RichC | February 7, 2025
MarsEdit has been my WordPress blogging software of choice for 2 years now and although there have been a few disappointments since moving from the non-supported Windows Live Writer or Open Live Writer software (both PC only), it has been great to be able to work from my MacBook Air M2 … but more importantly, […]
Category: Blogs, Idioms, Productivity, Software, Technology |
Tags: blogging, idiom, idioms, look back, marsedit, Software, tech friday, techfriday, wordpress
RichC | January 10, 2025
Elon Musk’s verson of email called Xmail can’t come soon enough for a lot of Google Gmail users and as a way to dump my 70,009 Gmail SPAM collection.
Although did remember an older Windows 95 X Mail (logo above and insecure link) and I was hoping for some kind of improvement from ProtonMail […]
Category: Computer, Productivity, Software, Technology |
Tags: elon musk, email, gmail, pcworld, protonmail, spam, tech friday, techfriday,, xmail
RichC | December 20, 2024
As a “Stone Age” user of the Apple Macintosh computer, it is always surprising to stumble upon a feature or shortcut that I didn’t know about. Command-click the files to Quick Look I often use the Quick Look spacebar shortcut (2007) to preview a file in a folder, but until reading an iBoysoft article this […]
Category: Advice, Apple, Computer, Software, Technology |
Tags: Computer, iboysoft, keyboard, macintosh, macos, quick look, shortcuts, tech friday, techfriday
RichC | November 1, 2024
Although watching Major League Baseball was not high priority in our life this year, Brenda and I did enjoy this year’s World Series. I didn’t really have a favorite, as I’ve always had a dislike for the NY Yankees (adversary to the Cleveland Indians, now Guardians) and frankly the LA Dodgers fit that same category […]
Category: Computer, Software, Sports, Technology |
Tags: 2024, anigif, baseball, brave browser, dodgers, firefox, mlb, mozilla, tech friday, techfriday, world series, yankees
RichC | October 4, 2024
There is little doubt our family and friends aren’t the only ones who struggle with differences of opinions … be they political or technology related. In today’s case it’s not politics, Microsoft Windows vs Apple MacOS or Linux … but Google’s Android text messaging vs Apple’s iOS and their proprietary encrypted “Messages” app. Thankfully Apple […]
Category: Apple, Cellphone, Computer, Gadget, Software, Tablet, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: android, apple, google, images, ios18, ipad, iphone, mac, messaging, mvno, RCS, tech friday, text messages, usmobile, verizon, video
RichC | September 20, 2024
One of the “very few” complaints with the Apple MacBook Air M2 is that macOS Sonoma 14.6.1 (and likely all recent MacOS versions) does not have a way to make the menu bar smaller in height. This is the one display dimension that has been the most difficult to get use to in coming from […]
Category: Apple, Computer, Software, Technology |
Tags: apple, mac, macos, menu bar, pet peeve, tech friday, techfriday
RichC | August 2, 2024
Have you ever been listening to a podcast that is getting a little long-winded? Oh, there are a few of them resembling those at a Donald Trump for President rally … or more recently, his speech at the Republican Convention.
According to various reports, Donald Trump’s acceptance speech at the 2024 Republican National Convention […]
Category: Apple, Audio, Software, Technology |
Tags: app, apple, carstuffpodcast, donald trump, podcast, tech friday, techfriday, transcript, transcription
RichC | July 12, 2024
Although the Late 2012 Intel-based iMac is “aging better than President Biden,” my desktop iMac is struggling and is no longer being used as my primary computer. Still … it does work as a larger twin 27” screens desktop computer along side my MacBook Air M2 these days. Recently I cross my fingers when updating […]
Category: Acura, Apple, Automotive, Blogs, BMW, Cellphone, Politics, Software, Tablet, Technology |
Tags: aging, app, blogging, marsedit, tech friday, techfriday, update
RichC | June 25, 2024
Nothing like holding your breath while updating overdue Linux versions and WordPress to start the day. Whew … all is still well with a couple servers and WordPress installs. Good to feel like things are up-to-date.
