RichC | February 22, 2025
There was a north wind for our beach walk today, but we continue to add a few more steps to it each day. It is shocking to see Brenda able to comfortable walk ever day with her replacement hip — medical science is amazing. On our walks, we continue to enjoy briefly talking to others […]
Category: Health, Nature, Personal, Photos, Travel, Video |
1 Comment
Tags: age test, birds, delray beach, florida, Health, snowy egret, walking
RichC | December 26, 2024
Sleep has never been a problem for me until this past year or so. I don’t know if it is age or that my mind is filled with too much stuff — my running out of hard drive space theory (a worthless thought for another time). Anyway, I mentioned this to my primary care physician […]
Category: Advice, Entertainment, Health, Humor |
Tags: cleveland clinic, comedy, diet mountain dew, diphenhydramine, doctors, hogans heroes, mayo clinic, melatonin, Nestlé Quik, sleep, television
RichC | September 25, 2024
A change of plans is something that can cause stress … but nothing like the stress of having a child with a medical condition, no matter their age. Brenda’s younger sister Ann and her husband Gary have a grown daughter who has overcome hurdle after hurdle in living with a chiasmal optic glioma. It has […]
Category: Health, Misc, Personal, Travel |
Tags: family, gerbers, Health, hiking, medical, sarah, skinners, utah, zion national park
RichC | May 19, 2024
It is time to face the inevitable that working later in life is not a reality for most people. As I commented on a Barron’s article last week, you “better have a Plan B or even a Plan C” in case there is a health concern that prevent working later in life. From personal experience, […]
Category: Advice, Audio, Blogs, Financial, Health, Human Interest, News, Retirement |
Tags: ai, barrons, deepgram, economics, investing, Liberty Street Economics, planning, retirement, savings
RichC | May 1, 2024
Both my wife and I drink too many carbonated beverages. For me it is usually Diet Mountain Dew and for Brenda it has always been Diet Pepsi. I scaled bad several times in my life, but ended up right back in the habit of 3+ cans everyday. Brenda seems to be able to turn it […]
Category: Blogs, Financial, Health, Human Interest, Misc, Personal |
Tags: beverage, brenda, carbonated, diet mountain dew, diet pepsi, harvard, Health, pop, refreshments, richc, soda
RichC | February 3, 2024
While Brenda and I apprecated the warmer weather while in Florida last month, we really focused on walking more each day after working half days from the condo. Our steady daily beach walks and healthier eating will hopefully pay-off with the shedding of a few pounds and improving our long term health (Brenda’s hip replacement […]
Category: Health, Personal, Photos, Travel, Weather |
1 Comment
Tags: brenda, fitbit, florida, Health, richc, shells, walking, whelk
RichC | January 27, 2024
Brenda and I have been enjoying the NFL playoffs in late January from Florida this year and are looking forward to watching the final two games before Super Bowl LVIII on February 11, 2024. This weekend America will be watching the Detriot Lions vs the San Francisco 49ers in the NFC and the Kansas City […]
Category: Health, Medical, Personal, Photos, Sports, Travel |
Tags: beach, brenda, eventity, football, nfl, osteoporosis, playoffs, vacation, webmd, wikipedia
RichC | April 15, 2023
For years now I have thought there was something to the Mediterranean diet and in drinking red wine with a meal. I’ve tried to put at least the “red wine” part of this into my regular diet and continue to read articles and studies that promote the positives of antioxidants for the heart — grape […]
Category: Health, News |
Tags: alcohol, commonsense, Health, jama, life expectancy, red wine, study, wsj
RichC | April 10, 2023
While feeling a bit melancholy last week while thinking about my late father and mother-in-law (no Alzheimer’s, but some dementia), I heard the song “While He Still Knows Who I Am” recorded by Kenny Chesney on his Welcome to the Fishbowl album in 2012. It does trigger memories and getting things said while you can […]
Category: Health, Music |
Tags: aging, alzhemers, disease, grandparents, Health, kenny chesney, love bugs, music monday, musicmonday, parents
RichC | April 8, 2023
I’m not really sure where the data for this map came from or if it is accurate (??) … but it is something to think about.
