Tech Friday: umano read-it-to-me iPhone app

October 4, 2013

One of my favorite apps on my iPhone is the NPR podcast app and I particularly enjoy listening to the in-depth stories on my time, rather than trying to tune in when they are live or reading the stories later. I also download other podcasts using iTunes or Stitcher, but in some cases have found either […]

Are you excited about the new iPhone 5s and 5c?

September 11, 2013

With all the pre-event leaks and lackluster comments from technology journalists, it is difficult for even Apple fans to get wound up about the new “same sized” iPhones. The non-surprise by Apple was reflected in a 2% decline in $AAPL shares on Wall Street and many wonder if the magic is gone? On the plus […]

Panorama of Miami Graduation (iPhone 5 attempt)

May 11, 2013

EDIT: Attempted an iPhone5 panorama photo on Saturday and assume the photo size was too larger for the limited Sprint 3G service?)

An updated iPhone to begin production this quarter

April 2, 2013

Apple shareholders have a lot to grumble about when it comes to stock price and a lack of immediacy in addressing investors. Some are questioning if “they still know what they are doing” and I can’t help but be a little bit disappointed with rumors that next quarter’s iPhone release will maintain the “smaller” form […]

SlingPlayer updates coming to iPhone and iPad

March 27, 2013

Glad to see updates for SlingPlayer, but considering I have the “350” and my biggest complaint has yet to be addressed — no “audio-only” — I’m still disappointed. Not everyone lives in 4G or LTE land! Even the original Slingbox had support for audio on all devices including my Palm Treo!

Killing time and testing an iPhone5 close-up panorama

October 27, 2012

It was a cool and rainy morning as I waited to meet with a businessman from China interested in talking with me about homebuilt airplanes, and so I experimented with the new iPhone5’s panorama feature to kill some time … this time trying a close up panorama. I was more curious to see how it […]

Video: Well done iPhone parody

September 23, 2012

It’s a lazy Sunday I didn’t feel like writing a blog post. Instead I’m using the iPhone to transcribe my speech into ;type and will include a great parody video … if Posterous will post it. Posted via email from RichC’s posterous

Smartphone photography with the new Apple iPhone 5

September 22, 2012

The Apple iPhone 5 camera makes for a substantial improvement over my previous smartphone’s camera and so I was anxious to experiment with image quality and play with a few of the hyped features. Since I’m upgrading from the nearly “extinct” Palm Pre, running a rooted webOS install, any modern smartphone camera would have been an […]

Have iPhone 5s actually left the warehouses?

September 18, 2012

Call me anxious or just curious to know if I should be keeping my eyes open for an iPhone 5 on Friday. Hmm … what does “shipped and/or” mean in checking the Sprint status page? If it is shipped, how about a tracking number?

Placed an Apple iPhone 5 order with Sprint this morning

September 14, 2012

I’m not sure when my new iPhone 5 will arrive, but ordered the smallest 16GB version as an upgrade to replace my aging … but much loved … Palm Pre. Unfortunately the Apple website wouldn’t take my order this morning so switched to the site. Unfortunately Sprint also has a glitch in their online […]

Apple unveils their newest iPhone … finally the iPhone 5

September 12, 2012

I followed the Engadget liveblog and listen to the Leo Laporte’s TWIT gang during Apple’s launch of the iPhone 5, and it only seems appropriate that I chime in (I tweeted too much already). I’m sure there will be a few other blogs commenting today (chuckle, chuckle) and some will offer far more intelligent insight […]

Anticipation heightens for Apple’s new iPhone 5 announcement

September 4, 2012

I do enjoy the hype and speculation surrounding a new gadget release in the tech world … and few do it better than Apple. Last year’s iPhone 4s announcement was expected by most of us to be the iPhone 5, but it was not to be. This year everyone again expects them to adopt the […]

In Apple iPhone 5 anticipation, iPhone 4 and 4s prices drop

August 13, 2012

If you really want an iPhone, this could be the time to buy … although prices could go even lower towards the end of the year? It seems the older iPhone 4 and 4s are selling slower than most retailers (and by assumption, Apple) would like and so retailers are doing what they can to […]

The Sprint iPhone – tempted no more

October 26, 2011

Had an interesting conversation with one of my clients who handed me his new Sprint based iPhone 4s today … and he doesn’t like it. That’s a rarity for those who love all things Apple. To be fair, his gripe has more to do with the Sprint 3G service problems being reported than the iPhone […]

iPhone 5 Specs from Sprint News – Sprint Users

September 22, 2011

Here are a few “probable specs” from SprintUsers regarding the assumed mid-October iPhone 5 release on Sprint: World Phone with a SIM-less Design Curved Glass Display A5 Chip with a clocking speed in the range of 1.2 or 1.5 GHz with 1GB RAM Wireless Charging as well as Sync & Back Up of data 4G […]

Will the iPhone5 make Sprint/Nextel competitive?

September 6, 2011

Looks like Sprint and Apple are gearing up for the iPhone5 … Sprint may have begun installing signal boosting equipment in and around Apple retail stores ahead of the rumored iPhone 5 launch on the carrier in October, according to a new report. “One thing I can tell you is that the electrical contractor that […]

Sprint to Get Apple iPhone 5 –

August 24, 2011

Married to Sprint but envious of the iPhone? Hold on … looks like it might finally be available. Sprint Nextel Corp. will begin selling the new version of the Apple iPhone in mid-October, people familiar with the matter said, filling a huge hole in the No. 3 U.S. carrier’s lineup and giving Apple Inc. another […]

What would make you buy an iPhone?

February 15, 2011

Apple APPL 2/14/2011 Most people I know openly or ‘secretly’ admire Apple‘s iPhone. For many it would be a costly luxury, while for others it is more phone than they really need. The answer from Apple might be right around the corner: How about a lighter duty iPhone – call it the ‘N97’ – with […]

Apple iPhone TV marketing and social networking sites

October 7, 2010

I don’t recall recall if the Apple iPhone advertisement appeared during the Philly’s no-hitter 4-0 win against the Reds or not, but the ad was intriguing in that the Twitter and Twitpic information had me checking the links. The marketing establish @gagebock account (currently 60-some friends) and Twitpic photo (700+ views) that was used in […]

CNET Prizefight has Pre over iPhone for speed

July 9, 2009

Interesting CNET “Prizefight” pitting the Palm Pre against the Apple iPhone 3G and iPhone 3Gs … the Pre was slow to boot, but did a pretty good job of real world web browsing and emailing a photo. I don’t mind the Sprint 3G speeds, but after a month of using the Palm Pre have been […]

It looks like iPhone 3GS speed is much improved

June 24, 2009

After a couple of weeks with the Palm Pre I’m learning to be more productive with the hot little smartphone device. The earlier cut, copy and paste complaints for supported apps complaint has become less of an issue and I’m enjoying the improved camera, yet still miss added camera features and video. There are also […]

Fun with Rhett & Link and iPhone app Leaf Trombone

May 6, 2009

Short on time tonight, so here a YouTube comedy video from Rhett & Link that promotes an iPhone app called Leaf Trombone World Stage. They are best known for their internet videos and are self-proclaimed “Internetainers”. In addition to their web presence, Rhett & Link are also musicians and filmmakers, and have worked in network […]

The Apple iPhone/Touch App Store nears 1 Billion downloads

April 23, 2009

While I’m not a fan of the iPhone or the iPod  Touch, I am impressed with the shear number of devices and software “app” downloads in less than 2 years. Apple has a counter running on their site as the Online App Store nears 1 Billion downloads. Very impressive. Although as readers may have surmised […]

The iPhone predicament: To hack or not to hack

September 29, 2007

Those ‘sexy’ iPhones are a pretty attractive (and expensive) toys/tools to be hacking, but according to users around the world they have been modified with software to operate with ‘unauthorized carriers’ around the world. (link) In the U.S., AT&T is the only network authorized by Apple … but hacks and other unsupported programs are being […]

The iPhone arrived today, 29 June 2007

June 29, 2007

People must be out of their minds lining up at the AT&T/Cingular stores to be the first to spend $700 for the an Apple iPhone? What mania … it sounds sort of “cabbage patch” crazy to me? 😀 Since I’m attracted to technology gadgets, I understand the want of the latest and greatest, but I’m […]

Ridgid cordless tool batteries are getting larger — now 12Ah

August 18, 2024

Ridgid cordless tools have been my “go to” home power tool choice for some time now. If I were a contractor or tradesman, perhaps I’d pick a different brand, but for me having the Lifetime Service Agreement (LSA), mentioned previously, is the primary reason (although it is not perfect). Also, having them sold at the […]