Category: Blogs, Software, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: blog, linux, security, servers, update, wordpress
RichC | May 31, 2024
The Nord apps have been working great for the last few years and I’ve been impressed with the improvements I’ve seen to NordPass for passwords on both the Firefox and Brave (Chromium-based) browsers. My preferred daily web surfing browsers is Brave and my steady secondary desktop is Firefox. If I were to judge, Firefox works […]
Category: Apple, Computer, Software, Technology |
Tags: brave browser, macbook air, nordpass, nordvpn, tech friday, techfriday
RichC | May 3, 2024
A bigger than usual update this month for my Linux based servers and as it the norm, I spent a few minutes cleaning up storage and deleting unwanted bulked up logs (usual for me). Hopefully all will continue to run normally and that security will be improved. Personally I’ve notice a speed improvement (???), but […]
Category: Blogs, Computer, Software, Technology |
Tags: backup, linux, maintenance, server, tech friday, techfriday
RichC | April 26, 2024
Making changes to the Apple MacOS, or my current MacBook Air M2 computer workstation setup, is something I hesitate to do when everything is working smoothly. That doesn’t mean that there aren’t a few things that I wouldn’t mind Apple addressing that “might” make my life easier. First my tiny gripe … is that there […]
Category: Computer, Personal, Photos, Software, Technology |
Tags: brave, browser, chrome, extension, firefox, ipad, iphone, macbook air, tab auto refresh, text editor
RichC | April 12, 2024
Who isn’t … or more appropriately wasn’t … fond of listening to the interesting and smooth-toned audio that was part of National Public Radio (NPR) in the previous century. I spent an exorbitant amount of time in my car back then and listened to static-riddled politically conservative radio talk shows on AM radio and liberally […]
Category: Audio, Human Interest, Innovation, News, Politics, Software, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: ai, amazon, elevenlabs, npr, polly ai, tech friday, techfriday, testing, uri berliner, voice
RichC | February 8, 2024
This probably should be a Tech Friday post, but since a year has passed since starting to use MarsEdit 5 instead of Open Live Writer on MyDesultoryBlog, but I’m making this a ThrowBack Thursday #TBT post. After initially tinkering with the trial in January of 2023, I purchased a license and started using in full […]
Category: Apple, Blogs, Computer, Software, TBT, Technology |
Tags: blogging, Computer, copy'em, fastscripts, imac, macbook air, marsedit, Software, TBT
RichC | November 10, 2023
It is not a normal Tech Friday kind of week as I had some SSL problems (still do) for a few domains that I service and a Linux server update problem (primarily related to MySQL database problems). All in all I’m busy with double checking my backups, archives and snapshots to be sure there is […]
Category: Blogs, Software, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: linux, mysql, openssl, shirley horn, ssl, tech friday, techfriday, update, wordpress, wordpress6.4
RichC | November 3, 2023
For years I’ve been running Parallels on my iMac after switching from Bootcamp on the old Mac Mini. It has been a love -hate relationship, but I’ve sort of always needed to run Microsoft Windows. Since adding the MacBook Air M2 without Parallels or a Windows10 option, I’ve learned to function fairly well without “at […]
Category: Apple, Computer, Productivity, Software, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: imac, m2 chip, macbook air, macmini, parallels, tech friday, techfriday, virtual, windows10
RichC | August 11, 2023
As My Desultory Blog approaches 8000 posts, it has become increasingly clear that tags and categories are becoming worthless. Besides having too many, they are all too full and do little for me to find anything (or anyone else). The search feature has always been a problem and makes it difficult for even me to […]
Category: Blogs, Social Media, Software |
Tags: api, blog, categories, change, php, plugins, tags, tech friday, techfriday, themes, twitter, updates, wordpress
RichC | June 30, 2023
Such a simple fix; why did it take me so long to add a bit of code to the “non-supported” WordPress theme that My Desultory Blog has been using since nearly the beginning in 2005? Ugh, well it is finally good to have a “DATE” listed when using the search box. Also while checking my […]