Category: Health, Human Interest, Social Media, Tidbits |
Tags: america, expectancy, life, map
RichC | March 15, 2023
While reading a health related social media post this past week, a graphic struck me as interesting since it highlights many of the ailments that most doctors and aging humans eventually face. Just to keep it personal, I’m noticing the hair thinning, vision and hearing loss as well as my high cholesterol needing some work […]
Category: Blogs, Faith, Health, Human Interest, Photos, Social Media |
Tags: aging, church, family, granddaughters, graphic, Health
RichC | February 27, 2023
From a CNNHealth story: A sugar replacement called erythritol — used to add bulk or sweeten stevia, monk-fruit, and keto reduced-sugar products — has been linked to blood clotting, stroke, heart attack and death, according to a new study. “The degree of risk was not modest,” said lead author Dr. Stanley Hazen, director of the […]
Category: Health, Medical, News |
Tags: cardiovascular, cnn, erythritol, Health, heart attack, stroke, sweetener
RichC | February 15, 2023
This content is restricted.
Category: Health, Nature, Personal, Photos, Travel |
Tags: annalyn, brenda, condo1718, delray beach, drew, ellerie, family, florida, hip replacement, homebuilding, katelyn, rehab, richc, surgery, walking
RichC | January 30, 2023
Generally, reggaeis not my thing, but this time of year it is easy for me to include something a little more tropical for Music Monday. So my music listening turns to either “No Shoes Radio” or Radio Margaritaville on SiriusXM. This week it was listening to Mishka Firth’s 2010 recording of “Just Keep Livin” as […]
Category: Archive, Health, Medical, Music, Personal, Photos |
Tags: barefoot, brenda, excapism, flip-flops, fracture bionic, hip, injury, just keep livin, mishka, music monday, musicmonday, no shoes radio, radio margaritaville, reggae, shoulder, siriusxm, surgery, xray
RichC | January 26, 2023
Besides nursing duties and doctor visits with Brenda this past week, I’ve been working with a customer who would like to deploy a non-CMS website and completely forgot to post something on Thursday — making it up today. Although I’m partial to using an inexpensive Linux server with Apache and MySQL, he would like to […]
Category: Blogs, Health, Medical, Productivity, Raspberry Pi, Technology |
Tags: brenda, font, hip replacement, hugo, linux, raspberry pi, rdc personal font, static site, webserver
RichC | January 15, 2023
Brenda is making remarkable improvements (in my opinion) in her mobility after having expedited full hip replacement surgery on Monday afternoon at 4PM. As mentioned yesterday, she was released from the hospital on Wednesday night and after a semi-restful day on Thursday, began physical therapy on Friday. Katelyn came down from Perrysburg and was wonderful […]
Category: Health, Medical, Personal, Photos, Video |
Tags: brenda, canadian rockies, get well, hip replacement, hospital, katelyn, mp4, physical therapy, rehab, surgery, taylor
RichC | January 14, 2023
Prior to Christmas, Brenda was moving furniture around in our carpeted bedroom in order to clean behind our king size bed and headboard. She knew at the time it was too heavy, but continued to push and pull with her legs and hip. When I got home, I noticed the bed and nightstands were out […]
Category: Health, Medical, Personal, Photos, Video |
Tags: brenda, compression, femur, fracture, hip replacement, hospital, osteoporosis. mp4, physical therapy, surgery, x-ray
RichC | October 5, 2022
Occasionally an article triggers me enough to save a PDF version, even though I rarely go to the folder on the computer where I’ve saved them. I’m not sure why I bother? Anyway, here’s a medical oriented article offering up 5 habits for healthier eyes. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a common cause of vision […]
Category: Health |
Tags: age-related, amd, article, degeneration, eyes, eyesight, Health, macular
RichC | August 22, 2022
While listening to Radio Margaritaville and relaxing in the backyard at the end of the day last week, another Life On The Flipside song caught my ear and started me thinking about how I’m missing sailing and the ocean. I’m not an active surfer, although “IF” I still had decent balance (see Menieres), I wouldn’t […]
Category: Health, Music, Recreation, Sailing |
Tags: backyard, glenn goodman, jimmy buffett, mac mcanally, menieres, music monday, musicmonday, ocean, radio margaritaville, sailing, surfing, wave, youtube