Music Monday: Testing something new with SiriusXM app

July 29, 2024

Although today’s Music Monday post may seem just a little techie or odd, I’m trying something new using the borrowed iPhone XS and SiriusXM app. It does bring me back to the days of my cassette deck (photo above) and making tapes off the radio (I wish I still had it). I do suspect that […]

New “no wire” Wybot S2 rechargeable pool cleaning robot

July 14, 2024

Our now 20 year old “corded” iRobot Verro pool vacuum has been outstanding and I’m hard pressed to give up on it by buying expensive bags and replacing more parts. Improvements have been made over the years to pool robots and I decided 2024 was the summer to replace it with one of the cordless […]

Tech Friday: OS woes and a Mars Edit software update

July 12, 2024

Although the Late 2012 Intel-based iMac is “aging better than President Biden,”  my desktop iMac is struggling and is no longer being used as my primary computer. Still … it does work as a larger twin 27” screens desktop computer along side my MacBook Air M2 these days. Recently I cross my fingers when updating […]

Tech Friday: Struggling with a questionable home network again

June 28, 2024

It seems like it it about that time again … the aging and off-brand mesh router set-up we are running at the house is getting flaky. Somedays all is fine, other days it start to stutter and blackout on a few of the “way too many” devices we are using. Thankfully it usually comes back […]

Voicemail, Caller ID, the campaign season and local area codes

June 22, 2024

As the election season nears, the calls and text messages to my cellphone ramp up in earnest. My voicemail message for the past couple of years has been one that indicates that I no longer pickup calls from unknown callers — I don’t mind callers leaving me a message, but have grown tired of solicitations, […]

This weeks leftovers: Laundry Room Update, Lift Pump Switch, Congressional Baseball Game and WyzeCam Pet detected

June 15, 2024

While clearing a few photos off my iPhone 7 Plus due to limited storage space this week, I decided it might be nice to archive a few photos … so “leftovers” from the week sounded like a good idea for this post. First, Brenda wanted a few new hooks for mops and things in the […]

Tech Friday: Just thinking about upgrades that are in my future

May 24, 2024

Although it is not an immediate need, the “want” in me is growing. My 2017 iPhone 7 plus is really starting to feel old; even my daughter mentioned that my shared photos were not the quality that they should be — she has a fair point. Phone cameras aside, the device I use the most […]

Transplanted buttercups and DadH’s workshop in 2013 #TBT

May 23, 2024

Upstairs in the Western NY Farmhouse Barn’s workshop in 2013 In keeping with the occasional ThrowBack Thursday #TBT, the above was a pano photo of DadH’s workshop after he passed away. I mentioned to Brenda that I wondered how he was able to climb the stairs of the barn and work on such a large […]

Enjoyed the weekend with KDAE and a wonderful dance recital

May 22, 2024

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Archive: The Northern Lights were to beautiful not to include

May 11, 2024

On Friday May 10, 2024, I started noticing the beautiful northern lights (aurora borealis) photos showing up on my social media feed. They were so impressive that I told Brenda that we would need to go outside in the evening. While glancing at my skywatching info, I also notice that the International Space Station […]

Tech Friday: Porting phone numbers has me holding my breath

May 10, 2024

Sometimes I know that I’m just tempting fate … like when it comes to switching mobile phone carriers … in my case, MVNO companies.  Last year, I switch my aging iPhone 7 plus over to USMobile on a trial. I ended up finding it preferred to Mint Mobile (T-Mobile) and found the service to be […]

A leftover Spring 2024 Vacation photo from Delray Beach, FL

May 7, 2024

The sunsets across rural Ohio never really get old. I’ve driven home to Cincinnati this time of evening more times than I care to remember while coming home from NE Ohio … but those days are now behind me. This time it was returning from a spring vacation in April and I realized that there […]

Tech Friday: Browser extensions and MacOS wish list item

April 26, 2024

Making changes to the Apple MacOS, or my current MacBook Air M2 computer workstation setup, is something I hesitate to do when everything is working smoothly. That doesn’t mean that there aren’t a few things that I wouldn’t mind Apple addressing that “might” make my life easier.  First my tiny gripe … is that there […]

Archive: Updating the “goings-on” of Taylor and Megan

March 1, 2024

While I really wanted to take the time and archive the great time we had in February with Katelyn, Drew and our granddaughters in Florida, I’ll start with a less time intensive post. Last week Taylor and Megan made me jealous by going to a Mac McAnally concert in Cincinnati. It definitely looks like they […]

