RichC | September 17, 2024
Most “guys” I know can get pretty anxious when waiting for a pre-ordered tech gadget to arrive (or perhaps even a new tool). I ordered a new iPhone Pro 16 Max last Friday, which was the first day it was available to order … and besides wondering about having buyers remorse, I am anxious for […]
Category: Apple, Cellphone, Gadget, Photos, Tablet, Technology |
Tags: anigif, apple, brydge, ipad, iphone, iphone 16 pro max, preorder, silicone case, update
RichC | August 13, 2024
Since today’s post was a personal family updated, here’s a lunchtime Wyze Cam filler regarding trying to treat a couple of our Red Fox regulars with mange. So far I’ve fed ivermectin to a black cat, a opossum, possibly a squirrel and two evil raccoons from a couple of cam locations. (see post). It’s a […]
Category: Nature, Technology, Video |
Tags: feeding, ivermectin, mange, mp4, red fox, treating, update, wyze
RichC | July 12, 2024
Although the Late 2012 Intel-based iMac is “aging better than President Biden,” my desktop iMac is struggling and is no longer being used as my primary computer. Still … it does work as a larger twin 27” screens desktop computer along side my MacBook Air M2 these days. Recently I cross my fingers when updating […]
Category: Acura, Apple, Automotive, Blogs, BMW, Cellphone, Politics, Software, Tablet, Technology |
Tags: aging, app, blogging, marsedit, tech friday, techfriday, update
RichC | June 25, 2024
Nothing like holding your breath while updating overdue Linux versions and WordPress to start the day. Whew … all is still well with a couple servers and WordPress installs. Good to feel like things are up-to-date.
Category: Blogs, Software, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: blog, linux, security, servers, update, wordpress
RichC | January 31, 2024
Full back up of and updated WordPress. Maintenance and Security Releases Version 6.4.3 addressed some security issues and fixed 21 bugs. For more information, see the release notes. Version 6.4.2 addressed a security issue and fixed 7 bugs. For more information, see the release notes. Version 6.4.1 addressed 4 bugs. For more information, see […]
Category: Blogs |
Tags: backup, blog, maintenance, update, wordpress
RichC | November 29, 2023
Since this week’s weeks posts include a couple end of the month personal and private family posts, it seemed like a good time add test post filler … especially after backing up and updating the Linux server Wednesday evening. Here’s a photo from the condo kitchen update that I sent to Taylor in a […]
Category: Misc, Photos |
Tags: backup, condo1718, filler post, kitchen, linux, microwave, snapshot, test, update
RichC | November 10, 2023
It is not a normal Tech Friday kind of week as I had some SSL problems (still do) for a few domains that I service and a Linux server update problem (primarily related to MySQL database problems). All in all I’m busy with double checking my backups, archives and snapshots to be sure there is […]
Category: Blogs, Software, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: linux, mysql, openssl, shirley horn, ssl, tech friday, techfriday, update, wordpress, wordpress6.4
RichC | October 16, 2023
Nothing important, but I wanted to backup the MyDesultoryBlog database and then update to WordPress 6.3.2; it is the first update since the PHP change. Thankfully all is running smoothly and the update took. All is well with the blog.
Category: Blogs, Technology |
Tags: backup, filler, php, tech friday, techfriday, update, wordpress
RichC | September 28, 2023
It is not Tech Friday, but I’ve been fighting through the nightmare of updating my blog’s very OLD modified WordPress theme so I could update it to PHP 8.2 running on my server (manually modifying theme code). Believe me, it was not without pain and suspect this is not the end of things (still problems, […]
Category: Blogs, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: blog, php, server, update, wordpress
RichC | May 19, 2023
The Linux server and WordPress version was updated this afternoon; Comet cache cleared and backups done. Hopefully all is as it should be on Since I’ve been sitting on this interesting outdoor stove project video for a while, I’ll include it below the break as a test both of the update and autoplay.
