RichC | December 15, 2024
Click image of landscape pond from back in 2008 when we asphalted the rear driveway. Both have aged.
My mistake this past month was when it came to scrubbing some of the waterfall area off and using Dawn dishwashing soap … whoops! Not a big deal, but it still has creating an offseason soapy […]
Category: Human Interest, Marketing, Photos, Politics |
Tags: $MCD, advertising, dawn, dishwashing, donald trump, javier milei, landscape, mcdonalds, pond, president, soap, stihl, wikipedia
RichC | November 6, 2024
Finally the 2024 Presidential Election is over (the White House and U.S. Senate flips to Republican control) … but America is still waiting to see who will control the House of Representatives. It has been a taxing election for American voters and likely even those just watching overseas. Both allies and adversaries are wondering what […]
Category: News, Politics |
Tags: donald trump, election, foxnews, kamala harris, potus, president, representatives, senate, united states, wsj
RichC | July 6, 2024
Reading “view from the right” on this week has me wondering if our presidential candidates are getting too old … or if age is not the factor, perhaps having candidates pass the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) would be helpful? Retirement Ages — by Stephen Macaulay Here’s something for your July 4th distraction, a list […]
Category: Medical, Politics |
Tags: alzheimer's, biden, campaign, congnitive, debate, dementia, president, thehustings, trump
RichC | May 31, 2024
It is Tech Friday, but because I’ve already prepared and posted, I still wanted to highlight the newsworthy headline story regarding the politically motivated trial against former president and the likely Republican candidate for president, Donald J. Trump. So opted to test the relatively “new to me” AI client (Perplexity.AI) by asking: Can you summarize […]
Category: AI, News, Politics, Social Media, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: ai, court, donald trump, jury, newspaper, nyc,, president, summary, tech friday, trial, wsj,
RichC | March 28, 2024
As we approach another presidential election in November 2024 (it is still a long way off) … I find myself wishing we had Ronald Reagan on the ballot. I’ve yet to decide whether he put my political ideology into words, or if his political desires and presidency formed the positions I hold today? Whatever, this is […]
Category: Business, Education, History, Memories, Politics, TBT, Video-TV |
Tags: election, government, interview, johnny carson, Politics, president, ronald reagan
RichC | March 1, 2023
With student loan forgiveness in the news again as the U.S. Supreme Court looks at the Constitutionality of President Biden’s authority with a stroke of his pen to be able to forgive student loans. Common sense would question the question of this extraordinary power, but past presidents have paused payments due to emergencies … so […]
Category: Education, Financial, Memories, News, Personal |
Tags: afsa, biden, college, executive, forgiveness, letter, order, president, student loans, supreme court
RichC | January 8, 2022
It feels like we are obliviously sailing on the Titanic and ignoring a financial storm on the horizon. We know that there is a debt iceberg ahead and yet have convinced ourselves that the United States is unsinkable … and so … continue our TRILLION dollar money printing and our unsustainable spending ways. Congress spends […]
Category: Blogs, Business, History, Politics |
Tags: ani gif, anigif, congress, debt, deficit, economy, Financial, government, irresponsible, president, spending, storm, titanic, Washington DC
RichC | December 29, 2021
This book is on my 2022 “want to read” list and I’m unsure if I’ll opt for the audio version, ebook or paper edition (Amazon options)? While listening to the Brian Kilmeade (the books author) talking about the “battle to save America’s soul” on a Fox News program, it has become apparent that those setting the […]
Category: Books, History, News, Politics |
Tags: agenda, america, book, brian kilmeade, frederick douglas, freedom fighter, joe manchin, kyrsten sinema, lincoln, overton window, Politics, president, socialism
RichC | November 10, 2020
It has been a long week since the 2020 Presidential Election and I haven’t posted or commented on the vote or “media reported results” regarding several projections as to Joe Biden being our president-elect. For me, the tabulation of votes in key swing states is very close and legitimately contested based on several questionable issues […]
Category: News, Politics |
Tags: commentary, corruption, donald trump, election, election2020, fraud, joe biden, law, News, opinion, Politics, president, presidential, supreme court
RichC | February 25, 2020
It is shocking to see the “rock-star welcome” (or thumbs down reception in socialist leaning countries) that “recent” American presidents get when they are overseas. I said “recent American presidents” in respect for the popularity President Obama had when traveling in the leaning countries of Europe; he was seen as tilting the U.S. to the […]
Category: Human Interest, News, Politics |
Tags: capitalism, democracy, freedom, government, india, opinion, Politics, president, rock-star, socialism, trump, wsj
RichC | February 5, 2020
Without going into the 90-minute State of the Union speech detail, the economic and overall strength of the United States is incredible compared to history or any other country in the world. The numbers and confidence sure look good for President Trump’s reelection campaign. Add to that the overall disfunction of Democrats (Iowa Caucus) with […]
Category: News, Photos, Politics |
Tags: address, donald trump, nation, pelosi, president, sotu, SOTU2020, speech, united states
RichC | December 19, 2019
How does a “relatively open minded” politically moderate to conservative American see the impeachment of President Trump? I pay relatively close attention to the news … and politics since it is a big part of our news nowadays … AND with three years of quarrelling and intense dislike for President Donald Trump by his political […]
Category: Blogs, News, Politics |
Tags: abuse, biden, campaign, clinton, congress, democrats, donald trump, dossier, election, fisa, hatred, impeach, impeachment, motive, opinion, politcs, Politics, potus, president, Republicans, ukraine
RichC | October 31, 2019
When it comes to politicians making promises and pitching far fetched ideas nowadays, the sky is the limit. The current crop of Democrats campaigning for their party’s presidential nomination have lifted the “sky is the limit” to “space is the limit.” The sales pitches stretch from free tuition and education debt forgiveness to buying votes […]
Category: Politics, Video |
Tags: campaign, cavuto, democrats, foxnews, health care, healthcare, joe manchin, medicare, medicare for all, mp4, Politics, president, presidential, primary
RichC | October 9, 2019
An Ellen DeGeneres video clip (shared on EllenTube) has been circulating this week after she attended a Dallas Cowboys and Green Bay Packers NFL football game last weekend. With inflamed politics and our divided country it was both good to see and good to hear celebrities getting along. We all need to take her advice […]
Category: Advice, Human Interest, Humor, News, Politics, Social Media, Video |
Tags: advice, comedy, dallas cowboys, ellen degeneres, george bush, green bay packers, kindness, mp4, president, social media, twitter, video
RichC | July 2, 2019
VP Joe Biden, Sen Bernie Sanders and Sen Kamala Harris – DemDebate2 6/27/2019 After watching the two night Democratic Debate last week, I couldn’t help, but notice that the socialist wing of the party has moved every candidate WAY left. All of the current 20+ candidates running to be the DEM’s nominee have made previous […]
Category: News, Politics |
Tags: campaign, debates, democractic, democrats, election, etymology, idiom, nomination, opinion, party, phrase, president, socialism, united states
RichC | June 30, 2019
In 2009 President Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his "extraordinary effort" … one can’t help but wonder if nominations and the Nobel Committee is going to equally as fair to President Trump? I’m not holding my breath.
Category: News, Politics |
Tags: kim jong un, nobel, north korea, obama, peace, potus, president, prize, sarcasm, trump
RichC | April 6, 2019
Obviously labeling someone as a “fascist, socialist or an authoritarian dictator” is not new in politics, but the bigger government grows, the more we U.S. voters need to defend America’s founding principles such as individual liberty and personal freedom. During the 2016 campaign and election of President Donald Trump, those on the political left were […]
Category: History, Idioms, Politics, Video |
Tags: Business, communism, economy, fascism, giovanni gentile, idiom, labels, opinion, president, reagan, socialism, trump
RichC | December 2, 2018
Perhaps it is human nature to reflect on ones own personal shortcomings and selfish thoughts at the passing of another well remembered United States president? President George H.W. Bush (1924-2018) lived an amazing life in an amazing time to have been alive. His completed life reminded me of a verse in Ecclesiastes (see bottom of […]
Category: History, Millitary, News, Obituary |
Tags: death, george hw bush, History, legacy, obit, Obituary, president, remembering
RichC | October 1, 2018
Air Force One is parked at Joint Base Andrews in Prince George’s County. Want to board? Run for the highest office in the land or join the White House press corps. Or, for a slightly easier route, visit National Harbor as of Oct. 19, when what’s billed as an “identical model of the president’s aircraft” […]
Category: Aviation, Politics |
Tags: air force, aircraft, barge, harbor, museum, national, one, president, replica, rhode island, tour
RichC | August 26, 2018
I may have pick up my favorite political book of the year with Salena Zito and Brad Todd’s "The Great Revolt: Inside the Populist Coalition Reshaping American Politics." It analyzes the unusual rise of once "long shot" billionaire reality-tv GOP candidate Donald Trump who defeated 17 other Republican "politicians" and chipped off enough disgruntled Independent […]
Category: Books, Politics |
Tags: book, brad todd, clinton, conservative, democrat, donald trump, election, obama, Politics, president, progressive, reading, republican, salena zito, the great revolt
RichC | July 5, 2018