Category: Blogs, Computer, Software, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: blog, coding, mydesultoryblog, search.php, tech friday, techfriday, theme, wordpress
RichC | March 31, 2023
One of the untouched add-ons to my computer life has been the cloud component odrive. It took me a while to add it to my new Apple MacBook Air M2, but while messing with a few upgrades this week, decided it was time to add it. First, WordPress came out with their 6.2 update so […]
Category: Apple, Cloud, Computer, Software, Technology |
Tags: aws, box, cloud, ftp, m2 chip, macbook air, marsedit, odrive, testing, update, wordpress
RichC | March 25, 2023
Much of Friday was spend trying to recover tax oriented data that has been on the Windows virtual drive on my iMac computer. Earlier this year, I started taxes and had been slowly adding data and archiving items in a folder so I could file taxes this year. All the downloads were in place and […]
Category: Apple, Computer, Software, Technology |
Tags: backup, computers, imac, parallels, timemachine, windows
RichC | March 17, 2023
It has been almost a week and I’m slowly getting comfortable with my new “open box” MacBook Air M2. Everything is working as it should, but there are changes for me in getting comfortable with smaller type and less screen real estate. I suspect a second monitor is in my future? I’ve looked at the Apple […]
Category: Apple, Computer, Software, Technology |
Tags: Air M2, display, ipad, macbook, sidecar, tech friday, techfriday
RichC | March 12, 2023
Now that I own a MacBook Air M2, it is time to get it set up for a few of the daily computer chores … like posting to My Desultory Blog. I’m still trying to get comfortable using MarsEdit5 blogging app, but do enjoy the ability to be able to write custom macros that helps […]
Category: Blogs, Computer, Photos, Software, Weather |
Tags: granddaughters, kidgenuity, macros, marsedit, snow, spring, wordpress
RichC | March 8, 2023
After a bit of time away from my aging Apple iMac and time to ponder using the MarsEdit blogging app from RedSweater as a replacement for OpenLiveWriter on Windows, I bit the bullet and purchased the software. The final push to purchase was the responsive emails from the developer Daniel Jalkut and how to set […]
Category: Apple, Computer, Photos, Productivity, Software |
Tags: app, apple, blog, daniel jalkut, logo, marsedit, testing
RichC | February 3, 2023
A fix or an update came out for MarEdit this week … and because I am really hoping to get comfortable posting to MyDesultoryBlog using this app the Mac rather than PC. There have been a few nagging issues so far in preventing my switching from Open Live Writer (Microsoft Windows world) … besides it is […]
Category: Blogs, Idioms, Photos, Software |
1 Comment
Tags: blogging, idiom, idioms, mac, marsedit, polarbear, tech friday, techfriday, testing
RichC | February 2, 2023
EXCERPT => “On November 23, 1942, the Royal Navy destroyer SS Benlomond was torpedoed by a German submarine. Poon Lim, a Chinese civilian seaman aboard the ship, found himself stranded in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Against all odds, Poon Lim survived 133 days at sea before being rescued by Brazilian fishermen.” This Carl […]
Category: Blogs, History, Software, TBT |
1 Comment
Tags: markdown, marsedit, poon lin, repost, testing
RichC | January 20, 2023
While watching NFL playoff football this month, I started looking for a app like Blogsy or BlogPad Pro that was available “in the old days” in order to post from my iPad. Unfortunately it is looking as if fewer and fewer app developer are focused on blogging software. My preferred software “was” Microsoft’s Windows Live […]
Category: Blogs, Software |
Tags: blogging, ios, ipad, mac, tech friday, techfriday, wordpress
RichC | May 25, 2022
Generally I don’t rush to updated software or computer operating systems, but noting that WordPress 6.0 has “400 bug fixes” had me deciding to backup the current MDB install and updating. So far, all good. WordPress 6.0 includes more than 500 enhancements and 400 bug fixes. This page highlights several key advancements aimed at making […]
Category: Blogs, Software, Technology |
Tags: backup, blog, bug fixes, mydesultoryblog, update, wordpress
RichC | May 20, 2022
While discussing the ever-changing way in which we use the “web” with a friend, he shared an “explainer“ video from Harvard Business Review earlier this month on Web3 (Web 3.0). It is also on YouTube and offers a glimpse into what they refer to as “read/write/own” information.
