starting his planning career in […]
Category: Personal, Photos, Social Media |
Tags: career, facebook, planning, taylor
RichC | August 12, 2013
A few years ago Facebook rocketed to popularity as a social network for the .EDU college crowd … or .edu to be net savvy (lc). This emerging adult crowd was the envy of every high school teen and "wanna be older" pre-high student and having a Facebook account was a coming of age milestone. Parents […]
Category: Cellphone, Computer, Social Media, Technology |
Tags: facebook, mashable, network, social
RichC | August 11, 2013
Thanks to Facebook, I had a chance to meet up with a friend from high school (and grad school) that I haven’t seen in 30+ years. We had a mutual love for photography and both headed in different directions after school. She married and moved to Cincinnati and I married and started life in Cleveland. […]
Category: Personal, Photography, Photos, Social Media |
Tags: cincinnati, facebook, friends, jacqui, reconnecting, school, sidney
RichC | January 3, 2013
I’m not a big social networking guy, but I do send tweets to Twitter, post a newsy story or two to Google+ and send a photo or two to Facebook once a month for family (and to a lessor extent use a few other social networks) … but Google is using its behemoth size to […]
Category: Social Media, Technology |
Tags: facebook, g+, google, social network
RichC | December 26, 2012
If you are confused over the privacy settings on social networking sites, particularly Facebook, you are not alone. Short suggestion: Assume everything you post is public … because it can certainly end up that way … just ask Randi Zuckerberg. As networks grow and friends connect to other friends, eventually the images and comments you […]
Category: Advice, Social Media |
Tags: facebook, network, sharing, social, Technology
RichC | October 19, 2012
After receiving plenty of election oriented phone calls this year, it is time to purge all my phone numbers from the public roles … something I thought I had been doing for years — obviously not! An area overlooked my some is the increasingly popular way to share address and phone number data with contacts […]
Category: Advice, Cellphone, Computer |
Tags: facebook, look-up, phone number, privacy, telemarketing
RichC | July 27, 2012
I spend a few hours each day focused on trading and inventing and have been regularly asked about my opinion on buying Facebook stock. My reply has often been that it is a great company and is one of the leaders (if not “thee” leader) in social networking, but Mr. Zuckerberg and Company hasn’t figured […]
Category: Financial, Social Media, Video-TV |
1 Comment
Tags: cnbc, dan niles, facebook, investing
RichC | May 21, 2012
So much for day two of the Facebook IPO … no need to look here for some stock market excitement. As the Star Wars line goes, “These aren’t the droids you’re looking for … move along.” Perhaps there was just too much hype? Thankfully I didn’t jump when offered a few shares at $38 … […]
Category: Financial |
Tags: facebook, fb, finance, investing, ipo, stocks
RichC | May 18, 2012
Facebook made it stock market debut today with a $5 move from the $38 IPO price to above $42/share and then kind of drifted back to close the day at $38.23. There was plenty of interest. Lots of hype and even a NASDAQ snag to prevent an on time opening this morning. For employees of […]
Category: Financial, Social Media |
Tags: facebook, fb, finance, ipo, stocks
RichC | May 17, 2012
Stock market heads down again as investors and traders head for the sidelines and U.S. Treasuries, which by the way are hitting all time lows. In fact the 10-year note closed at 1.70% yield … a record low yield for the security of U.S. notes. On the other hand the much anticipated Facebook IPO (FB) […]
Category: Financial |
Tags: facebook, fb, fixed income, treasuries
RichC | February 20, 2012
As I’ve mentioned before, one of the primary reasons I don’t post or visit my Facebook account very often is because it is the domain of my kids and their friends. I’m sure I would not have wanted a nosy parent watching everything I said and did … so I didn’t focus on it as […]
Category: Personal, Politics, Sailing, Social Media |
Tags: encore, facebook, gipper, reagan, sailboat, taylor
RichC | February 2, 2012
Yup … FB .. that’s the stock exchange symbol for Facebook; the biggest IPO of the year, or past few years. This will be the largest web-based company to have an initial public offering since GOOG went public (believe it or not, GM in 2010 was the overall largest). It will instantly turn Mr. Zuckerberg […]
Category: Financial, Social Media, Technology |
Tags: facebook, fb, investing, ipo, social network, stocks, zuckerberg
RichC | August 11, 2010
According to a friend who lives in New Hampshire, at least one political candidate seems willing to go pretty low – link. In a Facebook post (below) which referenced the airplane crash in Alaska which took the life of long time Senator Ted Stevens, New Hampshire Democratic candidate Keith David Halloran posted, "Just wish Sarah […]
Category: Obituary, Politics, Social Media |
1 Comment
Tags: dailycaller, facebook, Politics, stevens
RichC | April 22, 2010
What are you doing when you click the Facebook “Like” button? You might want to think twice before you divulge your taste to companies who might be interested in marketing to you … especially if you prefer your privacy. The social networking giant Facebook has a potential goldmine of user information that can be marketed […]
Category: Computer, Social Media, Technology |
Tags: facebook, Marketing, Social Networking, wsj
RichC | March 7, 2010
We had a slow start to the day after a frustrating delayed flight out of Cincinnati — we were switched to a smaller plane. I was sardined into the just in front of the lavatory seat behind two babies (with full diapers) and a 3-4 year old (really a very good kid). Thankfully things got […]
Category: Personal, Travel, Video |
Tags: comair, delta, facebook, Travel
RichC | March 6, 2010
I’m a couple days late in commenting on the newly released Facebook application for the Palm webOS smartphones, but wanted to mention that it has been significantly improved. If you are a Facebook user, or even a newbie, the enhancements available for the Pre and Pixi make the popular social networking site almost worth using. […]
Category: Cellphone, How-To, Productivity, Social Media, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: facebook, palm, pixi, Social Networking, webos
RichC | February 8, 2010
Looks like a little more competition for those carving out their space in social networking? Google Inc. is taking a swipe at Facebook Inc. and Twitter Inc. with a new feature that makes it easier for users of Gmail to view media and status updates shared online by their friends.Google could announce the new Gmail […]
Category: Business, Computer, Social Media |
Tags: facebook, gmail, google, networking, social
RichC | January 20, 2010
After years of resisting the thought of using ‘my kids’ preferred social networking site Facebook, I’m starting get the urge to check my “wall” (or “walls” plural – explained below) once in a while. Usually this occurs after being send a link, or receiving an email invite from someone I might, or might not, know. […]
Category: Personal, Social Media |
Tags: college, facebook, friends, skype, Social Networking
RichC | December 14, 2009
With the republishing of a Christmas article on Facebook from sailing author Gary “Fatty” Goodlander, I’ve been re-thinking my vow to avoid this social networking site. Facebook being my kids preferred peer-to-peer (no geek humor intended) communications medium, I’ve avoided it not wanted to look like a ‘helicopter parent. So far, its not been all […]
Category: Audio, Books, Humor, Sailing |
Tags: cruising, facebook, fatty, fatty goodlander, friends, goodlander, sailng