Although Mt Wilber in Glacier National Park is beautiful (photo left, what a trip!), there is also something to be said for another beautiful thing … the signs behind President Trump at his Great Falls, Montana rally. Like the POTUS or hate him, he seems to be the rare politician working diligently to fulfill many […]
Category: News, Photos, Politics |
Tags: campaign, montana, mount, potus, president, promises, rally, slogan, trump, wiber
RichC | June 12, 2018
Last night was spent watching the “morning” in Singapore as the leader of North Korea met one-on-one with President Donald Trump. Even the most optimistic student of history has to be amazed at just how amazing this meeting and friendly handshake is after years (decades) of the hermit kingdom ignoring and thumbing their nose at […]
Category: News |
Tags: kim jong un, north korea, peace, president, singapore, summit, trump
RichC | April 25, 2018
We live in a highly partisan time, where our differences seem to matter more than our similarities … they shouldn’t. So as can happen after the passing of the highly respected First Lady Barbara Bush, age 92 last week, people and leaders come together to show their respect for her and her family. It is […]
Category: Obituary, Photos |
Tags: barbara bush, first lady, leaders, Obituary, politician, president, united states
RichC | January 30, 2018
With a rebounding economy, strong stock market and job opportunities for all who want to work … there is optimism in the country. President Donald Trump capitalized on the positive attitude most American have and highlighted the recent tax cuts as something all will start to see in their paychecks this year. Besides the IRS […]
Category: News, Politics |
1 Comment
Tags: optimism, president, sotu, speech, trump
RichC | January 26, 2018
We watched the premiere David Letterman series on Netflix with President Barack Obama the other night and both Brenda and I were impressed with the likeability our previous president exhibited – reminiscent of why he was elected in 2008 (Letterman, not so much). Obama was baited numerous times by David Letterman to weigh in negatively […]
Category: Entertainment, Politics |
Tags: interview, letterman, netflix, obama, opinion, president, united states
RichC | January 25, 2018
Throwback Thursday #TBT photos usually have to do with oneself or at least something from our own lifetime. I’m archiving a unique photo of this great American leader (the first known of him in 1840), as I wanted to save it to my blog. Most of us study our US Presidents in school, but usually […]
Category: Archive, Education, History, Photos, TBT, Tidbits |
Tags: History, interesting, lincoln, Photos, president, TBT
RichC | January 15, 2018
Today, January 15, 2018, our nation celebrates the life and accomplishments of one of our greatest Americans on his national holiday, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. This past Friday, President Trump signed a proclamation that honors Dr. King by designating his birthplace, church and tomb as a National Historic Park. Along with the president’s respectful […]
Category: Audio, Faith, History, Holiday, Human Interest, Politics, Video |
Tags: audio, ben carson, Holiday, martin luther king jr, mp3, president, speech, trump, youtube
RichC | October 5, 2017
One may have thought that the divided nation after the election and political chaos in putting together an administration that worked well together would have been the biggest challenge for the unconventional President Donald Trump when it comes to being POTUS, but after the last 30 days you would be wrong. The president has faced […]
Category: News, Politics |
Tags: disaster, hurricanes, las vegas, opinion, president, shooting, tragedy, trump
RichC | October 2, 2017
What we know so far – 1PM on Monday 10/2/2017 At least 58 people were killed and more than 515 were injured at an country music festival on the Las Vegas Strip, in the deadliest mass shooting in modern US history. The gunman fired for several minutes into a 22,000-person crowd from the windows of […]
Category: News, Video-TV |
Tags: las vegas, nevada, president, shooting, speech, trump
RichC | April 26, 2017
What a start to the week for the stock market! There is optimism that something "will" get done with taxes, unlike #RepealAndReplace legislation. The news is that President Donald Trump will be unveiling his proposal to cut corporate taxes on US companies’ foreign profits and slash the top tax rate has investors in the "buy" […]
Category: Financial, News, Politics |
Tags: investors, president, speech, stock market, taxes, trump
RichC | January 31, 2017
Is there a comparable president to Donald Trump? People say President Donald Trump is unique in U.S. history, yet a few who study presidential history say it is not entirely true. Doug Wead, a presidential historian, compares President Trump to Andrew Jackson, as he did shortly after the November 2016 election on "Happening Now" with […]
Category: History, Politics, Video-TV |
Tags: doug wead, foxnews, History, jenna lee, Politics, president, trump, youtube
RichC | November 9, 2016
They won’t call it, but it is all but a shoe in for America’s next president … Donald J. Trump. Since both Clinton and Trump are in NYC, here’s the current New York Times website front page. Good night all and hold on for a wild financial market ride tomorrow.