Category: Blogs, Misc, Technology, Video |
Tags: linux, mp4, server, tech friday, techfriday, testing, update, upgrade, wordpress
RichC | March 31, 2023
One of the untouched add-ons to my computer life has been the cloud component odrive. It took me a while to add it to my new Apple MacBook Air M2, but while messing with a few upgrades this week, decided it was time to add it. First, WordPress came out with their 6.2 update so […]
Category: Apple, Cloud, Computer, Software, Technology |
Tags: aws, box, cloud, ftp, m2 chip, macbook air, marsedit, odrive, testing, update, wordpress
RichC | March 21, 2023
When working with Bing‘s webmaster tools, I noticed that some search results for MyDesultory were missing. After a bit of reading, it looks as if I may have crammed too much into the index HTML page? According to their guidelines (it doesn’t impact other search engines), a heavy index page (+125KB) removes a website […]
Category: Apple, Blogs, Computer, Shopping, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: Air M2,, blog, desktop, desultory, macbook, spaceship, tweaks, update, website
RichC | December 9, 2022
About this time of year the handful of servers that I maintain need to be looked at a little closer. Often I’m only doing the minimum maintenance, updates and backups … because there are often problems after an update. Pointing being, maintenance on this server have been getting over looked and put on the back […]
Category: Blogs, Computer, Hobby, Productivity, Raspberry Pi, Technology |
Tags: amd, linux, mydesultoryblog, server, tech friday, techfriday, ubuntu, update, upgrade, wordpress
RichC | May 25, 2022
Generally I don’t rush to updated software or computer operating systems, but noting that WordPress 6.0 has “400 bug fixes” had me deciding to backup the current MDB install and updating. So far, all good. WordPress 6.0 includes more than 500 enhancements and 400 bug fixes. This page highlights several key advancements aimed at making […]
Category: Blogs, Software, Technology |
Tags: backup, blog, bug fixes, mydesultoryblog, update, wordpress
RichC | April 28, 2022
In keeping with personal home project updating, our hardwood flooring has been moving along this week. The guys are making a mess sanding … but doing their best to contain dust. We are hoping for a stain-match to our existing oak floors, but in any case, the guest bedroom and office are taking shape. Unfortunately […]
Category: Misc, Personal, Photos, Shopping |
1 Comment
Tags: bedroom, chair, floors, glass, hardwood, home, mat, oak, office, project, sanding, update
RichC | April 8, 2022
After updating my iOS devices to 15.4 last week, I noticed a few annoying changes (normal when an operating system changes), and a few improvements. I suspected that older devices such as my iPhone 7 and older iPad would start to show signs of reduced battery life and sluggishness, yet how long nowadays do we […]
Category: Business, Computer, Entertainment, Financial, Software, Technology, Tidbits |
Tags: cable, cincinnatibell, fioptics, idiom, idioms, ios, ios15.4, tech friday, techfriday, update
RichC | January 28, 2022
In an attempt to start 2022 off right, I’ve updated‘s WordPress to the current 5.9 … along with the interface that I’ve never learned to use or appreciate. Someday perhaps? Since this was a pretty short Tech Friday blog entry, I’ll include a JAMA guest link from my daughter that reminded her (and me) […]
Category: Blogs, Health, Software |
Tags: blog, dadc, dying, jama, katelyn, momc, tech friday, techfriday, update, wordpress
RichC | January 22, 2022
Archiving a couple office update photos after completing the crown molding, painting and “test” fitting of my new Samsung TV that Brenda bought me for Christmas. I also mounted the Yamaha soundbar on a couple special brackets so that the wires, etc remain behind the “skinny” television. As for the crown molding after making the […]
Category: Idioms, Misc, Personal, Photos |
Tags: flag, foolish, half-staff, idiom, idioms, molding, office, pennywise, pound, project, update, wayfair
RichC | January 11, 2022
The past weekend projects consisted mostly of trim painting and then roller painting the long and drawn out office update project. Part of it is due to other things getting prioritized … like Christmas and family … and some of it out of my dislike for painting. BUT, I finally “cut” or trim painted all […]
Category: Misc, Personal, Photos, To-Do, Woodworking |
Tags: brackets, office, painting, project, qled, samsung, soundbar, television, update, worklight, yamaha
RichC | September 10, 2021
In the never ending battle to thwart spam and fill WordPress and server vulnerabilities, a few new tools were added this week to This security and maintenance release features 60 bug fixes in addition to 3 security fixes. Because this is a security release, it is recommended that you update your sites immediately. All […]
