RichC | December 6, 2024
The annual Corbett Christmas Letter has been reduced to the ubiquitous Christmas card printed by one of the many card producers (below). This year’s card was ordered before our Thanksgiving famly get-together and unique Google “Add Me” AI feature used in the photo above on Drew’s new Pixel 9. Very impressive — hey, Apple, get […]
Category: AI, Archive, Cellphone, Holiday, Personal, Photos, Technology |
Tags: addme, archive, artificial intelligence, christmas, christmas card, Corbett Christmas Letter, family, google, mashable, Personal, pixel9, tech friday, techfriday
RichC | December 29, 2022
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Category: Archive, Holiday, Personal, Photos, Video |
Tags: 2022, annalyn, archive, brenda, christmas, corbett, dinner, drew, ellerie, family, katelyn, megan, mp4, oostra, presents, richc, taylor, time-lapse
RichC | December 15, 2022
First up, is a rainy photo of the second car that I rebuilt … but this 1974 Capri was really my first car since I bought it with my own money (paid $600 at a junkyard in 1978). The car I think of as my first car would be a 1967 Ford Custom 500 (link […]
Category: Archive, Automotive, Friends, Memories, Personal, Photography, Photos, Sailing, TBT |
Tags: 1974, ada, archive, capri, ford custom 500, founders hall, jeffp, kiser lake, mercury, ohio, old photos, onu, rebuild, sailboat, sidney, TBT, thistle
RichC | November 17, 2022
In Barron’s Magazine (11/10/2022), there was an excellent article by Karen Hube on “How to Use This Year’s Market Tumble to Reduce Your Tax Bill.” The read is helpful for those contemplating a way to use their losses to offset what they may have sold … or using the “market tumble” as a way to book […]
Category: Financial |
Tags: archive, barrons, bonds, crypto, cryptocurrency, finance, investing, pdf, stocks, strategy, tax-lost, trading
RichC | October 25, 2022
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Category: Archive, Personal, Photos, Sports, Weather |
Tags: annalyn, archive, college, drew, ellerie, family, football, jodyo, katelyn, megan, ohio state, osu, taylor, tylero
RichC | May 31, 2022
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Category: Archive, Personal, Photos |
Tags: annalyn, archive, chores, drew, ellerie, family, hello fresh, katelyn, megan, Memorial Day, orings, Photos, roses, taylor, varnish, weekend, zoo
RichC | April 3, 2022
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Category: Archive, Humor, Memories, Personal, Photos |
Tags: annalyn, archive, drew, ellerie, family, katelyn, laughing, laughter, passport, phone call, puzzle, smiling
RichC | March 5, 2022
What parent doesn’t enjoy seeing their adult children respected enough in their profession to be asked to comment? Since I’m one that does keep an online scrapbook of sorts (this blog) … I’m archiving a recent article with Katelyn in Toledo Area Parent titled “Less Mealtime Stress with Responsive Feeding.” Seems like a week to […]
Category: Archive, Blogs, Health, Misc, Personal, Tidbits |
Tags: archive, article, dr katelyn oostra, feeding, katelyn, magazine, melanie potock, parenting, pediatrician, promedica, toledo
RichC | December 20, 2021
Perhaps the days of our yearly-update annual Corbett Christmas Letter stuffed into a Christmas card are in the past? We have succumb to the popular printed photo card and figured that those who might want to know more about our year might just read my blog (a shameless plug). This year we decided not to […]
Category: Archive, Holiday, Memories, Personal, Photos |
Tags: 2021, archive, christmas, christmas card, Corbett Christmas Letter, family, musicmonday, postcard
RichC | October 19, 2021
While tuned into Fox Business over lunch last week, a segment highlighting people bulldozing beautiful homes in New York’s Long Island’s West Hamptons in order to build even more beautiful dream homes. One such multi-million dollar house featured a long window treatment rod similar to my thoughts for our new windows. For us it is […]
Category: Archive, Ideas |
Tags: archive, cavuto, curtains, foxbusiness, hamptons, home, house, ideas, new york, treatments, windows
RichC | September 14, 2021
Our end of summer driveway project has left us irritated and a bit depressed. This isn’t our first concrete project, so we do know what to expect and what is possible. Our builder supervised our first driveway at this house (the finish looked good and there were no initial cracks, but after a decade it […]
Category: Archive, Misc, Photos |
Tags: archive, concrete, cracks, dispute, driveway, project, september 2021, workmanship
RichC | August 26, 2021
In continuing in my effort to document the driveway project, here is another photo (below) that is likely to make the kids smile and Brenda frown, due to our long running “turtle” jokes. The workers painting a turtle made me smile … at least more than the swimming snake I dipped out of the pool (video […]