Category: News, Politics |
Tags: clinton, election, president, trump
RichC | October 25, 2016
Looking at Ohio in the presidential election from distance: OHIO DON’T LIVE THERE, DON’T CARE. If you had to bet on who’d win in November, hang out in Ohio first. The state’s voted for the winner every year since 1964. WHAT DO I NEED TO KNOW? That if the US held up a mirror […]
Category: News, Politics |
Tags: campaign, clinton, election, president, theskimm, trump
RichC | October 1, 2015
Marco Rubio and his family in from September 2013 Getting to know those running for office is always interesting … but most likely knowing his coffee preference and reasoning isn’t most important factor in supporting a candidate. Early on, we only hear the debate snippets and talking head conversation, but it is also helpful […]
Category: Politics |
Tags: candidate, gop, marco, president, republican, rubio, skimm
RichC | April 21, 2015
If by fate, your last name begins with a letter in the second half of the alphabet, you may be at a disadvantage when it comes to being elected to public office? A unscientific look at a list of past U.S. Presidents one think that there might be more than just a legacy advantage to […]
Category: Misc, Politics, Tidbits |
Tags: alphabet, odd, potus, president, strange
RichC | February 21, 2015
CNBC interviewed Gov. Scott Walker on Thursday morning (video below) as America is beginning to talk and take note of him as he makes the media rounds. It is early, but for Walker getting a little better better name recognition is a way to keep dollars growing for a potential (and likely) campaign run to […]
Category: Politics, Video-TV |
Tags: candidate, cnbc, election, gop, president, primary, scott walker
RichC | December 9, 2014
One wonders if today’s Democrats blindly following President Barack Obama and his administration’s goal of “fundamentally transforming the United States of America” even remember what it was like to support a leader who understood our democracy?John F. Kennedy knew what it was to believe and fight for the words and principles which founded this country. […]
Category: Audio, History, Politics, Quotes |
Tags: audio, government, jfk, kennedy, leadership, mp3, obama, president, rights
RichC | February 21, 2013
Really … something has to change in Washington DC. We’re borrowing TRILLIONS, yet the President jets around playing golf while the first lady and family heads to Colorado on vacation. Sure it only MILLIONS … In the another branch of our govenment, they pass reams of laws, bicker about raising more revenue (taxing us), pretend […]
Category: Politics |
Tags: congress, government, obama, president
RichC | October 24, 2012
The final presidential debate was held at Lynn University in Boca Raton, Florida on Monday night (a college visit there in 2007) and the sit down face-to-face capped off the campaign season – I don’t think most Americans could take any more. I personally found it interesting, but assume most were bored with the foreign […]
Category: Politics |
1 Comment
Tags: debate, obama, president, romney
RichC | May 26, 2012
Although the polls have risen for GOP candidate and presumed Republican nominee Mitt Romney, he still suffers an image problem. I’m not sure what it is …maybe he just looks too much like a politician? Some say he seems stiff or scripted; that he is out of touch with regular America. The talking heads paint […]
Category: Politics |
Tags: noonan, Politics, president, romney, wsj
RichC | April 10, 2012
It looks like the contest is about over for the GOP candidates … although the smart money has been on Governor Romney for a few months now … but it has been difficult for Mitt Romney to land a knockout blow, as challengers seemed to tag-team against him for the last year. Yet in the […]
Category: News, Politics |
Tags: campaign, dem, gingrich, gop, obama, president, romney, santorum
RichC | January 30, 2012
YouTube live at 5:30PM EST on January 30, 2012 Great use of technology, although it certainly does require respectful users … unfortunately a little too much “respect” ends up with friendly to President Obama questioners. The hangout is interesting as I’m only 15 minutes in, but its beginning to sound a little like a campaign […]
Category: Politics, Social Media, Video |
Tags: g+, google, obama, president, social, youtube
RichC | December 15, 2011
Well I was going to wait until closer to the Republican primary in Ohio (3/6/2012) to decide which candidate was best to run against the president, but after seeing recent polling, the candidate is obvious. When polls pitting Newt Gingrich against the sitting President Obama, the numbers indicate the President may have an easy re-election, […]
Category: Politics, Poll |
Tags: gingrich, government, mitt romney, obama, Poll, president
RichC | June 2, 2011
The Republican heavyweight contender (at least in raising campaign funds) has announced his candidacy for presidency today at an event in New Hampshire. It was an expected move from a somewhat calculating and predictable politician/businessman – perhaps something the country needs? Former Governor Mitt Romney, a hardened campaigner, made the announcement at the Bittersweet Farm […]
Category: News, Politics |
Tags: campaign, economy, elections, mitt, president, romney
RichC | March 27, 2011
It does seem a little early, but it is nearing the time we’ll find out who is a viable and electable 2012 Republican candidate for President. As I look at the current field of previous GOP presidential candidates, a couple of them seem to be getting their names out early. One well known political hopeful […]
Category: Politics, Video-TV |
Tags: campaign, newt gingrich, Politics, president
RichC | January 26, 2011’s web and social networking team did a great job with enhanced State of the Union coverage, as well as pre and post-coverage tonight. I wish I could say the same for my confidence in President Obama’s leadership and vision for our country. (SOTU Transcript and Republican response video below the split) First a positive […]
Category: News, Politics, Social Media |
Tags: obama, president, sotu
RichC | November 28, 2010
While helping my wife work on her Christmas letter today, she asked about the context for the famous Thomas Jefferson “Question with boldness” quote taken from his letter to his nephew Peter Carr on August 10, 1787. I’m archiving the text of the letter below Jeremiah’s letter to the Exiled Jews. “For I know the […]
Category: Archive, History |
Tags: History, president, thomas jefferson
RichC | January 8, 2010
President Obama, for all the “hope and change” that was promised, seems to have no problem with the lack of openness and transparency being demostrated under his tenure. Obama’s promises of “openness” are empty … or perhaps only apply when concerning Republican leaders? For many, President Obama is a bigger disappointment than his predecessors because […]
Category: Health, Politics, Video |
Tags: congress, government, health care, obama, president, whitehouse
RichC | October 29, 2009
For those citizens trying to follow the political goings on in Washington DC, it is irritating to trying to figure out just what is being debated and discussed by those we elect to “do the people’s business.” The current health care debate and varies bills being proposed in the House and Senate are prime example […]
Category: Politics |
1 Comment
Tags: congress, obama, Politics, president, washington
RichC | February 2, 2009
A friend of mine forwarded some talented computer morphing work on The video below starts with George Washington and morphs through to the 44th President of the United States.
Category: Video |
Tags: morph, president, united states
RichC | January 20, 2009
On January 20, 2009, Americans saw the power of peaceful change as President George Walker Bush stepped aside and heard the crowds cheered as President Barack Hussein Obama took office. Throngs of well-wishers filled Washington DC preceding today’s inauguration and many others gathered around televisions to watch this historic moment. It is a great testament […]
Category: News, Politics, Video-TV |
Tags: inauguration, obama, Politics, president, Washington DC, whitehouse
RichC | January 20, 2009
The Wallstreet Journal took a look at the job approval rating of our Presidents. The graph illustrates public opinion of Presidents from Truman through George W. Bush. Th popularity of each President rises and falls as they were faced different crisis situations. Only President Truman and George W. Bush have seen both support as high […]
Category: Politics |
Tags: bush, carter, clinton, eisenhower, ford, johnson, kennedy, nixon, president, reagan, truman, wsj
RichC | January 24, 2007
President Bush delivered the annual “State of the Union Address” last night and although the situation in Iraq dominates politics and concerns, he did address other issues; among them was last years reference “addiction to oil.” (although he did use a new line: “the serious challenge of global climate change.”) As expected, the President outlined […]
Category: Misc, Politics, Video-TV |
Tags: 2007, bush, climate, president, state of union
RichC | June 29, 2005
The President of the United States addressed the nation on Tuesday night (June 28, 2005) and outlined the continuing War on Terror. (right-click and save-as this MP3 audio to listen) The polite and respectful Airbourne Army troops at Fort Bragg, NC hosted their commander in chief and listened intently to the accurate review and complementary […]
Category: Millitary, News, Politics |
Tags: bush, president