Category: Innovation, Privacy, Productivity, Social Media, Software, Technology, Video |
Tags: blockchain, decentralized, explainer, harvard business review,, internet, tech friday, techfriday, web3, youtube
RichC | April 22, 2022
The MP3 format for audio has been used on My Desultory Blog since the mid-2000s and I have contemplated a variety of other opensource options over the years. Compression choices to keep file sizes and streaming acceptable come and go and as we search for quality of audio and bandwidth for streaming becomes less of […]
Category: Audio, Blogs, Computer, Software, Technology |
Tags: apogee, app, audio, compression,, format, ipad, iphone, m4a, microphone, tech friday, techfriday, voice memo
RichC | April 8, 2022
After updating my iOS devices to 15.4 last week, I noticed a few annoying changes (normal when an operating system changes), and a few improvements. I suspected that older devices such as my iPhone 7 and older iPad would start to show signs of reduced battery life and sluggishness, yet how long nowadays do we […]
Category: Business, Computer, Entertainment, Financial, Software, Technology, Tidbits |
Tags: cable, cincinnatibell, fioptics, idiom, idioms, ios, ios15.4, tech friday, techfriday, update
RichC | February 25, 2022
A few years back while learning a little more about iPhone photography, I downloaded and tinkered with the Focos app. At the time, I liked it,but for some reason forgot about using it or that I even had it on my phone. In updating to Apple’s iOS 15.3.1 (security issues I assume), I figured it […]
Category: Apple, Cellphone, Photography, Software, Technology |
Tags: app, apple, bokeh, effect, focos, ios, iphone, photography, tech friday, techfriday
RichC | January 28, 2022
In an attempt to start 2022 off right, I’ve updated‘s WordPress to the current 5.9 … along with the interface that I’ve never learned to use or appreciate. Someday perhaps? Since this was a pretty short Tech Friday blog entry, I’ll include a JAMA guest link from my daughter that reminded her (and me) […]
Category: Blogs, Health, Software |
Tags: blog, dadc, dying, jama, katelyn, momc, tech friday, techfriday, update, wordpress
RichC | November 17, 2021
When it comes to privacy and security, especially when traveling or connecting in hotels and coffee shops, every cybersecurity expert recommends using a VPN … and especially when connecting overseas or to unknown WiFi routers. I’ve used several different free VPNs over the years starting with my own private connection back in the 2000s, but […]
Category: Advice, Cellphone, Cloud, Computer, Privacy, Software, Tablet, Technology |
Tags: cybersecurity, encryption, nordvpn, privacy, protonvpn, security, subscription, tunnelbear, vpn
RichC | October 23, 2021
It is probably inevitable that we will all be using cryptocurrency someday. The early adopters are already immersed and getting comfortable investing and trading it … perhaps too comfortable??? Risks of Leaving Cryptocurrency in Exchange A brief look at the history of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies reveals why it is dangerous to leave your crypto funds […]
Category: Advice, Business, Financial, Innovation, Software, Technology |
Tags: aldous huxley, bitcoin, brave new world, broker, crypto, cryptocurrency, exchange, finance, hardware wallet, investing, trading
RichC | August 13, 2021
Years ago (2015) it was a struggle to get Apple’s Magic Mouse to play nice with Google’s Calendar app. Since I was not the only one who had this problem, I shared a browser extension fix for Chrome that at one time I thought might be just temporarily needed (but it is still needed). It […]
Category: Apple, Computer, Productivity, Software, Technology |
Tags: apple, brave, browser, calendar, chrome, disabler, extension, google, magic mouse, maps, scroll, scrollmaps, tech friday, techfriday, zooming
RichC | August 6, 2021
For those setting up their Mac to automatically start-up applications after rebooting the computer, using the “open automatically on log in” settings in very helpful. I have found that the programs I want running most are cloud-based data storage services, but it can also be helpful for apps you may just want running all the […]
Category: Advice, Apple, Cloud, Computer, Productivity, Software, Technology |
Tags: apple, apps, cloud, computing, delay start, google drive, mac, Software, startup, tech friday, techfriday
RichC | July 9, 2021
For the last few years, I’ve been using Google’s Backup and Sync software on my iMac to back up mostly archival data to my free Google Drive space that was part of my legacy Miami University EDU teaching account. I haven’t taught in Oxford, Ohio for decades, but did spend a few dollars for Taylor’s […]
Category: Apple, Cloud, Computer, Software, Technology |
Tags: amazon, apple, aws, backup, beta, cloud, Dropbox, encryption, google, icloud, imac, microsoft, mydrive, onedrive, proton, protonmail, storage, sync, tech friday, techfriday
RichC | May 14, 2021 was overdue for a backup and since I stepped away early from my desk on Thursday, I figured the end of the day was a good time to sync online and offline storage (the backups make for a sluggish computer and data connection). Besides backing up data, it also seemed like a good time […]
Category: Blogs, Productivity, Software, Technology |
Tags: blog, hugo, idiom, idioms, maintenance, open live writer, tech friday, techfriday, update, wordpress
RichC | April 16, 2021
If you use a computer for any length of time (my “go-to” is an aging 2012 Apple iMac), you’ll find yourself cut, copy and pasting things on a regular basis. Security experts do not recommend using the cut/copy feature for secure items like user names and passwords, but that doesn’t prevent the habit of using […]
Category: Apple, Cloud, Computer, Productivity, Software, Technology, Tidbits |
Tags: apple, apps, Computer, copy, copy'm, cut, icloud, imac, ios, macintosh, macos, paste, recommend, tech friday, techfriday
RichC | March 20, 2021
A technology friend of mine, Scott Bilik (who was considered my Twitter “Godfather in 2007), has recently wiped some of the mud from his hypothetical digital footprints and is systematically freeing himself from Big Tech’s shackles. This current Silicon Valley monopoly has increased its political clout and has enticed or entrapped most of us in […]
Category: Blogs, Cloud, Computer, Education, Personal, Politics, Social Media, Software, Technology |
Tags: big tech, blog, culture, digital, jeff pitts, national socialism, nazi, opinion, Politics, propaganda, scott bilik, Technology
RichC | March 19, 2021
Although I’m not in the market for a new iPad just yet, I am (or was) a multiple hours a day user back when traveling a bit more and interested in what a Thunderbolt and M1 chipped iPad Pro might offer. At least that’s the rumor for the April 2021 launch … but who knows […]
Category: Apple, Gadget, Software, Technology |
Tags: apple, brydge, ipad, ipad os, ipad pro, keyboard, lenovo, m1 chip, rumor, silicon, tech friday, techfriday, yoga 710
RichC | March 10, 2021
After having a server glitch and failed update this morning, it seemed like a good time to backup, updated Linux and test WordPress 5.7 “Esperanza” with a post today. For the most part everything has been running fine since setting up SWAP space, but any issue triggering a crash makes me question what I’m missing? […]
Category: Computer, Humor, Software, Technology, Video-TV |
Tags: childhood, crash, crossed-fingers, favorite, gilligan's island, linux, mp4, server, swap, television, tv, update, video, wordpress
RichC | January 15, 2021
Years ago when RAM was expensive, it was common to set up a SWAP space file for additional memory on computers and servers with plenty of fast hard drive space … especially when speed was not as important as preventing crashes. As applications get a little more demanding and server traffic increases, memory use steadily […]
Category: Blogs, Computer, Raspberry Pi, Software, Technology |
Tags: Computer, linux, ram, server, swap, tech friday, techfriday, terminal, virtual memory
RichC | January 8, 2021
A simple blog upgrade project that I’ve been contemplating for a while now was one of my 2021 New Year’s resolutions … so I’m worked on it this past week’s Music Monday post. I’m not sure how long the new button and player will remain unchanged since I seem to keep testing and tweaking it; […]
Category: Audio, Blogs, Computer, Software, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: audio, blog, css, player, tech friday, techfriday, update, upgrade, wordpress
RichC | January 1, 2021
After the previous challenging server update from years on Ubuntu Linux 12, 14 and 16 to a questionable 18 upgrade … I’ve been hesitant to upgrade the server to “Focal Fossa” 20.04 in the spring and summer … so I didn’t. But now that we are at the end of the year (actually by the […]
Category: Computer, Productivity, Raspberry Pi, Software, Technology |
Tags: 20.10, Computer, groovy gorilla, linux, raspberry pi, server, tech friday, techfriday, ubuntu, update, upgrade
RichC | November 27, 2020