Category: Archive, Misc, Personal, Photos, TBT |
1 Comment
Tags: archive, concrete, drains, driveway, gravel, pipes, project, snake
RichC | March 14, 2021
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Category: Advice, Archive, Personal, Photos, Shopping |
Tags: aluminum, annalyn, archive, betterbox, cement, family, haircut, katelyn, mailbox, perrysburg, quikcrete, repair, replace
RichC | March 9, 2021
While finishing up a small black walnut book stand or bookholder for my son’s birthday later this spring, I decided to archive a photo since Taylor doesn’t regularly read my blog (watch this be the exception). I wanted to make something for him since the granddaughters usually get most projects. He is also the other “sailboat” […]
Category: Archive, Books, Tools, Woodworking |
Tags: archive, birthday, Books, bookshelf, finish, finishing, inlay, photo, project, taylor, walnut, woodworking
RichC | February 18, 2021
A couple of weeks ago I shared a 1990s photo of Brenda’s dad with a close friend Hugh Woodcock and saw another one from 1997 to archive for a Throwback Thursday #TBT. Both MomH (2017) and DadH (2013) have passed away, but since Mrs. Woodcock (Ann) commented on my “snowy February stay-at-home” post, I figured […]
Category: Archive, Friends, Personal, Photos, TBT |
Tags: alzheimer's, ann woodcock, archive, dadh, dementia, family, florida, friends, hugh woodcock, momh, TBT
RichC | February 4, 2021
I always stop in to visit with lifetime friends of Mom and Dad Howard, Ann and Hugh Woodcock when I’m close, but hesitate to even tell them I’m nearby “in the days of COVID19.” I really hate putting it off though, since one never knows how many days friends in their 90s have? The photo […]
Category: Archive, Personal, Photos, TBT |
Tags: archive, coronavirus, covid19, dadh, family, friends, lynda, mark howard, TBT, throwback, woodcock
RichC | December 15, 2020
It has been a challenging year to say the least with the Coronavirus still raging in the US and around the world. So many lives, businesses and plans have been forever changed. Brenda and I just feel blessed to be surviving the pandemic and able to function in a day to day matter. We hear […]
Category: Archive, Holiday, Memories, Personal, Photos |
Tags: 2020, archive, brenda, christmas, christmas card, Corbett Christmas Letter, coronavirus, covid19, drew, family, idioms, katelyn, megan, postcard, richc, taylor
RichC | December 3, 2020
As a ‘still listed’ page owner according to my Zillow update emails of my parents house listing in Sidney, Ohio, I realized that it will not be long before those pages and photos disappear. I likely still have the original photos on a compact flash drive card (who can still read those), but probably won’t […]
Category: Archive, Memories, Personal, Photos, TBT, Video |
Tags: archive, dadc, family, home, house, momc, mp4, parents, Photos, sidney ohio, slideshow, TBT, throwback, thursday, zillow
RichC | November 4, 2020
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Category: Archive, Personal, Photography, Photos |
Tags: annalyn, archive, back porch, drew, ellerie, family, fireplace, hair, katelyn, megan, osu, Photos, taylor, weekend
RichC | October 27, 2020
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Category: Archive, Faith, Personal, Photos |
Tags: annalyn, archive, baby, christian, church, dedication, drew, ellerie, family, idiom, katelyn, ohio, oostra, perrysburg, waterville
RichC | October 10, 2020
As a dad who has always kept up and archived the “goings-on” with Taylor and Katelyn on MyDesultoryBlog, I realized that grandchildren steal the limelight most of the time … that is just the way it is. But … that doesn’t mean life doesn’t keep moving along for adult children in the work-a-day world either. […]
Category: Archive, Business, Friends, Personal, Photos |
Tags: archive, bachelor, cam harter, clermont, county, north dakota, ohio, planner, subdivision, taylor, wedding
RichC | August 12, 2020
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Category: Archive, Humor, Misc, Personal, Photos |
Tags: annalyn, archive, birthday, brenda, coronavirus, covid19, family, goggles, Photos, swing
RichC | August 11, 2020
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Category: Archive, Misc, Personal, Photos, Travel, Video |
Tags: annalyn, archive, bees, birdhouse, bluebird, brenda, drew, ellerie, family, granddaughters, home, house, katelyn, mp4, Photos, pool, project, pyramid hill, richc, vacation
RichC | July 26, 2020
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Category: Archive, Personal, Photos |
Tags: 5 month, annalyn, archive, drew, ellerie, family, grandparents, katelyn, pediatrician, Photos
RichC | July 10, 2020