Music Monday: “Lola” by The Kinks

January 8, 2024

Took a screenshot of my iPhone’s Sirius XM app last month while listening to an old Casey Kasem‘s American Top 40 countdown on the 70’s channel. There’s always something that catches my ear on the weekends when it comes to 1970s songs and thought it was a good choice for Music Monday. The song was […]

Beach vacations are restful and a necessary recharge for me

October 18, 2023

Although a new iPhone14 or 15 would make the quality of photos a little better, my old iPhone7plus is still chugging along. I haven’t taken a panoramic for a while, so rather than go the selfie route (Brenda veto-ed the photo we took) for today’s vacation blog post. So I’ll post a Delray Beach pano […]

Tech Friday: Apple’s yawn-worthy 2023 Wonderlust event

September 15, 2023

Perhaps it is just me paying attention to the rumors and knowing the announcements that were planned at Apple’s annual September “new iPhones” announcement event … but the iPhone15s (and Apple Watch 9) upgrades left very little to get excited about? I’m not saying that I won’t be upgrading my aging iPhone 7plus this year, […]

The Super Blue Moon and HOT summer days in the yard #TBT

September 7, 2023

To make this a Throwback Thursday #TBT post, here’s a photo from Summer 2022. I used Brenda’s iPhone14 to capture the brilliant Super Blue Moon at the end of August … not bad. It was so bright that it basically lit up the flowering bushes off the rear porch.  The late summer heat (90+ degrees […]

Tech Friday: Web email and deleting ProtonMail how-to tip

August 18, 2023

Proton Mail offers a free email service with limitations … as expected. There is a paid version which over time I’ve contemplated switching to for both the enhanced privacy and ability to use my old original business email domain: The monthly (yearly) subscription price is reasonable, but since I already run several Linux servers […]

Would you feel comfortable flying on this plane?

August 2, 2023

Not my photo, but I’m not sure how comfortable the average passenger flying this “budget” airline (???) are when seeing the tape on the wing? Also while sitting on the back porch a little Praying Mantis came to visit (video below).

Tech Friday: An update on my USMobile Wireless trial

July 21, 2023

For those keeping score as to just how frugal Rich can descend when chasing after a wireless plan … “better” (cheaper) than Mint Mobile … “he” may have gone “a bridge too far” in the latest USMobile wireless plan decision (I know, another idiom and a 3rd person reference, but don’t get me started on the whole […]

Once upon a time, the Palm Pre was a great pocket phone #TBT

June 15, 2023

Back in 2009, after years of using Palm OS products like the Palm Pilot, the Handspring Visor, Palm Treo, Palm Centro and my favorite Samsung SPH i500, I eventually ended up with a small pocketable, full-featured smartphone — the Palm Pre. Who knew that only a year later that I would be forced to give […]

Tech Friday: Testing Magfast Extreme charging an Apple iPad

May 26, 2023

This test is more for my own curiosity than any kind of controlled tech test, but since I’m often away from convenient 110VAC charging plugs, I would like to be able to recharge iPads and iPhones on the go. A few years back, I preordered a package of products from a startup company called Magfast […]

Our six-year old granddaughter’s dance recital weekend

May 24, 2023

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Poor business decisions and billing screw-ups at Mint Mobile

May 17, 2023

We have been happy with Mint Mobile for a couple of years as our MVNO wireless carrier. The service has been good service … prices fair … and it has been perfect for our needs.  In April though, I switched my iPhone7-plus to US Mobile for a trial due to less than optimum coverage at […]

How Steve Jobs saved Apple with the iMac 25 years ago

May 7, 2023

Memories: We had two of them — The original iMac in 1998 On May 6, 1998, Steve Jobs announced the iMac, and we wouldn’t now have the iPhone, the Apple Store, or even Apple itself, if it hadn’t been such a success. If there’s ever any doubt that the iMac is a phenomenal success, just try to […]

With ridiculously old IT, where is the IRS spending most of their new $80 BILLION dollar taxpayer funded windfall?