It is not uncommon for me to head down a rabbit hole when learning a little more about Hugo the fast static site generator (SSG). The experimenting from a few weeks ago on a 64-bit Linux ubuntu server had me wondering if it might work on a Raspberry Pi. Unfortunately with Raspian, the normal Linux […]
Category: Computer, Raspberry Pi, Software, Technology |
Tags: homebrew, hugo, linux, raspberry pi, server, tech friday, techfriday, testing, ubuntu
RichC | October 30, 2020
While doing some “self” tech-oriented education this past week, I ended up distracted after a friend tweeted and shared some information on “static site generators (SSGs)” .. so off down the “HUGO” rabbit hole I went (thanks A LOT Scott, #sarcasm – LINK to his Hugo powered Bilik.Family website). I’ve never really worked with any […]
Category: Computer, Friends, Raspberry Pi, Software, Technology |
Tags: cms, Computer, generator, hugo, scott bilik, site, Software, ssg, static, tech friday, techfriday, website
RichC | October 23, 2020
My iMac computer running macOS Catalina has been off for several days using the “shut down” command before leaving town (normally just let it “sleep”). Upon return, it was booted up and opened without requesting a login or password to unlock – highly unusual and a security issue? I’ve never had this happen before and […]
Category: Apple, Computer, Software, Technology |
Tags: catalina, login, mac, macos, security, shutdown, startup, tech friday, techfriday
RichC | September 13, 2020
I downloaded and installed the new Apple iOS 13.7 update, but hesitated since I regularly prefer blocking location services information. Both Apple and Google announced the “tracking” in April 2020, but as expected, it was met with reservation. Most users are naïve to the amount of personal data requested by apps and operation systems on […]
Category: Apple, Cellphone, Health, Software, Technology |
Tags: apple, coronavirus, covid19, iOS13, ipad, iphone, location, notification, privacy, services, tiktok, tracking, update
RichC | August 14, 2020
Friday afternoon was a day of server housekeeping, along with the week’s usual billing and accounting. It was also time to update this blog’s WordPress plugins and to the current version called “Eckstine” 5.5. In WordPress 5.5, your site gets new power in three major areas: speed, search, and security. Thankfully after the move to […]
Category: Blogs, Idioms, Software, Technology, Tidbits |
Tags: blog, eckstine, housekeeping, idiom, knock on wood, server, update, wordpress
RichC | August 7, 2020
It is always concerning to use and recommended a software product for years and to hear negative news on the software from a reputable antivirus. Last month, Microsoft Defender marked the “crap cleaner” known as CCleaner as PUA (Potentially Unwanted Software) likely due to the “PC cleaning software’s bundling unwanted add-on and annoyance software. The […]
Category: Advice, Computer, Social Media, Software, Technology |
Tags: ccleaner, defender, microsoft, pua, registry, scanning, Software, tech friday, techfriday, tweet, twitter, virus, windows, windows10
RichC | July 31, 2020
It has been a while since reviewing the stats of My Desultory Blog, but realized that one Tech Friday post in particular was getting quite a few looks. It is obvious that I’m not the only Apple Macintosh Magic Mouse user to have scrolling issue when using the popular Google Calendar and stopping the infuriating […]
Category: Advice, Computer, How-To, Productivity, Software, Technology |
Tags: brave, browser, delete, deleting, disabler, email, gmail, google, Productivity, scroll, selecting, tech friday, techfriday
RichC | July 10, 2020
As an Apple Macintosh user for nearly forever, I learned a new tip from a Verge article this past month that has not been widely talked about. It happened to come up when I was offering advice on how I rotate through and set up about 5-7 desktops and the second monitor Parallels Window side […]
Category: Apple, Computer, Productivity, Software, Technology |
Tags: apple, catalina, Computer, desktop, macos, Productivity, tips, verge
RichC | June 10, 2020
Wishing my son a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY today. I know he is getting older, but I don’t think he is THIS old yet. Yikes! A couple weeks ago Taylor sent a FaceApp photo with his college friends (a post from when they were backpacking together in Kauai). It is frightening how technology can add a […]
Category: Friends, Personal, Photography, Photos, Software, Technology |
Tags: aging, backpacking, birthday, faceapp, hawaii, kauai, photo, taylor, Technology
RichC | April 13, 2020
This content is restricted.
Category: Alexa, Apple, Computer, Friends, Music, Raspberry Pi, Software, Technology |
Tags: ads, advertising, Alexa, brave, browser, commecials, covid19, echo, gregg allman, imac, input, jackson browne, jeffp, mp3, music monday, musicmonday, pandora, premium, streaming, subscription, these days
RichC | March 6, 2020
My buddy Jeff Pitts, who has recently moved from IT to a job focused exclusively on cybersecurity for a worldwide company, tends to error on the side of caution when it comes to privacy practices. He has moved entirely to the Mac (we used to have a fun debate when he was a 100% PC […]
Category: Advice, Computer, Friends, Software, Technology |
Tags: apple, bandwidth, brave, browser, chrome, chromium, cookies, cross-site, cyber, cybersecurity, firefox, internet, jeff pitts, mac, netscape, privacy, safari, security, vpn, waterfox, web, wordpress
RichC | February 21, 2020
If you’ve been on the Internet for any length of time (post from 2007), you have likely used, or been marketed VPN services, as a way to secure your Wi-Fi connection (especially public hotspots) away from the office or home network. I’ve pitched them as a security precaution to my customers and use them when […]
Category: Advice, Cellphone, Computer, Productivity, Software, Tablet, Technology, Travel |
Tags: Computer, cyber, internet, network, online, privacy, proton, protonvpn, secure core, security, tech friday, techfriday, tunnelbear, vpn, wifi
RichC | February 12, 2020
Here’s a tech tidbit for those noticing a high CalendarAgent CPU demand on your Apple Macintosh computer. For me, the process cranked up the CPU to 60-70% trigging high fan speeds and this process continued without finishing. I noticed slightly sluggish behavior AFTER a recent MacOS software update, although might have happened prior to that? […]
Category: Advice, Apple, Computer, Software, Technology, Tidbits |
Tags: activity, apple, calendaragent, Computer, cpu, database, fix, high use, mac, macos, monitor, problems, rebuild, terminal
RichC | January 17, 2020
Back in the late 1980s when I was starting in the commercial printing and eventually ‘small time’ publishing business (Consolidated Printing and Publishing Co), I didn’t realize how far ahead of the game we were when focusing on the subscription model. Early on we were able to capitalize on few people in the printing industry […]
Category: Apple, Automotive, BMW, Business, Cloud, Computer, Financial, Personal, Photos, Software, Technology |
Tags: adobe, aldus, apple, BMW, Business, cloud, Computer, cpp, cppnet,, macintosh, model, odometer, pagemaker, printing, publishing, streaming, subscriptions, tech friday, techfriday, x5 35d
RichC | January 13, 2020
This content is restricted.
Category: Apple, Computer, Music, Software, Technology |
Tags: apple, catalina, Computer, freddy fender, imac, mp3, music monday, musicmonday, operating system, updated, wasted days, wasted nights