RichC | August 17, 2022
Read this medical information the other day and thought it likely might be a question many of us may have when taking over the counter (and prescription) doses of the common NSAID Ibuprofen. Check out the full article on GoodRx. How much does ibuprofen raise your blood pressure? Studies have looked at how much NSAIDs […]
Category: Health, Medical |
Tags: article, blood pressure, drugs, goodrx, Health, ibuprofen, medical, nsaid, pain reliever, prescription
RichC | August 16, 2022
Since I wear a Fitbit and monitor a few things like heartrate, exercise and daily step count, I was concerned when my resting heartrate (graph left) seemed to be rising? After talking with my daughter about it, she mentioned that it sure seemed to correspond to my COVID diagnosis. Hm??? Hopefully it will return to […]
Category: Gadget, Health, Medical, Personal, Technology |
Tags: coronavirus, cough, covid19, exercise, fitbit, Health, heart, heartrate, resting heart, step count
RichC | August 6, 2022
Well if one has to stay at home … looking at our backyard “storm is coming” pool photo … and we aren’t to be out and about, there could be worse places to be isolating? The summer storms continued rolling thru this past week and and after testing positive the previous week, I thought a […]
Category: Entertainment, Health, Personal, Photos, Video |
Tags: backyard, brenda, comedy, coronavirus, covid, earworm, gilligan's island, isolate, paxlovid, pool, richc, storms, summer, theme song, youtube
RichC | August 1, 2022
Well it looks like COVID19’s BA.5 subvariant has found us … or we found it. Fortunately for us, we have been vaccinated and at least I have one of the boosters … so hopefully the more serious and severe illness seen by many can be avoided. As of my writing (over the weekend) the symptoms […]
Category: Archive, Health, Medical, Personal |
Tags: brenda, coronavirus, covid tests, covid19, paxlovid, richc
RichC | July 16, 2022
Since a lot of aging Americans have been prescribed a statin, they likely pay close attention to articles talking about possible links between statins and dementia –I take note too. Thankfully each time the medical studies and advice is updated, the benefits of taking a statin vs trying to live with high cholesterol still outweigh […]
Category: Advice, Health, Medical |
Tags: cholesterol, dementia, goodrx, Health, medical, risk, statin
RichC | May 18, 2022
When the weather finally warmed up and I was motivated to head outside to work in the yard and start cleaning things up around the house, it was good for my activity level. Let’s see if this will correspond with losing a few pounds and getting a little healthier – it certainly can’t hurt (a […]
Category: Archive, Food, Gadget, Health, Personal |
Tags: activity, colonoscopy, exercise, fitbit, Health, hellofresh, report, versa, versa2
RichC | May 3, 2022
My dad was known for saying he was planning to live to 160 years old and I’m following in his ridiculous longevity theories and his questionable medical advice (he died at 86 in 2015). Years ago I jokingly theorized that when Jesus told us that “Indeed, the very hairs of your head are numbered” (Luke […]
Category: Advice, Faith, Health, Humor, Medical, Personal, Technology |
Tags: advice, bible, cholesterol, colonoscopy, dadc, fitbit, hairs, heart, heartbeat, jesus, life, medical, relaxation, stress, theory, versa, verse
RichC | March 5, 2022
What parent doesn’t enjoy seeing their adult children respected enough in their profession to be asked to comment? Since I’m one that does keep an online scrapbook of sorts (this blog) … I’m archiving a recent article with Katelyn in Toledo Area Parent titled “Less Mealtime Stress with Responsive Feeding.” Seems like a week to […]
Category: Archive, Blogs, Health, Misc, Personal, Tidbits |
Tags: archive, article, dr katelyn oostra, feeding, katelyn, magazine, melanie potock, parenting, pediatrician, promedica, toledo
RichC | January 28, 2022
In an attempt to start 2022 off right, I’ve updated‘s WordPress to the current 5.9 … along with the interface that I’ve never learned to use or appreciate. Someday perhaps? Since this was a pretty short Tech Friday blog entry, I’ll include a JAMA guest link from my daughter that reminded her (and me) […]
Category: Blogs, Health, Software |
Tags: blog, dadc, dying, jama, katelyn, momc, tech friday, techfriday, update, wordpress
RichC | January 17, 2022
This content is restricted.
Category: Health, Music, Politics, Travel |
Tags: australia, business as usual, coronavirus, covid19, down under, liberty, men at work, mp3, music monday, musicmonday, traveling
RichC | January 13, 2022
“Eye” do it every year (a very Dumb Dad Joke #DDJ) … I make my eye appointment to get my updated prescription from my optometrist (OD) and contemplate ordering contact lenses from them or a less expensive retailer … just as I’ve been doing since the days of the “cooker” (only those of a certain age […]
Category: Health, Medical, Misc, Personal, Shopping |
Tags: bausch, contacts, ddj, eye doctor, insurance, lens, lenses, lomb, optician, optometrist, prescription, rebates, vision
RichC | December 31, 2021
As we wind down 2021 and close the book on a stressful COVID19 filled year … here’s hoping next year will bring an end to the pandemic. If that is not going to be the case, then let’s hope the Omicron Variant isn’t as deadly as the Delta Variant … and that we will keep […]
Category: Advice, Financial, Health, Holiday, Idioms, Nature, Photos |
Tags: bad day, bird, cliche, corronavirus, covid19, feather, friday filler, idiom, idioms, New Years eve, pandemic
RichC | December 15, 2021
As Christmas cards arrive and the 15th of December hits, it is time to start winding down my business year and thinking about 2022 (BTW, we mailed our cards this week). One thing I have noticed this year is that more cards are from people who are now retired or are retiring. Hm … does […]
Category: Advice, Financial, Health, Human Interest, Medical, Personal |
Tags: chamber of commerce, christmas, cola, cpi, cppnet, health insurance, high-deductible, hsa, inflation, medicare, medishare, ppi, retirement, social security
RichC | November 30, 2021
Who really spends time looking at themselves in the mirror … at least the men that I know? BUT … I noticed my elbows when getting dressed last weekend … there is some disturbing sagging “grandpa skin” … “when did this happen?” On the other hand, I’m not alone and I suppose this is to […]
Category: Health, Medical, Personal, Photos, Tidbits |
Tags: aging, elbow, genetics, grandpa, sagging, skin, sun damage, wrinkles
RichC | July 25, 2021
So what do you know about bats? Personally, I didn’t know very much at all. I see them regularly in the evening sky darting around and have always repeated the mantra that they are good for the environment because they eat mosquitos and pesky insects (article). Beyond that … and the vampire stories … I […]
Category: Environment, Health, Idioms, Nature, Personal, Photos |
Tags: animals, backyard, bats, china, coronavirus, covid19, idioms, pandemic, pool, rabies, wet market, wildlife, wuhan
RichC | July 24, 2021
If it were not for the questionable messaging being pushed by every politician, biased partisan media personality (both left and right), so called medical experts and even our own wishy-washy Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it would be easier to decipher if this Delta Covid-19 variant is something to worry about or just […]
Category: Health, News |
Tags: coronavirus, covid19, delta variant, dr rochelle walensky, economy, facemasks, messaging, pandemic, shutdown
RichC | June 5, 2021
Brenda and I are still a year away from a milestone wedding anniversary, but we aren’t taking our 39th for granted – Happy Anniversary Brenda! This past year has been challenging … but an improving year on all counts. Everyone has been dealing with the COVID19 pandemic, but thankfully for us, we are coming out […]
Category: Archive, Health, Personal, Photos |
Tags: anniversary, back, brenda, covid19, doctor, osteoporosis, pain, pandemic, richc, spinal, spine, treatment, tymlos
RichC | May 19, 2021
Like a lot of middle-aged Americans from the baby boomer generation (FYI, I”m at the tail end), I’ve spent way too many years unprotected in the sun. Although I haven’t gone out of my way to get that “healthy tan” (cough, cough) as we used to say in the old days, I’ve still ended up […]
Category: Advice, Environment, Health, Recreation, Shopping |
Tags: cap, hat, osprey, protection, shelta, spf, sun
RichC | May 10, 2021
The Who was never at the top of my music listening list, but like all who grew up in the 1960-70’s era, we all knew the music. This past Wednesday was the 60th anniversary of Alan Shepard‘s flight into space and as a boy who grew up mesmerized by our NASA space program (still am) […]
Category: Aviation, Health, History, Memories, Music, Space, Video |
Tags: alan shepard, apollo, i can see for miles, menieres, moon, music monday, musicmonday, nasa, space, the who, vertigo
RichC | April 9, 2021
Sometimes when my mind wanders, I shift from pie-in-the-sky dreaming (flying cars, mind control devices, AI/robotics (mp4), time machines (mp4), “beam me up” transporters, etc) to something that’s a bit more realistic to the world of everyday technology. Let’s get the above “pie-in-the-sky” idiom out of the way first. “Pie In The Sky” Origin This […]
Category: Cellphone, Gadget, Health, Idioms, Medical, Personal, Technology |
Tags: aeropex, aftershokz, aid, bluetooth, cochlear, hearing, idiom, idioms, implant, innovation, iphone, machines, mimi, pie, sky, tech friday, techfriday, Technology, transporter, wishlist
RichC | March 25, 2021
For the most part, I’m a conservative investor, although a regular channel trader, and I rarely speculates on risky upstarts, IPOs, zero-profit tech stocks, pharmaceutical long-shots or the latest crazy … cryptocurrency trend. Since most “risk” involves speculation, I see it more akin to gambling than eyes-open informed value or growth investing … both which […]
Category: Advice, Financial, Health, Science |
1 Comment
Tags: $PFE, $VRTX, biotech, bitcoin, charts, coronavirus, covid, cowen, cystic-fibrosis, Financial, grain of salt, idiom, idioms, investing, markets, pandemic, pfizer, phrases, stocks, trading, vertex
RichC | March 6, 2021
Immunization is picking up speed, but we are still struggling to get enough of the produced vaccinations in arms … especially in some states. This past week an article in Fortune posted a “tracker map” illustrating where it is going well and where we’re are struggling to get shots in the arms of every American […]
Category: Health, Medical, News |
Tags: $JNJ, coronavirus, covid19, fortune, immunization, map, tracker, vaccination, vaccine
RichC | March 3, 2021
If all we do is listen to those who spew negativity and show distain for America, we might miss the fact that the US through Operation Warp Speed in coordination with private companies, have given us a COVID19 vaccine to its citizens and to the world in record time. In keeping with countries which have […]
Category: Health, News, Politics |
Tags: coronavirus, covid19, democracy, freedom, hate, heath, innovation, rollout, socialism, vaccine, youtube
RichC | February 14, 2021
This content is restricted.
Category: Archive, Health, Holiday, Personal, Photos |
Tags: annalyn, brenda, coronavirus, covid19, ellerie, facetime, idiom, katelyn, Photos, taylor, vaccination, valentine's day
RichC | January 20, 2021
While talking with a customer on the phone today and talking about when I’ll be traveling to NE Ohio again, they asked me when they could get the Covid-19 vaccine? See Covid-19 Vaccination Program – LINK. So I figured it would be appropriate to include a screenshot from an Ohio-based health care provider in our […]
Category: Business, Health, Personal, Photos, Travel |
Tags: brenda, cdc, coronavirus, covid19, drew, family, katelyn, megan, ohio, taylor, vaccine
RichC | December 31, 2020
I had lunch “out” this week with my good friend Jeff, although this routine has become very infrequent compared to previous years. Still, we had a chance to catch up, talk about politics (Ugh), the old-days backpacking in North Carolina (an old scanned photo for Throwback Thursday #TBT) … and I opened his cool gift […]
Category: Faith, Friends, Health, Memories, Personal, Photos, TBT |
Tags: backpacking, blessings, camping, coronavirus, covid19, family, friends, hiking, jeff pitts, jeffp, katelyn, memories, Memory, reflection, solo, stove, TBT, thankful, vaccination, vaccine
RichC | December 27, 2020
There was an interesting article in Prevention Magazine that explains what the COVID19 or generically the Coronavirus vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna do … AND what their ingredients are. It also details the differences between the two from the standpoint of how cold storage temperatures need to be. Check out the article for the ingredients […]
Category: Health, Innovation, News, Science, Tidbits |
Tags: coronavirus, covid19, disease, Health, ingredients, medical, moderna, pandemic, pfizer, prevention, science, vaccine
RichC | December 23, 2020
This content is restricted.
Category: Archive, Health, Holiday, Misc, Personal, Photos |
Tags: annalyn, blog, christmas, coronavirus, ellerie, family, gilkey, granddaughters, great room, house, improvments covid19, updates, windows
RichC | December 16, 2020
Are you tired of this COVID19 lockdown yet? It is hard to believe the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic AND those politicians dictating shutdowns in their mini-kingdoms have not had more pushback than they have? Way too many small businesses, and especially people working in the travel and food service industry, will not be having much of […]
Category: Business, Health, Humor, Photos, Politics, Social Media |
Tags: bubble, coronavirus, covid19, frustration, Humor, lockdown, navidad, santa, shutdown, toilet paper
RichC | November 23, 2020
One of the more disturbing trends during the COVID19COVID19 pandemic has been the infringement on personal liberty by politicians in the country.Thankfully we are closing in on a vaccine, but the heavy-handed restrictions that may have been tolerated during the initial outbreak, aren’t being received well by those who are trying to keep food on the […]
Category: Health, Holiday, News, Politics, Video |
Tags: authoritarian, coronavirus, covid19, facemask, government, governors, kate brown, oregon, youtube
RichC | September 18, 2020
After a recent update from Fitbit, my Versa watch is now tracking my SpO2 level when I sleep. Unsure what to make of it, I asked my doctor-daughter Katelyn what it means: “looks good, no sleep apnea.” (Fitbit devices measure this while sleeping, since they are usually the lowest) After a little reading on SpO2 […]
Category: Health, Personal, Photos, Technology |
Tags: apnea, blood, fitbit, Health, level, mayo clinic, oxygen, sensor, sleep, smartwatch, spo2, tech, tech friday, techfriday, tracking, versa, watch
RichC | September 13, 2020
I downloaded and installed the new Apple iOS 13.7 update, but hesitated since I regularly prefer blocking location services information. Both Apple and Google announced the “tracking” in April 2020, but as expected, it was met with reservation. Most users are naïve to the amount of personal data requested by apps and operation systems on […]
Category: Apple, Cellphone, Health, Software, Technology |
Tags: apple, coronavirus, covid19, iOS13, ipad, iphone, location, notification, privacy, services, tiktok, tracking, update
RichC | August 1, 2020
My goodness, where have the years gone!?! I know that I’m not the only one who asks that question, but when it stares me in the face from 6700 blog post ago … it is a big reminder. I’ve noted in this post that 15 years ago Taylor and I headed up to see my […]
Category: Blogs, Health, Memories, Nature, Personal, Recreation, Travel |
Tags: back problem, blog, brenda, canadian rockies, epidural, hiking, mri, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, pain, Travel, treatment, xray
RichC | July 18, 2020
As politicians and most of us in the United States (and probably world) debate how to live under the shadow of the Coronavirus pandemic, researchers, doctors and academics are flooding the Internet with studies and opinions both for and against opening up the country. Some have our best interest at heart … and likely some […]
Category: Blogs, Business, Health, Idioms, News, Politics |
1 Comment
Tags: central, coronavirus, covid19, economic,, freedom, gcc, graph, idiom, idioms, karl marx, liberty, lock down, ludwig von mises, marxism, masks, new york, planning, Politics, prageru, shutdown, studies, sweden, youtube
RichC | July 14, 2020
After my much enjoyed Fitbit Versa smartwatch died in less than a year (it was replaced under warranty – thank you), I have been a bit more careful when wearing the new one. I no longer wear it in the pool or even shower and find myself forgetting to put it back on as often. […]
Category: Advice, Gadget, Health, Personal, Tidbits |
Tags: excersise, fitbit, goals, jama, smartwatch, step count, steps, watch, weight loss
RichC | July 7, 2020
See a few more details leading up to this from Gov Mike Dewine on this post.
Category: Health, News, Social Media |
Tags: coronavirus, covid19, gov mike dewine, Health, mask, ohio, requirement, twitter
RichC | July 2, 2020
It sure would be nice to report all is well in Ohio, but unfortunately our returning to semi-normal routines and statewide reopening has hit a snag … at least according to those elected and paid to monitor our health. See ALERT LEVELS: (all include “Follow all current health orders”) Active exposure and spread. Increased […]
Category: Health, News |
Tags: advisory, alert, coronavirus, covid19, government, governor, Health, mike dewine, ohio
RichC | June 3, 2020
It is starting to look like early gadget failure going to become the ‘norm’ now that we’re wearing tech gadgets everyday. My Fitbit Versa watch is not even a year old and has failed. For a while it started to blink and flip through it’s screens, then surged with colorful vertical lines (photo)and a vibrate […]
Category: Health, Personal, Shopping, Technology |
Tags: battery, brenda, charging, fitbit, Health, katelyn, replacement, richc, tech, tracker, versa, versa2, warranty, watch, wearable
RichC | May 30, 2020
It has been a couple weeks of more states and localities re-opening. Brenda and I stopped at Fazoli’s to pick up something last weekend, but instead decided to try something new .. at least since restaurants shut down. We donned our face masks and ordered our meal sitting every other table. All was good. Then […]
Category: Health, Human Interest, Humor, Personal, Photos |
Tags: coronavirus, covid19, crochet, face, fazolis, Humor, mask, mexican, normal, ppe, Restaurant
RichC | May 27, 2020
Acknowledge scammers and you become a “live mark.” There’s no way around it, living with smarphones and computers makes life easier and more difficult at the same time. Scammers are busy targeting all of us and seem particularly interested in taking advantage of senior citizens and those often least experience with technology. A perfect example […]
Category: Advice, Cellphone, Computer, Health, Technology |
Tags: ani gif, anigif, crime, deterrent, do not call, ftc, its a trap, medicare, medigap, message, scams, spam, text
RichC | May 15, 2020
We are all likely on information overload when it comes to the Coronavirus and how it has impacted our country and the world. Still, it seemed appropriated to include a reminder as we start to re-open the country that the threat is far from over – we have just “flattened the curve” as it were. […]
Category: Health, Human Interest, News |
Tags: cdc, coronavirus, covid19, government, idiom, idioms, psa, symtoms