April 18, 2023

Yup … ENFORCEMENT. … hundreds of IRS applications have been around for at least 25 years and dozens that have been in existence for more than 50. There were also pieces of software running 15 updates behind the current version. Fifteen! That’s like using a new iPhone with the iOS from the original iPhone …  […]

Audiobook – Inflated: How Money and Debt Built the American Dream by R. Christopher Whalen (published 2010)

February 28, 2023

This past month on our trip to Florida, I downloaded an audiobook on Hoopla from the library in order to save on iPhone data (our Mint Mobile plan has a 4GB limit). I started it on my AfterShokz headset while on the beach, but Brenda soon wanted to listen with me … so we both […]

Tech Friday: A better way to filter and clean up iOS messages

December 30, 2022

Prior to 2022, I managed phone numbers and contacts on my iPhone poorly – perhaps “the wrong way.” Every year I created a new A/SPAM list of callers and emailers and self-managed these lists. Of course this didn’t stop callers or text messages from new unknown phone numbers. So I tried a couple of different […]

Tech Friday: Magfast Life and Extreme charging issues

November 25, 2022

Part of what was in my long awaited Magfast order arrived earlier this month and after charging the MAGFAST battery packs, I started to test the output plugs. The USB-C worked just fine on my Kindle reader. The Lightning plug worked to charge my iPhone 7 and iPad. The Micro-USB worked (I think) and the […]

The long awaited MAGFAST pre-order has arrived, multiple trailer loads of autumn leaves and watching the 2022 World Series

November 6, 2022

Although I have yet to open the individual components … the L-O-N-G awaited MagFast “premium charging” kit has finally arrived. The new magnetically connected kit is not yet fully complete as there are still a couple components that will be shipped later. This will probably be the last pre-purchased product I purchase after losing my […]

Tech Friday: The home Internet seems to be sluggish lately?

September 30, 2022

Our Cincinnati Bell Fioptics Internet service has been acquired by Altafiber. I’m not sure there has been much more than a logo change in service “so far,” but whenever our cable TV isn’t quite right or the Internet acts up, the blame is now on AltaFiber. Speed has been a problem this week and “might” […]

Tech Friday: A Versa 2 smartwatch and setting up Fitbit Pay

September 23, 2022

It has taken me a while, but after updating my Fitbit Versa smartwatch a couple weeks ago, I couldn’t be happier with the “at the time” difficult decision. Once before, my original was replaced under warranty (free) but with the same Versa (1) smartwatch which really did serve me well. Lesson: Watches and gadgets do not […]

Summer 2022: If only every day could be like this

August 28, 2022

Neither Brenda or I have fully retired yet (although I loaf more than I should), but there is no reason THIS couldn’t be every day during retirement IF the weather was perfect all year around. I probably take more time off during the summer than I should and having the girls for a week in […]

A quick babysitting trip to Perrysburg and a check on Katelyn and Drew’s property and house building progress

August 27, 2022

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Tech Friday: Campaign to fix the Apple iMessaging problem

August 19, 2022

Google and their Android mobile OS platform has a social media campaign running to hopefully get Apple to fix their widely used text messaging app called iMessage. For years now, sending messages between Apple iPhones and other iDevices has frustrated many a users trying to communicate with friends and family. Google would like Apple to […]

Music Monday: Nights Are Forever by Dan Seals and John Coley

August 8, 2022

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Wishing my son Taylor a very Happy 33rd Birthday

June 10, 2022

Taylor last weekend at the Cincinnati Zoo with Megan While typing the subject line of this post, I wondered at what “age” is respectful to NOT mention a number when sharing a Happy Birthday greeting?  Hopefully not at 33 yet, since from memory those were the years I pretty much felt my best (pre Menieres!) […]

Music Monday: “Where Do The Children Play?” – Cat Stevens

May 23, 2022

While reading in the evenings I’m often sitting with my headphones on listening to music while Brenda is watching one of her streaming series … I think she is watching the Bridgerton TV series on Netflix before we cancel our streaming service. Anyway, while listening to SiriusXM’s The Bridge channel on my iPhone, I found myself […]

Tech Friday: Thoughts on M4A vs MP3 digital audio formats

April 22, 2022

The MP3 format for audio has been used on My Desultory Blog since the mid-2000s and I have contemplated a variety of other opensource options over the years. Compression choices to keep file sizes and streaming acceptable come and go and as we search for quality of audio and bandwidth for streaming becomes less of […]

We can hope that April 2022 Flurries don’t kill May Flowers

April 18, 2022

For a day after Easter, the weather sure doesn’t look like spring! Also testing WordPress automated mp4 plugin with added gray vs black border than my normal hardcode video from iPhone7plus in slow-motion with poster image below the break)