Category: Blogs, Technology |
Tags: content, login, maintenance, mydesultoryblog, restriction, security, sign-in, spam, subscribe, tech friday, techfriday, update, wordpress
RichC | August 25, 2021
We finally got the final grading, under the concrete pipes and extra gravel ($) issue semi-resolved and have the driveway project back on track while the weather is good … although very hot. Thankfully I was able to get the stumps taken care of since our contractor did not want to risk damaging the underground […]
Category: Archive, Misc, Personal, Photos |
Tags: concrete, driveway, home, house, progress, project, update
RichC | May 14, 2021 was overdue for a backup and since I stepped away early from my desk on Thursday, I figured the end of the day was a good time to sync online and offline storage (the backups make for a sluggish computer and data connection). Besides backing up data, it also seemed like a good time […]
Category: Blogs, Productivity, Software, Technology |
Tags: blog, hugo, idiom, idioms, maintenance, open live writer, tech friday, techfriday, update, wordpress
RichC | March 10, 2021
After having a server glitch and failed update this morning, it seemed like a good time to backup, updated Linux and test WordPress 5.7 “Esperanza” with a post today. For the most part everything has been running fine since setting up SWAP space, but any issue triggering a crash makes me question what I’m missing? […]
Category: Computer, Humor, Software, Technology, Video-TV |
Tags: childhood, crash, crossed-fingers, favorite, gilligan's island, linux, mp4, server, swap, television, tv, update, video, wordpress
RichC | February 28, 2021
Just marking server and blog updates to end the month of February 2021. I’ve put this WordPress 5.6.2 update off a few weeks in order to be sure I had a full backup, etc. Note to self, check on the Seagate hard drive attached to the iMac as Time Machine backups have been regularly failing […]
Category: Blogs, Computer, Technology |
Tags: apple, backup, blog, imac, seagate, time machine, update, wordpress
RichC | January 8, 2021
A simple blog upgrade project that I’ve been contemplating for a while now was one of my 2021 New Year’s resolutions … so I’m worked on it this past week’s Music Monday post. I’m not sure how long the new button and player will remain unchanged since I seem to keep testing and tweaking it; […]
Category: Audio, Blogs, Computer, Software, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: audio, blog, css, player, tech friday, techfriday, update, upgrade, wordpress
RichC | January 1, 2021
After the previous challenging server update from years on Ubuntu Linux 12, 14 and 16 to a questionable 18 upgrade … I’ve been hesitant to upgrade the server to “Focal Fossa” 20.04 in the spring and summer … so I didn’t. But now that we are at the end of the year (actually by the […]
Category: Computer, Productivity, Raspberry Pi, Software, Technology |
Tags: 20.10, Computer, groovy gorilla, linux, raspberry pi, server, tech friday, techfriday, ubuntu, update, upgrade
RichC | September 13, 2020
I downloaded and installed the new Apple iOS 13.7 update, but hesitated since I regularly prefer blocking location services information. Both Apple and Google announced the “tracking” in April 2020, but as expected, it was met with reservation. Most users are naïve to the amount of personal data requested by apps and operation systems on […]
Category: Apple, Cellphone, Health, Software, Technology |
Tags: apple, coronavirus, covid19, iOS13, ipad, iphone, location, notification, privacy, services, tiktok, tracking, update
RichC | August 14, 2020
Friday afternoon was a day of server housekeeping, along with the week’s usual billing and accounting. It was also time to update this blog’s WordPress plugins and to the current version called “Eckstine” 5.5. In WordPress 5.5, your site gets new power in three major areas: speed, search, and security. Thankfully after the move to […]
Category: Blogs, Idioms, Software, Technology, Tidbits |
Tags: blog, eckstine, housekeeping, idiom, knock on wood, server, update, wordpress
RichC | July 21, 2020
After updating a few security features on this server, there is/was a problem (?) in posting to So as an update test, I’ll add a couple photos. The subject line question is really a trick question since the photo on the right was taken a day before the one on the left a couple […]
Category: Blogs, Personal, Photos |
1 Comment
Tags: age, beard, blog, mdb, richc, security, testing, update
RichC | July 9, 2020
While smiling and thinking about my “now domesticated son ” (HA!) after seeing a couple photos Taylor proudly sent me after updated his kitchen apartment, I realized he is now closer to middle age than living in “just out of college” bachelor pad. The pre-COVID19 days of “always going out” have adjusted to “being comfortable […]
Category: Personal, Photos, TBT |
Tags: apartment, cincinnati, east walnut hills, family, kitchen, taylor, TBT, throwback, update
RichC | June 19, 2020
Way too often those who maintain their own web servers and computers grit their teeth and cringe when it is time to update and upgrade. A month or so ago I replaced one of my servers (the one this blog is on) and suffered through the anxiety of getting everything working again. I generally follow […]
Category: Blogs, Technology |
Tags: apt-get, bionic beaver, blog, idioms, linux, phrase, server, ubuntu, update, upgrade, wordpress
RichC | May 12, 2020
After mentioning problems last week, the new webserver is up and running with a fresh install of Linux Ubuntu 18.04 “Bionic Beaver,” MySQL database and PHP 7.2 … well I actually decided to upgrade that to PHP 7.4 for a little better speed (who knows?) I’ve abandoned MongoDB for the time being for the […]
Category: Blogs, Business, Computer, Hobby, Personal, Photos, Technology, Woodworking |
Tags: blog, challenge, linux, makers mob, mysql, php, quickdex, scrap wood, update, upgrade, webserver
RichC | May 6, 2020
Today’s post serves as a test … since I’m having a few webserver and database problems. If you are a regular reader, this will also be a notice that this blog will likely be sporadic until it is fixed. Once my business sites are updated, then I’ll address my long-in-the-tooth (see below) Quickdex project site and […]
Category: Blogs, Business, Computer, Human Interest, Technology |
Tags: blog, Computer, database, idioms, maintenance, problems, quickdex, server, update
RichC | November 9, 2019
When chatting about our recent vacation to Florida with a long time customer (friend) in Akron, Ohio, he asked why we picked Delray Beach, Florida as an area to buy a condo (I detected he is beginning to think about retiring). Although I realized that I really haven’t given much thought to how we ended […]
Category: Archive, Memories, Personal, Photos, Sailing |
Tags: aerial, bathroom, brenda, brenich, condo1718, delray beach, encore, florida, History, kitchen, life, Memory, remodel, retirement, richc, sailing, update, VacationOct2019
RichC | October 11, 2019
My conclusion is that some of my most recent Apple iPhone and iPad iOS update problems stem from having older mobile devices and having loads older apps? That said, the upgrade to the mobile operating system known as iOS 13.1.2 (current) did not go smoothly for me. My iPhone 7plus is a few years old […]
Category: Apple, Cellphone, Social Media, Tablet, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: apple, fing, ios, iOS13, ipad, iphone, tech friday, techfriday, update, upgrade, virgin mobile, wifi, wireless
RichC | September 26, 2019
For those who follow or check on regularly, you know my daily musings are split between posts on a variety of newsy and topical interest items … and personal goings-on and project updates. This week has been pretty much all personal with a recent trip to check on Encore and work on Condo1718 updates. […]
Category: Archive, Misc, Personal, Photos |
Tags: condo, condo1718, cushions, delray beach, encore, florida, olefin, Personal, remodel, sewing, update, updates, upholstery
RichC | September 25, 2019
Following up on my weekend post and a few of the projects that I’m trying to complete (or get started) during my few days in Florida is the “somewhat new to me” upholstery project. It has bogged down my to-do list schedule, but I was able to get the master bathroom corner mirrors and glass […]
Category: Archive, Misc, Personal, Photos, Travel, Video, Weather, Woodworking |
Tags: a-team, condo1718, florida, master bathroom, mp4, remodel, richc, selfie, update, upholstery, video, weather
RichC | September 1, 2019
Well they don’t look like much yet, but I’ve been working on the corner mirrors for the Condo1718 master bathroom update. The mirror will be 15” by 38” and will have a 1/2” beveled edge – Brenda’s request ($$). The planned framing will be 3/4” Mosaic tiles that my wife will be trying for the […]
Category: Archive, Misc, Personal, Photos |
Tags: bathroom, condo, condo1718, delray beach, florida, frame, mirror, mosaic, remodel, update, vanity
RichC | July 18, 2019
I’m archiving the last few photos from my iPhone from this past weekend updates to Condo master bathroom. I finished what I was able to do without an extra set of hands and will do the rest the next time Brenda is in Florida with me (it is hard to set a toilet with a […]
Category: Archive, Misc, Personal, Photos, Tidbits |
Tags: bathroom, cincinnati, condo1718, corbett, delray beach, electrical, florida, foundation, master, mirror, nutone, ohio, patricia, philanthrophist, ralph, remodel, update
RichC | July 17, 2019
Finished up the vanities in the master bathroom at the condo this past weekend and all went well in putting in 5 new valves and 2 drains. I shocked even myself in that all “went as planned.” Unfortunately the struggle began when mounting the polymer rather than wood molding across the back to top off […]
Category: Archive, Misc, Personal, Photos |
Tags: bathroom, caulking, condo, condo1718, delray beach, florida, plumbing, remodel, update, vanity
RichC | July 15, 2019
My wife does not appreciate the common everyday American branded sinks, vanities or faucets … and wanted something a little more unique for the Condo master bathroom (sort of like the other bathroom update last year – see photo at bottom of post). I really didn’t think that much about it until realizing that not […]
Category: Archive, Misc, Personal, Photos |
Tags: ani gif, anigif, bathroom, condo1718, delray beach, faucet, flordia, gif, master, panorama, remodel, sink, update, vanity
RichC | June 7, 2019
A pitfall in real-time GPS mapping services is that, although they “can” highlight road construction and closures, they are not always accurate or give appropriate advice for detours or “route arounds.” This was apparent on a 16 hour drive back from Florida (see comment) and more recently for a road closing leading to our development […]
Category: Automotive, BMW, Cellphone, Social Media, Software, Technology, Travel |
Tags: android, app, BMW, detour, detours, google, GPS, iphone, maps, realtime, reporting, rerouting, tech friday, techfriday, tracking, update, waze, x5 35d
RichC | May 10, 2019
Last year’s Condo1718 update to the kitchen and guest bathroom was a bit more ambitious than this year, but so far it doesn’t seem like it. Mentally I had my timetable worked out and figured the demolition wouldn’t take all that much. Well really it didn’t, but after finding a few things not where I […]
Category: Misc, Personal, Photos, Sailing, To-Do, Travel |
Tags: bathroom, condo1718, delray beach, demolition, florida, master, plumbing, remodel, update
RichC | March 15, 2019
Just upgrading blog to WordPress 5.1.1 and needed a little text copy to try out the new editor (below). It does seem a bit snappier? BTW, did you know WordPress now powers over 1/3rd of the top 10 million sites on the web? Site Health With security and speed in mind, this release introduces WordPress’s […]
Category: Blogs, Computer, Software, Technology |
Tags: 5.1.1, editor, speedtest, tech friday, techfriday, update, wordpress
RichC | December 15, 2018
Although Brenda and I are making steady progress in getting things ready for Christmas, the iMac surgery mentioned yesterday did not go as smoothly as planned, but at least I do have backups to rebuild things from. Currently the “way too many” cloud services that I’m using are working overtime as my Time Machine archive […]
Category: Cloud, Computer, Holiday, Personal, Photos, Software |
Tags: apple, christmas, Computer, Holiday, house, imac, lighting, mojave, parallels, surgery, time machine, update
RichC | December 3, 2018
Only one little piggy had a bad day down in Florida. It was unusual for me, but decided to wear the Sperry watershoes rather than leather boat shoes while working on Encore … basically just cleaning and getting her back to pre-hurricane prep form. Unfortunately we have not been sailing enough to justify even owning […]
Category: Archive, Ideas, Innovation, Personal, Photos, Sailing, Tidbits |
Tags: blister, boatshoe, boatshoes, condo1718, encore, harbortown, kitchen, renter, sailboat, sperry, topsider, topsiders, update, watershoes
RichC | December 1, 2018
During the last trip to the condo, we enjoyed the fruits of our 2018 labor – our recent kitchen and bath updates. As is the norm for us, we discussed future projects, like updating the master bathroom too, since it looks stodgy compared to the guest bathroom. So IF we don’t find a buyer for […]
Category: Archive, Ideas, Misc, Personal, Woodworking |
Tags: archive, bathroom, condo1718, delray beach, ideas, master, projects, sink, update, vessel
RichC | November 9, 2018
Having used a Brydge keyboard with an iPad from their first introduction, I can say that IF I were to update my current iPad Air2 to the 2018 just introduced iPad Pro that I would seriously consider waiting for the 2019 Brydge keyboard … they are that good. But with all current Apple updates to […]
Category: Apple, Cellphone, Computer, Tablet, Technology |
Tags: air2, apple, brydge, ipad, ipad air, ipadpro, keyboard, review, tech friday, techfriday, update, upgrade
RichC | October 28, 2018
This content is restricted.
Category: Archive, Misc, Personal, Photos |
Tags: annalyn, bathroom, condo1718, delray beach, florida, hooks, kitchen, led, lights, remodel, shower, update
RichC | September 25, 2018
This content is restricted.
Category: Misc, Personal, Photos, Travel |
Tags: annalyn, bathroom, cleaning, condo1718, delray beach, family, florida, kitchen, remodel, update
RichC | August 2, 2018
I have, and do, support a few crowd funded projects — I’ve placied preorders taking on risk and see it as taking a small scale venture capital risk (without much reward). A couple bigger investments have been Elio and MagFast. The latter posts weekly, and relatively personal updates via YouTube video, on how the process […]
Category: Automotive, Business, Cellphone, Computer, Innovation, Technology, Video |
1 Comment
Tags: capital, crowdfunding, elio, funding, magfast, motors, segnet, seymour, thingcharger, update, venture, youtube
RichC | July 17, 2018
This content is restricted.
Category: Archive, Personal, Photos, Shopping, Tidbits |
Tags: amazon, annalyn, backpack, bubbles, condo1718, delray beach, florida, ikea, kohls, overstock, pool, remodel, Shopping, update, wayfair
RichC | July 13, 2018
Apple has been updating their iOS iPhone and iPad mobile operating system regularly and they seem to take far longer than in the old days (a couple years ago – HAHA). This latest update will not be appreciated by law enforcement who often want to gain access to data on a suspects phone. This recent […]
Category: Apple, Cellphone, Software, Technology |
Tags: apple, ios11, ipad, iphone, mobile, security, tech friday, techfriday, update, verge
RichC | July 5, 2018
Well finishing the kitchen upgrade at the condo was my goal, but since Brenda was with me, more than the condo kitchen was worked on! The guest bathroom’s minor vanity update grew into a MUCH larger project. One thing lead to another and before I knew it, my wife had me doing more tile than […]
Category: Archive, Misc, Personal, Video |
1 Comment
Tags: bathroom, brenda, condo1718, delray beach, florida, improvements, kitchen, remodel, richc, tile, update, upgrade
RichC | June 4, 2018
It continues to surprise me how coyotes can continue to live in and around relatively populated areas like Liberty Township, Ohio … but as mentioned several times in the past, we continues to see them boldly hunting rabbits and other small animals (keep an eye on your small dogs and cats!). While mowing the lawn, […]
Category: Environment, Misc, Nature, Personal, Photos, Tidbits |
1 Comment
Tags: backyard, bathroom, coyote, home, house, liberty township, ohio, toilet, update
RichC | May 29, 2018
Spent a little more time working on the condo kitchen over a stretched Memorial Day weekend since a replacement range needed to be received (gas version was shipped by mistake on first order). Thankfully was also able to get the templates made for the countertops after adding the stub wall support and some final cabinet […]
Category: Archive, Holiday, Personal, Photos |
Tags: condo1718, kitchen, Memorial Day, porch, range, report, update, upgrade, wind mitigation, workshop
RichC | May 5, 2018
Just a couple more panarama catch-up photos for the archive from the updates to the condo kitchen. Brenda has been a great help and we both "enjoyed" working together.
Category: Archive, Misc, Personal, Photos |
1 Comment
Tags: archive, condo1718, kitchen, pano, remodel, update
RichC | April 29, 2018
Don’t you just hate making a long drive and getting stuck in a long traffic jam? This past week I ended up sitting and inching forward for over an hour while on I-75. It was frustrating knowing just how many more hours I was planning to spend on the road. On a much lighter note, […]
Category: Environment, Misc, Nature, Personal |
Tags: condo1718, delray beach, ducks, florida, kitchen, moscovy, traffic, update
RichC | April 20, 2018
Google today launched Chrome 66 for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, and iOS. The desktop release includes autoplaying content muted by default, security improvements, and new developer features. You can update to the latest version now using the browser’s built-in updater or download it directly from over 1 billion users, Chrome is both a browser […]
Category: Computer, Technology, Video |
Tags: browser, chrome, features, google, internet, tech friday, techfriday, update, venture beat, video, youtube
RichC | February 5, 2018
Although there are quite a few reservation holders starting to doubt whether we’ll ever see production (last update was 2019 deliveries), the marketing team continues to tease (update) on this small commuter car. The original low price has been inched up, but it still will be a bargain if Elio Motors can afford to put […]
Category: Automotive, Blogs, Marketing |
1 Comment
Tags: blog, cars, elio, elio motors, Marketing, reservation, size, update