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Category: Archive, Personal, Photos, Weather |
Tags: annalyn, archive, drew, ellerie, family, katelyn, michigan, pool, summer, temperatures, vacation, weather
RichC | July 7, 2020
Archiving a few leftover 4th of July weekend family photos, but really, my phone/camera was not all that handy since I spent most of the weekend in swim trunks. Still we had a great couple of days relaxing with Taylor and Megan … and Brenda did not have to work! Katelyn, Drew, Annalyn and Ellerie […]
Category: Archive, Personal, Photos |
Tags: archive, family, fireplace, independence day, Photos, porch
RichC | June 3, 2020
Every once in a while when seeing what cellphone cameras can do, I wonder why I even bother to ever grab my camera bag and relatively expensive DSLR camera anymore? Last night the weather in Cincinnati was clear and humidity low. The moon was large and rising in the sky in the southeast and looks […]
Category: Apple, Cellphone, Photography, Photos, Space, Weather |
Tags: archive, astronomy, iphone7plus, moon, photo, photography
RichC | May 17, 2020
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Category: Archive, Personal, Photos |
Tags: annalyn, announcement, archive, birth, drew, ellerie, family, katelyn, oostra, scan
RichC | May 10, 2020
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Category: Archive, Holiday, Personal, Photos |
Tags: anigif, annalyn, archive, brenda, cards, ellerie, flowers, katelyn, mother's day, Photos
RichC | April 26, 2020
Some of us are fortunate in life to have had a few teachers take enough interest to make a difference. I suspect they inherently knew the positive influence a good teacher can make long after a student leaves their classroom. One such teacher, really an extra curricular advisor for me, was Doris Eggleston. Last week […]
Category: Archive, Education, Friends, Human Interest, Memories, Obituary, Personal, Photography |
Tags: archive, brenda, college, curtice, dadc, doris eggleston, funeral, journalism, karen gagermeier, memories, momc, newspaper, obit, Obituary, ohio, onu, oregon, photography, printing, richc, sidney, teacher, toledo, yearbook
RichC | March 20, 2020
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Category: Archive, Art, Blogs, Personal, Photos |
Tags: 4 weeks old, annalyn, archive, artwork, blog, ellerie, family, granddaughter
RichC | February 27, 2020
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Category: Archive, Biodiesel, Blogs, Diesel, Memories, Personal, Photos, Quotes, TBT, Volkswagen |
Tags: annalyn, archive, blog, database, dayplanner, daytimer, diesel, drew, ellerie, family, george bernard shaw, journal, katelyn, moleskine, mydesultoryblog, posts, quotes, search, tdi, volkswagen
RichC | February 17, 2020
Although watching NASCAR is not the highest priority on our list of things to do, it has been a long time mid-February favorite whether we were home, at the boat or visiting Brenda’s mom and dad years ago in Florida. This year we treated it as a Super Bowl kind of Sunday and were impressed […]
Category: Archive, Automotive, Entertainment, News, Politics |
Tags: archive, daytona500, florida, melania, nascar, potus, racing, speedweek, trump
RichC | December 17, 2019
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Category: Archive, Holiday, Personal, Quotes |
Tags: annalyn, archive, brenda, christmas, churchill, Corbett Christmas Letter, drew, family, hillsdale, katelyn, megan, pdf, quote, rich, richc, taylor
RichC | December 12, 2019
My nephew Aaron and long time blog reader/commenter and his wife Lauren had a baby on December 8th and all are healthy (shower in September). Brenda and I are so happy for them, and although he nameless at birth, we were excited in finally hearing his name and couple family “names” too … both last […]
Category: Archive, Personal |
Tags: aaron, aaron howard, archive, baby, birth, born, emory, family, lauren
RichC | November 3, 2019
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Category: Archive, Holiday, Misc, Personal, Photos, To-Do |
Tags: annalyn, archive, autumn, butterfly, drew, family, halloween, katelyn, Photos, supergirl, treehouse, trees, treeteahouse, woods
RichC | October 27, 2019
There were a few extra photos and some video of Brenda swimming on my iPhone from our Delray Beach, Florida vacation last week, so I’ll archive them and make a Vacation Part 3 post (Part 1 and Part 2). Nothing spectacular … but viewing the video and listening to the water and wave below is […]
Category: Archive, Misc, Personal, Photos, Travel, Video |
Tags: archive, brenda, condo1718, delray beach, family, mp4, ocean, richc, sand, shells, swimming, vacation, VacationOct2019
RichC | September 5, 2019
Saw this on a sailing forum and thought it would be a great sewing tidbit to add to an Encore project list. Looks simple and compact enough.
Category: Archive, Sailing, Tidbits, Video |
Tags: archive, encore, mp4, project, sailboat, sailing, sailrite, sewing, tidbit, video, windscoop
RichC | August 22, 2019
This is not the Throwback Thursday #TBT photo I would recommend using when listing a car for sale, but the 2006 Honda Pilot we said goodbye to this week did have a few minor battle scars (1, 2, 3) and occasionally a little something that needed to be cleaned off (salt above and sometimes LoveBugs). […]
Category: Archive, Automotive, Personal, Photos, TBT |
Tags: archive, for sale, honda, pilot, salt, scan, sticker, SUV, TBT, throwback, thursday, window
RichC | July 20, 2019
As has been highly celebrated and reported in every form of media this week (and mention in not just one, but two earlier blog posts), today is the 50th anniversary of the landing a man on the moon. It was the historic Apollo 11 eight-day mission to the moon and back with the goal of […]
Category: Archive, Audio, Human Interest, Innovation, Memories, Space, Video |
Tags: anniversary, apollo11, archive, buzz aldrin, idioms, landing, memories, michael collins, moon, mp4, nasa, neil armstrong
RichC | June 27, 2019
While cleaning out a few old files folders, I came across a couple Consolidated Printing and Publishing Co. building photos in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio that my insurance agent took and included glued onto a policy folder. They are likely from the late 1980s and are worth archiving and using for a Throwback Thursday #TBT post. […]
Category: Archive, Business, Memories, Misc, Personal, Photos, TBT |
Tags: archive, building, Business, consolidated, cpp,, cuyahoga falls, insurance, larry hart, ohio, printing, TBT, throwback, thursday
RichC | June 10, 2019
From 3 years old (photo) to 30 years old this year in 2019 … the years of watching Taylor grow up have zipped way too fast. I suspect every parent and grandparent has said that at one time or another? Birthday “year” celebrations, become “decade” celebrations, and we no long even contemplate the candles on […]
Category: Archive, Memories, Personal, Photos |
Tags: archive, birthday, celebrate, friends, home, house, party, pool, taylor
RichC | May 4, 2019
We added yet another Echo Dot and so it only makes sense to ask Alexa a few more questions. Here’s list that has been floating around the Internet and so just wanted to archive it on My Desultory Blog. 100 Funny Alexa Tricks for the Entire Family For music lovers: “Rap for me!” “Sing […]
Category: Alexa, Archive, Technology |
Tags: Alexa, amazon, archive, assistant, echo, questions, virtual, voice
RichC | March 27, 2019
A couple of decades ago I suffered from Ménière disease (Ménière’s disease) and struggled to find treatment and relief from the miserably vertigo episodes. One does not understand how debilitating and miserable that this be, so much so that any potential treatment, regardless of the risk, seemed worth it at the time. In my case, […]
Category: Archive, Blogs, Health, Medical, Memories, Personal |
1 Comment
Tags: archive, disease, medical, medscape, menieres, Personal, richc, surgery, treatment
RichC | March 14, 2019
Throwback Thursday posts can be interesting, especially when archiving a couple of my old photos from the early 1990s and tidbit of information that is likely not saved any place else (the horse was named Gus). Here’s a little Howard family history (my wife’s side of the family): Brenda’s grandfather, Allen George Howard died young; […]
Category: Archive, History, Memories, Millitary, Personal, Photos, TBT |
Tags: allen, ancestry, archive, brenda, brocton, dadh, family, History, howard, jamestown, katelyn, mabel, momh, new york, richc, taylor, TBT
RichC | March 12, 2019
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Category: Archive, Personal, Photos, Video |
Tags: annalyn, archive, birthday, corbett, drew, family, katelyn, mp4, oostra, party, video
RichC | March 1, 2019
This is an unusual Tech Friday post, but after being frustrated this week in clicking a dead link to an article that disappeared after a website was updated, I decided there must be a better way to ensure information, links and websites remained useful … WITHOUT having to archive them entirely on my computers, servers […]
Category: Archive, Computer, History, Human Interest, Recipe, Technology |
Tags: archive, chili, cincinnati, coney, dixie, empress, food, goldstar, History, internet, library, ohio, skyline, tech friday, techfriday, virtual, wayback, webpages
RichC | December 21, 2018
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Category: Archive, Holiday, Personal |
1 Comment
Tags: annalyn, archive, brenda, Corbett Christmas Letter, drew, katelyn, pdf, rich, taylor
RichC | December 1, 2018
During the last trip to the condo, we enjoyed the fruits of our 2018 labor – our recent kitchen and bath updates. As is the norm for us, we discussed future projects, like updating the master bathroom too, since it looks stodgy compared to the guest bathroom. So IF we don’t find a buyer for […]
Category: Archive, Ideas, Misc, Personal, Woodworking |
Tags: archive, bathroom, condo1718, delray beach, ideas, master, projects, sink, update, vessel
RichC | September 30, 2018
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Category: Archive, Personal, Photos, Video |
Tags: annalyn, archive, bompa, doll, family, giving, katelyn, mp4, rhm, visit
RichC | September 29, 2018
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Category: Archive, Personal, Photos, Video |
Tags: annalyn, archive, babysitting, family, granddaughter, katelyn, mp4, overnight, sidney, stool, swing, video
RichC | September 22, 2018
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Category: Archive, Personal, Photos |
Tags: annalyn, archive, bompa, drew, facetime, family, grandparents, katelyn, montessori, nyc, oma, school
RichC | September 12, 2018
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Category: Archive, Personal, Photos |
1 Comment
Tags: annalyn, archive, buckeyes, drew, family, favorites, football, katelyn, megan, osu, Photos, put in bay, summer, taylor
RichC | May 5, 2018
Just a couple more panarama catch-up photos for the archive from the updates to the condo kitchen. Brenda has been a great help and we both "enjoyed" working together.
Category: Archive, Misc, Personal, Photos |
1 Comment
Tags: archive, condo1718, kitchen, pano, remodel, update
RichC | May 2, 2018
The new Hitachi miter saw put to use on the condo kitchen crown molding … and a little paint finally being applied by Brenda. Wanted to get these couple new Ikea kitchen photos archived before they are lost.
Category: Archive, Misc, Personal, Photos |
Tags: archive, condo1718, crown, ikea, kitchen, molding, painting
RichC | April 18, 2018
I have teased my “good humored” son far too long about his “girlfriend” from Wayzata Minnesota a few years ago (click here for old photo). So with that “old joke” aside, I think it is about time to officially include his friend Megan on the blog and mention we are excited to see them spending a […]
Category: Archive, Personal, Photos |
Tags: alicia, archive, family, megan, taylor, weddings
RichC | April 7, 2018
After an exchange of text messages with my cousin regarding old 35mm slides that her father and my father had taken through their lifetime (all YEARS ago), I mentioned I might try to digitize them someday and that if she wanted me to keep them I would. That triggered the back up and archiving bug […]
Category: Blogs |
Tags: archive, backup, saving, wordpress
RichC | December 12, 2017
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Category: Archive, Holiday, Personal |
Tags: annalyn, archive, brenda, Corbett Christmas Letter, drew, family, katelyn, pdf, rich, taylor
RichC | October 12, 2017
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Category: Archive, Personal, Photos, Video |
Tags: annalyn, archive, babble, katelyn, richc, talk, video, voice
RichC | August 18, 2017
Archiving the New York Times article that offers an explanation for those who are still wondering what Volkswagen DieselGate was all about. The software sensed when the car was being tested and then activated equipment that reduced emissions, United States officials said. But the software turned the equipment down during regular driving, increasing emissions far […]
Category: Archive, Automotive, Diesel, Volkswagen |
Tags: archive, dieselgate, graphics, tdi nytimes, volkswagen