Tech Friday: iOS and App updates … and Internet/Cable/TV

April 8, 2022

After updating my iOS devices to 15.4 last week, I noticed a few annoying changes (normal when an operating system changes), and a few improvements. I suspected that older devices such as my iPhone 7 and older iPad would start to show signs of reduced battery life and sluggishness, yet how long nowadays do we […]

It is semi-officially spring when our lilacs bud

March 18, 2022

Each year I think I take a photo of either our flowers or trees coming back to life in the spring. I know from a quick search that there are at least ten posts similar to this one over the years … here is one from February 2017.  Since this particular lilac plant can’t be […]

Tech Friday: Apple Event and our WyzeCam3 picks up a fox

March 11, 2022

Here are a couple of technology highlights to mention on a Tech Friday from earlier this week. First, the new driveway Wyze Cam3 set-up (moved it) picked up an evening fox whizzing by and the second, an event on Tuesday from Apple announcing new products. Personally, I’m not sure what kind of surprise was expected […]

The battery isn’t the only thing failing on my Fitbit Versa watch?

February 8, 2022

Trusting the weather on my Fitbit Versa watch isn’t much better than referring to the Farmer’s Almanac for daily weather forecasts. I’m starting to wonder who is feeding the information for our area. All I can see is sun … where’s the RAIN? Yes .. I really do know that it’s probably an iPhone to […]

Finally added the notch to the table saw outfeed table

December 22, 2021

It has taken me a long time to cut into the outfeed table that I added to my Delta table saw in 2019, but I’ve finally added “the notch.” The spacing between the often used Shopsmith band saw and my lumber rack has always been tight … so tight that I’ve found myself angling it […]

Music Monday: “Have You Ever Seen the Rain” – CCR

November 29, 2021

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Thanksgiving with my brother and a few wrap-up photos

November 28, 2021

Having Thanksgiving at my brother’s house with our family (minus Jaben who recently had COVID19) was one of those photo days that I should have packed my Lumix camera. The lighting was a bit dark and into window light for an older iPhone … and without a tripod was challenging. I propped it between some […]

The LONG wait for a MAGFAST charging kit is near, well 2022

November 14, 2021

Prior to 2017, I backed a ThingCharger Kickstarter project that was an excellent product. It was overpriced for what it did, but I ended up buying a couple extras for gifts (Brenda’s phone charging in photo at Katelyn and Drew’s house). In 2017, after the business failure, founder Seymour Segnit started a new company telling […]

Tech Friday: I removed Facebook (now Meta) from iOS devices

October 29, 2021

It has been a slow process in giving up on Facebook … now Meta. I really never used it much as a social media platform, but stayed in touch with family over the years with it. The past few years I’ve tried to check in monthly and may have posted update every other month or […]

New Shepard Blue Origin launched with Jeff Bezos this morning

July 20, 2021

Most news outlets are covering the Jeff Bezos and crew launching the few minutes delayed Blue Origin first crewed 11-minute space flight on the anniversary of Apollo 11’s moon landing in 1969. The New Shepard spacecraft launched flawlessly and was a beautiful site … although, shockingly short, for $28 million dollars per passenger.   Interestingly, […]

Preparation yardwork for upcoming concrete driveway project

June 29, 2021

Beautiful Panarama iPhone7 Evening Sky photo – 6/28/2021 In preparation for the driveway demolition crew to arrive (neighborhood driveway work needs to be done before road repaving), I spent the weekend working to get access around the garage ready for the workers. I’m not exactly sure where our driveway fits into the schedule, since several […]

Struggling with Lenovo laptop, router and Internet connections

May 1, 2021

Either the Netgear Nighthawk R7000 router at our condo is glitchy, Xfinity is not giving my any upload speed or my Lenovo laptop is struggling to stay connected. No time to diagnosis, but I may end up chucking the router and switch to the cheaper mesh router sooner than I wanted. It is frustrating. Half […]

Tech Friday: Evaluating my newsfeed & “waste of time” tweeting

April 23, 2021

I’ve used Twitter as my interactive Newsfeed for almost 15 years now and it has been a struggle to decide if it is worth it or not? BUT, like most people who start the addictive habit of using social networks and reading “feeds” (newsworthy or not), it is a difficult habit to stop. For the […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog