Music Monday: A new Bible & the impressive Amazon Echo Dot

January 8, 2018

Our Amazon Echo Dot Christmas gift is the gift that keeps on giving now that I’m learning new “skills.” There isn’t anything earth-shattering it is currently doing, but the “easy” interface to Amazon’s cloud server for content and function may be limitless … at least looking into the future. It is an impressive device; perhaps […]

Tech Friday: Played with AMP plug-ins for blog but gave up

January 5, 2018

In order to improve efficiency on WordPress sites (my customer installs) I often experiment with updates on my personal MyDesultoryBlog first since very little on this site really matters for paying customers. So over the Christmas and New Years holidays I fiddled with a few highly recommended updates to the LAMP server and WordPress installs. […]

Tech Friday: Testing Apple Live Photo to downsized looping GIF

December 15, 2017

We’ve had a colder than usual early December here in Cincinnati … and has much of the country. The freezing temperatures will likely show up in higher heating bills but I’m hoping the new LED Christmas lighting will offset that cost? We’ll see. I’ve been wanting to test the Live Photo editing feature on the […]

Christmas decorating and closing the pool in the same weekend

December 4, 2017

It is hard to believe, but I finally winterized the pool and in the same weekend brought home a Christmas tree, put the wreathes up and modified the lighting we use on the house in December. The first years we used 150 watt incandescent floods (also had halogens at some point), then I switched to […]

A smart aleck Apple Siri and a break for a fungus photo

November 5, 2017

Like others, I’ve used my iPhone as a kitchen timer for a while now and noticed Siri has recently adopted a little more attitude. After my simple 11 minute request, her "I see you shiver with anticipation" wise crack surprised me! Also, after last weeks iOS 11.1 update, battery life has returned to both my […]

Music Monday: Hard not to like Goodbye Girl by David Gates

October 23, 2017

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Driving the shoreline of Lake Erie on my way to see Annalyn

October 21, 2017

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As my weekly travel decreases, data connectivity is finally good

October 17, 2017

My mobile life is FINALLY working the way it should, just as my road life is slowing down. I’ve been monkeying around with the "mobile office" for A LOT of years starting with a 1999 AWD Chrysler Town & Country back in the late 1990s before mounting my Palm Treo in my great little Volkswagen […]

It might be time to update to Apple iOS11 on your iDevice?

September 20, 2017

If Joanna Stern (WSJ) moves too fast, check out this longer list of iOS11 features by David Pogue at

Relocated the magnetic phone holder in my BMW X5 35d

September 15, 2017

In anticipation in receiving new iDrive display and components from a "group buy" on the BMW diesel group I belong to, I made a new CD/DVD slot bracket for the previously installed Nato Smart Mount. The previous location was fine for the older small iPhone 5s, but after updating to the much larger iPhone 7 […]

Big day for Apple shareholders and the DJIA

August 2, 2017

The Dow broke above the 22,000 threshold for the first time on Wednesday rising for the seventh straight day.  The boost over the "nice round number" happened after Apple posted stronger-than-expected quarterly earnings and iPhone sales met expectations. $AAPL stock rose 5.5% and made its largest single day percentage rise since February. (Story

Our family settling into a new city with a house of their own

July 2, 2017

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TechFriday: Twitter updates their mobile look

June 16, 2017

We’ll see how the new iOS Twitter update is received by users, but since it is my go-to social network for all things news, I’ve download the hefty update to my aging iPhone5s and will see how bogged down it feels (very sluggish of late on most apps). Hopefully it will continue to run reasonable […]

Happy Birthday to my son and memories from the past

June 10, 2017

Happy Birthday Taylor … I don’t think I could be prouder of the man you have become. Last year was a great one and the plans you have for this year are exciting as well.  I always look forward to our time together. One of the things my son and I share is our interest […]

TechFriday: Apple announced iOS11 at the WWDC17 conference

June 9, 2017

Along with all that is happening with hardware and innovation at the Apple developers conference — WWDC — one of the more anticipated upgrades to the mobile operating system was announced. Along with the likely "millions" of suggestions from daily users, my iOS11 suggestion/request was probably lost in the shuffle … although I’ve made the […]

Panorama while taking a break from yardwork #MemorialDay17

May 31, 2017

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Tips on making Gmail easier to use by Joanna Stern,

May 18, 2017

Great tips from tech writer Joanna Stern of the Wall Street Journal on dealing with a few Gmail nits most of us using Google’s free services have. See her article at 1. Priorities, Priorities You may not know it, but Google’s email bots have not one but two ways of automatically organizing your messages: […]

Saving money takes discipline – 20 ideas on Fox

April 22, 2017

My favorite news network shared 20 excellent tips for saving money (by Daniel Kline, who writes for the Motley Fool). I highlight a favorite below. Saving money takes discipline It means forgoing things you want and making tough choices, which can be tough in our consumption-focused society. However, saving money can make it easier to […]

A beautiful sunrise, then storms – and retweeted tweets

March 20, 2017

It was dark for a panoramic iPhone5 photo, but while doing my "last bag" garbage run this morning, I couldn’t resist a photo of the sunrise while the lightning was cracking to the west. Within an hour it was pouring rain and became a dreary, damp day. On a social networking technology note, it is […]

Our first granddaughter was born on March 4 2017

March 5, 2017

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Added the magnetic Nato Smart Mount to the BMW X5 35d

February 14, 2017

A couple gifts I gave this past Christmas were magnetic Nato Smart Mounts for holding smartphones or even tablets in a car. After buying a first one for our Honda Odyssey minivan as a promo and liking it, I added several more to the next order as gifts. The final one I kept for my […]

Apple is sitting pretty again after reporting earnings

February 1, 2017

After the stock market closed yesterday, Apple $AAPL reported their fiscal first quarter earning and shocked even the most bullish in the crowd. Their iPhone 7 sales help them deliver record earning, no doubt due to Samsung’s battery issues (Android users switching to Apple iOS). Considering Apple make a lot more than phones, it is […]

Enjoying the night sky and the EXTRA Supermoon this month

November 16, 2016

The autumn Supermoon of 2016 has certainly been a beautiful sight in the night sky these past few days. The last couple of evening I’ve enjoyed the view and "attempting" to capture the using only my iPhone 5s since my son has my DSLR for an upcoming trip to Hawaii; I’m hoping he will practiced […]

Weather wise, October weekends do not get much better

October 30, 2016

What a great autumn weekend in Cincinnati. We had a gorgeous sky last night although the panorama photo mode on my "aging" iPhone 5s doesn’t do it justice.   Saturday was spend enjoying the outdoors as besides mowing the backyard, I "chipped away" at my wood pile by splitting and ended up cutting a few […]

How loud are Honda and Predator inverter based generators?

September 19, 2016

Good question: By ear, the slightly smaller and far lighter Honda EU2000i inverter based generator is definitely quieter than the less expensive, but larger in dimension, weight and power Predator 2200. Read on for a few more points. I like both of inverter generators and each will serve a slightly different purpose. The Honda is […]

Appreciating the Summer of 2016 before it is gone

August 23, 2016

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How does your monthly smartphone bill compare to Ting?

August 6, 2016

After years (30 years to be closer to the truth!!!) of comparing the best cellphones and carriers when it comes to device and service, I can finally say that I’m satisfied. Back in 2014, as our kids (and parents) moved on to their own plans, I switched our two iPhone5s to Ting. From day one […]

Hot enough to put up the ShadeTree awning

July 17, 2016

After buzzing down to Florida last week to show the condo in Delray Beach, I spent a couple days “hurricane prepping” Encore for the tropical weather likely to show up in a month or so (could happen any day now). My good friend Mark gave me a “sweaty” hand in getting the sails stowed away […]

An EGR Race Pipe mod for the BMW X5 35d diesel SUV

June 18, 2016

Finally found enough time to remove even more items from the BMW X5 35d … this time it was to replace the EGR and the EGR cooler assembly with a "gorgeous" billet aluminum EGR Race Pipe from FixMyVW ccm. The photo on left below is fresh out of the package and below and on the […]

Finally finished spring 2016 patio/pool deck cleaning

May 29, 2016

The spring cleaning chore in getting the pool desking and patio furniture cleaned after a winter and heavy pine pollen season never gets any easier. I’ve almost got it down to a full, long day and I’m convinced the heavy teak adirondack chairs are getting heavier? The weather was for the most part perfect for […]

TechFriday archive: Using your tablet or iPad on the boat

May 27, 2016

Top ways to use your tablet or iPad on board your boat — Matthew Sheahan 12/15/2015 How are sailors using their iPad or tablet on board? Matthew Sheahan talks to cruising sailors, racers and industry professionals Photo: Tor Johnson As iPads and other tablets become a part of the arsenal of electronics on board, their […]

Buy Apple (AAPL) and hold it for the long haul

April 29, 2016

It has been a rough couple of days for Apple ($AAPL) shareholders as growth this past quarter was elusive. Most blame the global economy, and in particular China, for the weak quarterly numbers. It does remind me of late 2012 and 2013 when analysts questioned whether management had lost their way. The same is happening […]

Downloaded iOS Carly for BMW app and ordered OBD adapter

April 22, 2016

The saga of our poorly running 2010 BMW X5 35d continues while replacing component by component the SUV is inching back towards running condition. The most recent hiccup was a bit of a computer glitch after getting the ECU back from the tuner. I was hoping that as as soon as I powered everything back […]

Repairing the AC on the BMW X5 35d in the middle of winter

February 10, 2016

My timing is probably not the best considering the temperature is in the teens this week, but since the BMW X5 35d is in the shop, I’m addressing as many “squawks” as possible. One of the known issues was that the air conditioning wasn’t working (paid less for the vehicle) … so after checking the […]

How low will $AAPL go and is it a good time to buy?

January 28, 2016

The stock market continues to move in favor of the “bears,” which goes against most long term savers and investors. One of the biggest stories today was that of Apple Inc $AAPL who reported earning of $3.28 per share which was 4 cent higher than the consensus. Revenue was nearly $76 billion and short by […]

Computer, the Cloud and Blog updates and clean up

January 16, 2016

My cluttered desktop was overdue for a good clean-up and at least a little bit of organizing. After recently adding a second monitor to my iMac dedicated to virtual Windows 10 there ended up being more room to spreadout and clutter. Besides there is a 3rd monitor running after plugging in the new Raspberry Pi […]

The Chimney repairs continue while I play with the RPi

January 4, 2016

This post is more to test a “borrowed” wireless keypad that is set up on the Raspberry Pi — I’m not fond of the Logitech K400r. The photo to the left is part of the ongoing roof project and continuing chimney repair. In order test the Raspberry Pi’s image serving ability, I uploaded it from […]

The obligatory family Christmas tree photo for 2015

December 23, 2015

It is time to post the annual Christmas tree photo on the blog. I’m trying an evening pic with the iPhone … as steady as I can? The tree is full, but not quite as tall as our usual trees. I’m sure the kids will be disappointed that it isn’t bigger,  but then Taylor always […]

Music: Another day, another song. All for You – Sister Hazel

October 8, 2015

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TechFriday: Apple filed patent for a smart ring device

October 2, 2015

What do you think??? I think I need thicker reading glasses. Apple could be developing a new wearable device even smaller than the Apple Watch: an Apple ring. That is, if a recently filed patent leads to an actual product. The ring, which could be made with or without a touch display, would be linked […]

After watching the AppleEvent last week – posting belated

September 15, 2015

I snipped a few screen shots while watching the #AppleEvent last week as Tim Cook and team unveiled the new iPhones, iPads and AppleTV. All in all the surprises were “non-surprises” so really there weren’t any shockers … not necessarily a bad thing. The normal expectation in the month of September is either upgraded iPhones […]

DJI oil, tech, retail, industry stocks officially in bear territory

August 21, 2015

Even though I’ve already posted on the recent plummet in the financial markets , the heavy volume and substantial daily moves like we’ve seen the past couple of days deserves a second post. Dow Jones Industrials on Friday afternoon August 21, 2015 Friday (August 21, 2015) was another sour day for investors who are holding […]

Contemplating an iOS9 install. On the other hand, maybe not?

July 17, 2015

The Apple iOS 9 pre-release has been dangled in front of me for a little while now, but since I’ve been traveling the last couple weeks, the temptation to install while away was not all that powerful, so I decided not tempt fate. That probably a good thing since a few tech people I follow, […]

Impressive sky after the thunderstorms passes tonight

April 8, 2015

The spring thunderstorms are right on time now that we’re into April and decided to give the new LIVE broadcasting app called Periscope a try. Unfortunately capturing lightning on an iPhone is not as easy as one would think. Below is a file save from the short live broadcast stream.

Follow-up on Periscope and Meerkat live broadcasting

April 4, 2015

I watched several broadcasts from the new iOS app introduced this past week called Periscope. It enables iPhone/iPad users to broadcast live video to other “socially networked” viewers (Twitter) just as with the early competitor app MeerKat. Periscope differs slightly as it saves an archive for 24 hours or until deleted (not possible with MeerKat) […]

TechFriday: Reject and block annoying phone calls

April 3, 2015

Ok … so you’ve done your part and registered your phone numbers with the National Do Not Call List and you’ve done your best to keep phone numbers from undesirables … BUT you’re still getting annoying calls (and text messages!) Below is the new (1) iPhone (Settings>Phone>Blocking) method to block phone numbers from your smartphone […]

TechFriday: Playing with Periscope from Twitter

March 27, 2015

I wasted a couple hours on Thursday morning while “working” (cough, cough) from home and downloaded the Periscope app for iOS on the iPhone.  To the novice “tech geek,” these live broadcasting social networking apps will soon have the Internet filled with video streams. Currently I’m seeing broadcasters like CBNC’s Julia Boorstin (above) jumping on the […]

Impulse buy from Apple – refurbished AppleTV for $59

March 11, 2015

The Apple event earlier this week had be jumping to pick up an AppleTV with the price drop to $69 (opted for refurb)… if for nothing else, a device to plug into the TV on the boat and play video from my iPhone or iPad. Also, it is possible I’ve was bitten by the “want […]

Apple announces new MacBook and more on the AppleWatch

March 9, 2015

I ate a late lunch today and watched the live Apple product announcement events. The stock price moved up $3/sh to $129ish as the events were mentioned. Before the “main event Apple Watch” comments, Tim Cook and his team announced an HBONow ($14.99) exclusive tie to their devices as well as a lower price on […]

TechFriday: My favorite new iPad app — Blogsy

March 6, 2015

One of the reasons for adding the @Blogsyapp to my iPad is so I have an easy way to write and include the media items that I often post. So far, it is almost as easy as using my notebook computer and the “no longer supported” Microsoft Livewriter software. I say “almost as easy” since […]

How is Ting doing since our switch from Sprint?

March 5, 2015

This months bill should be a interesting test for our Ting cellphone service. I will eventually add billing information to this post (below). With two iPhones on our account and a little more travel this past 4 week invoice, we used a few more minutes and megabytes than usual on our phones, but no matter, […]

TechFriday: Comparing Cloud storage services in 2015

February 20, 2015

I made the big 99 cent plunge a couple months ago in paying for more Apple iCloud space primarily to keep data on my iPhone and iPad safely backed up (although it is easy enough to do with and iTunes Lightening to USB connected computer). What I’m finding is that using iCloud is becoming a […]

More work on the boat — the Volvo diesel among other things

February 4, 2015

While walking out to the boat in the evening, I glanced down to see an odd looking object floating and then sinking in the water next to the dock. Sure enough a quick LED light from the iPhone illuminated the Manatee “sleeping” just beneath the water. The purpose of this trip was primarily to meet […]

TechFriday: Highlighting one of my favorite apps – Notability

January 2, 2015

The slower work days between Christmas and New Years has given me a little time to clean up my files and office, both paper and digital. One productivity app that I’ve been using on my iPad for over 2 years is Notability and I’ve collected a bunch of “notes” and PDFs that have been semi-organized […]

Tech Friday: What about free streaming music from T-Mobile?

December 5, 2014

While traveling to northeast Ohio this past week, I finally tested the “free streaming music” available from T-Mobile on my 4G/LTE connected iPad Air 2. I streamed it for an hour driving on the interstate without a hiccup and glanced at my recently reset 200MB free data “meter” (screen shot left) and didn’t show any […]

iOS 8.1.1 update available for Apple mobile devices

November 17, 2014

Hard to verify since Ino long using the iPad2 (now Air 2), but Apple has released an update iOS called 8.1.1. The update claims to “increase stability and performance” for those using older iPhones and iPads. This was a big complaint with the iPad 2 and will hopefully return performance to at what lease was […]

Apple computers dominate the White House press corps

November 11, 2014

There was a day when being an Apple Macintosh computer user put one in the minority … but not anymore it seems. The photo below is of journalists in the White House press corps traveling in China … take a look at their desks. The number of Apple logos made me chuckle and I could […]

TechFriday: Apple iOS users have new free Microsoft Office apps

November 7, 2014

Microsoft is offering standalone versions of Word, Excel and PowerPoint for iPhone, giving users a much better productivity suite for the mobile devices. Prior to the new mobile apps, users who wanted to use Office on an iPhone had to use “Microsoft Office Mobile,” which really only allowed users to view documents and input text. […]

Pending Sale: Learn as you go when self-selling a home

November 6, 2014

After attempting to sell my mother-in-law’s western New York home by using a realtor this summer, the family has decided to forgo the continued “professional” listing and instead do a FSBO listing … handing it off to yours truly. What are they thinking??? I’ve taken on the project and will “learn as I go” (advice […]

Ting and Freedompop – A successful week only using wireless

October 29, 2014

Since moving away from Sprint and finally down to two cellphones in the family …except for a couple of spare emergency “burner” phones (grin) –one with my overseas travel SIM and the other a Samsung Galaxy S2 total free wireless plan on Freedompop. The point is that we were able to travel comfortably with our […]

Nicki Bluhm and the Gramblers with a new Bus Session 1

October 11, 2014

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We switched our cell service to this weekend

October 6, 2014

After a few months of talking, we finally switch two of our phones to Ting. Hopefully the service won’t change and that with only two of us on the account we’ll be able to save a few dollars. As I mentioned before, my daughter made the switch a couple months ago after her move to […]

Finish yard work in the dark but am slowing down now

October 2, 2014

Finished spreading the last of the topsoil – then seeded and put the straw down just as it turned dark. Hopefully we won’t have to dig up drainage pipes for a while. Now it’s time to sit back and "slow" down … (playing with the slo-mo mode on my iPhone 5s)

TechFriday: Contemplating an iPad2 to iPad Air2 upgrade

September 26, 2014

As a iPhone, iPad and iMac Apple customer, it is challenging to know what products to upgrade and at what time. As much as I would like an iPhone6 or 6plus, I’ve opted to stick with the current iPhone 5s (and 5) in order to save a few dollars on our cellphone plan as we […]

A long evening with Apple iDevices and iOS8 software updates

September 18, 2014

Most of Wednesday evening was spent backing up and cleaning up … and then downloading and installing Apple’s iOS8 release on a couple iPhones and an iPad (if full iCloud functionality is desired, then prepare for Mac OSX Yosemite install). Once finished, then the app update fun began and so as a reminder to those […]

TechFriday: Pondering switching from Sprint to Ting

September 12, 2014

While waiting on the discount cellphone carrier Ting (my daughter’s referral) to welcome my Sprint-based iPhone 5s, I’m also weighing Sprint’s new promos (iPhone for life, etc). Since Ting is only approved as a month-to-month reseller for non-current iPhone models, switching to them requires waiting a few more days or weeks until my second-hand “s” […]

The AppleEvent was successful, but the bar was high

September 9, 2014

Tim Cook lead another #AppleEvent in the age of social media and I both watched and "tweeted" along with the tech interested across the country and world. The event was "as expected" in that Apple launched the new iPhone6 and 6plus … larger phones. They will be offering up their new iOS8 on September 19th […]

Watching $AAPL as the buzz is all about Apple today

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Next week is a make or break moment for Apple CEO Tim Cook

September 5, 2014

Apple’s CEO Tim Cook had a rough week on Wall Street as investors seemed a bit nervous ahead of next week’s “product offensive.” The tech giant will announce their updated iPhone 6 which will at minimum have a larger screen (rumored photo right). Secretly I’m more interested in what the operation software might bring to […]

Keeping my eye on Tropical Storm Cristobal

August 24, 2014

It looks like all the weather models are keeping tropical storm Cristobal offshore which is both good for Encore as well as my travel plans … although those in, or going to, Bermuda may want to be prepared for some wind and rain. Testing the updated WordPress iPhone app for this post.

Follow up from my TechFriday First World Email Problem

August 9, 2014

Ok … scratch this week’s Tech Friday post on setting up the iPhone to receive Gmail as if it were “push” rather than “fetch” (the only way Apple’s email client can receive free Gmail nowadays).  Unfortunately my iCloud workaround was a convoluted experiment that wasn’t elegant or simple. I’ve toyed with the idea of switching […]

Looking for a few investment ideas – CVS but not SiriusXM

June 12, 2014

It is getting easier and easier to stream a variety of content while driving from my iPhone using BT to my car radio nowadays … even in my older Mercedes 300D (to a newer radio). At one time SiriusXM was the way to get uninterrupted news and content while driving longer distances with limited Slingbox […]

TechFriday: A better way to handle animated gifs –

May 2, 2014

I’m not a big fan of animated GIFs primarily due to the hosting and viewing overhead (large file size), not to mention their usually annoying content. But resizing web site which  significantly reduces the size and associated overhead with such large files can make sharing them a tad bit easier. The simple web app […]

Watching Apple stock trade up after hours … zoom!

April 23, 2014

$AAPL Resumed trading at 4:45PM Looks like investors approved of the 7 for 1 stock split and the idea that Apple is willing to tap the debt market in 2014 for the future. It would be nice to know what products are actually in the works, but so far the 8% afterhours move is a […]

Archive: Follow up to my Air Conditioning on the cheap

April 21, 2014

While sorting through a few iPhone photos from the past couple of weeks, I realized that I didn’t update my “Air Conditioning on the cheap” post for Encore. The installation went as planned with both the new 4 inch deck plate mounted in the cabin side and adding the new higher shelf and strap setup […]

Earhoox: A cure for loose fitting earbuds

April 5, 2014

Although only one of my ears is truly working as it is suppose to due to Ménière’s disease back in the late 1990s, I still enjoy “an” earbud in order to listen to music, news or the occasional phone call on my iPhone.  Unfortunately the newer Apple earbuds do not fit my ears as well […]

The iPad2: One of the best tech purchases I’ve ever made

March 27, 2014

Yesterday was the 2 year anniversary of my purchasing a second-hand iPad 2, shortly after playing with my friend’s new iPad 3 (that device has been out over 2 years, not sure about my iPad2 … 4 years?). I can’t believe how much I use this tech gadget — everything from email to web surfing […]

Spring Break? Taylor must still think he is in college

March 20, 2014

My son Taylor is back for a few days from North Dakota to visit friends (and mom and dad) and do a little shopping. That last part about shopping is my theory since I don’t think they have many JCrew stores or the like in Williston, although I could be wrong? Anyway it is nice […]

Wrapping up the long weekend in Florida

March 18, 2014

In wrapping up the “work trip” (cough, cough) down to Florida … I figured the trip would not be complete without at least a walk on the beach. Sunday afternoon sunshine made a good excuse to see how the sand felt on my feet – nice (panorama with the iPhone 5 above – click for […]

Panos, fender cleaning and that new rental car smell

March 17, 2014

Above is an iPhone panorama photo of the aft of Encore but it was so distorted that I had to try and tweak it in Photoshop. Better than it was, but still a quirky perspective. The fenders used to keep boats from bumping together or into docks and pilings take abuse and get pretty weathered. […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog