RichC | October 15, 2024
Ever since I was a kid in elementary school and heard about John F. Kennedy’s World War 2 story and then read Robert Donovan‘s book “PT-109: John F. Kennedy in WW II” and movie “PT-109,” I’ve admired what innovated boatbuilders could do with plywood (besides utility trailer sides, I had a plywood dingy when I […]
Category: Books, History, Human Interest, Innovation, Millitary, Movies |
Tags: andrew higgins, boatbuilding, boats, Dwight D. Eisenhower, john f kennedy, plywood, pt-109, robert donovan, war, ww2
RichC | March 23, 2024
This should probably should have been a Tech Friday blog update post (or not at all?), but was something I noticed after cleaning up about 13 older posts with “issues.” Also I am hoping to test a “featured image” add-on to see if it work with social media alerts. Since 2005, I’ve been posting daily and […]
Category: Blogs, Movies, Social Media |
Tags: american graffiti, blog, movie, my desultory blog, posts, toad, twitter,
RichC | March 16, 2024
During our final days in Florida this winter, Brenda and I watch a movie that we both enjoyed called “The Catcher Was A Spy.” I recommended it to Taylor who also enjoys World War II history and am looking forward to his comments. The movie is based on a book by Nicholas Dawidoff about Morris […]
Category: Books, Entertainment, History, Millitary, Movies, Sports |
Tags: baseball, moe berg, movie, nicholas dawidoff, oss, spy, spying, the catcher was a spy, ww2
RichC | December 25, 2023
Pre-posting a Christmas day blog update as I’m expecting to be busy with our family … and for the record … I am finally getting in the spirit and correct mood to celebrate Christ’s birthday. Since this is a Music Monday, it is appropriate to include the most popular Christmas song in America … BUT […]
Category: Holiday, Movies, Music |
Tags: brenda, christmas, donna reed, james stewart, mariah carey, movie, music monday, musicmonday, song, The Christmas Story, wonderful life, youtube
RichC | September 13, 2023
A little bit of history told in an entertaining movie format … what could be better? Here’s a Sorbo movie call “Miracle in East Texas“ to be in theaters in October 2023 with a timely release (inflation and energy). The history tie in is the the World War II era story just as we were […]
Category: Energy, History, Movies |
Tags: map, movie, oil, sorbo, texas, war, ww2
RichC | August 28, 2023
While winding down the last of the lazy summer pool weekends (photo from 2016) this August 2023, there aren’t many better songs than those from the singer/songwriter Bertie Higgins. A few years back his “Just Another Day in Paradise” was a Music Monday selection and probably a favorite … but equally enjoyable is “Key Largo.” […]
Category: Memories, Movies, Music, Video |
Tags: bertie higgins, classic movies,, music monday, musicmonday, summer, youtube
RichC | September 10, 2022
We did another one of our “now regular” dinner and classic movie nights … which shockingly we are both enjoying. This one was another Cary Grant movie from 1939 called “Gunga Din,” to which I had to look up the Rudyard Kipling poem, partially read (remembering 40+ years ago in school) and emailed to Brenda. […]
Category: Books, History, Memories, Movies |
Tags: classic, gunga din, movie, poetry, rudyard kipling, school
RichC | June 10, 2022
A semi-disaster struck as my iMac choked on a Parallel 17 "virtual Windows" update on Thursday. It reminded me of the movie "Blackhawk Down" or perhaps "White House Down" … hence the subject line for Tech Friday. The virtual Windows 10 side of my computer booted, but everything from the connected drives to the display […]
Category: Apple, Computer, Financial, Movies, Technology |
Tags: apple, blackhawk, crash, imac, lenovo, m2, macbook air, parallels, stock market, tech friday, techfriday, timemachine, white house down
RichC | May 1, 2022
As a James Garner fan and follower of his daughter Gigi on Twitter, I enjoyed a recent article highlighting raising money for animal welfare with his famous TAG Heuer Carrera watch (below). Earlier this year I was impressed with his daily driver, a 2009 Cadillac CTS 4-door sedan up for auction on Barrett-Jackson, raising $100,000 with […]
Category: Art, Entertainment, Human Interest, Memories, Movies, Photos, Social Media, Tidbits |
Tags: animal welfare, auction, celebrity, grand prix, james garner, Movies, watch
RichC | March 21, 2022
Old black and while films have never been top picks for Brenda and me when selecting a movie for the weekend, but as the Coronavirus pandemic shutdowns started, we decided to add a few classic movies as a way to broaden our life experience. Like reading classic literature as part of a higher education, watching a […]
Category: Entertainment, History, Movies, Music, Video |
1 Comment
Tags: bette davis, classic, hitler, kim carnes, Movies, Music, paul lukas, putin, russia, ukraine, video, watch on the rhine, world war, youtube
RichC | September 30, 2021
"Men wanted for hazardous journey. Small wages. Bitter cold. Long months of complete darkness. Constant danger. Safe return doubtful. Honour and recognition in case of success." –Ernest Shackleton Seeing a colorized version of a photo on Twitter the other day from the British National Antarctic Expedition at the turn of the century triggered memories of […]
Category: Books, History, Human Interest, Movies, Photos, Sailing, Travel |
Tags: antartica, Books, colorized, discovery, endurance, exploration, Movies, photo
RichC | August 18, 2021
It is a month and a half late, but concrete companies and for that matter most construction companies are very busy this summer. The COVID19pandemic has put most projects behind and perhaps we should be thankful to be on their schedule. Tearing out (video from Canary Security Cam) and re-concreting a driveway is one of […]
Category: Archive, Financial, Movies, Personal, Video |
Tags: canary, concrete, driveway, home, house, inflation, mp4, project, security cam
RichC | November 6, 2020
Although it was announced in October 2020, most existing Netflix subscribers won’t be feeling the 8% price hike immediately (new pricing over the next few months) … but prices are going up again. In our house we also have Amazon Prime for the movies and Prime shipping, but haven’t added any other services … our […]
Category: Entertainment, Movies, Social Media |
Tags: brenda, increase, Movies, netflix, price, social dilemma, streaming, subscription
RichC | June 11, 2020
After listening to the loudest protestors from around the U.S. seemingly unite around the “defund and dismantle the police” manta, it is natural for people to ponder the questions regarding how this movement of angry people intend to “keep the peace.” As some point laws aren’t going to be followed, gangs and thugs will intimidate […]
Category: Movies, News, Politics, Technology, Video-TV |
Tags: boston dynamics, chappie, cnn, coronavirus, covid19, defund, dismantle, george floyd, lisa bender, mike rowe, minneapolis, podcast, police, prager, protests, riots, robots, safety
RichC | April 4, 2020
In a business meeting decades ago, Brenda used the term “Catch-22” without giving the etymology much thought. After the meeting, a older senior executive came up to her and commented that he was surprised to hear a 30-year old using the term “Catch-22” … and then asked if she knew it’s history. She did no, […]
Category: Books, Millitary, Misc, Movies, Tidbits |
Tags: brantley foster, brenda, catch-22, etymology, film, idiom, idioms, joseph heller, Movies, novel, terms, words, ww2
RichC | March 22, 2020
We are definitely not the only ones praying a little bit more that usual nowadays while listening to those who are trying to help the country and world manage and get through the Coronavirus threat. I reluctantly worry about the elderly and less capable of fending for themselves especially if they have underlying health issue […]
Category: Archive, Memories, Movies, Personal, Photos |
Tags: abrams, ada ohio, airventure, amazon prime, bookshelves, brenda, college, coronavirus, covid19, family, gas pump, motel, Movies, netflix, onu, painting, prayer, richc, spielberg, stay at home, streaming, super 8, super8, vacation
RichC | November 14, 2019
Not often, but once in a while there is a television series that hooks both Brenda and me. When “binge-watching” started in earnest, a decade or so ago, it was Jericho for us (although we Tivo-ed it weekly), then 24 (although in 2009 we watch DVDs pre-streaming), and then one of our favorites, FX Networks The […]
Category: Entertainment, Movies |
1 Comment
Tags: amazon, binge, entertainment, man in the high castle, phillip dick, prime, series, television, tv, video, watching
RichC | October 28, 2019
This content is restricted.
Category: Entertainment, Memories, Movies, Music, Personal |
Tags: an officer and a gentleman, dvd, jennifer warnes, joe cocker, movie, mp3, Music, music monday, musicmonday, theme song, vacation, VacationOct2019
RichC | August 5, 2019
While Brenda and I wait for the new season of our favorite book-to-television Amazon Prime’s “Man In The High Castle” series, we (or should I really say “she”) got hooked on the popular binge watched series “Stranger Things.” It is amazing how our television habits have changed in this past decade? Gone are the weekend […]
Category: Automotive, Movies, News, Photos, Video-TV |
Tags: amazon, content, diesel, elergy, films, hillbilly, man in the high castle, mercedes, Movies, netflix, prime, ron howard, series, stranger things, streaming, tdi, volkswagen, W123
RichC | June 15, 2019
Brenda and I watched the movie Interstellar (2014) once before, but we watched it again this past week, and as often happens, we picked up on a few more interesting facts that made our brains hurt … well at least mine: General relativity, The Science of Interstellar, Black Holes and Time Warps. Thankfully I could […]
Category: Audio, Books, Computer, Movies, Science, Space, Tidbits |
Tags: amazing, anniversary, binary code, courage, interstellar, interview, moon, movie, mp3, npr, one giant leap, physics, race, space
RichC | May 29, 2019
It is summer and what is more “summery” than being out in the sun and going to the beach … and thinking about “JAWS.” Yikes! Ever since the iconic “we’re going to need a bigger boat” Jaws movie came out in 1975, most people have been both fascinated and fearful of the Great White Shark. […]
Category: Movies, Photography, Photos, Travel |
Tags: beach, bull, Euan Rannachan, great white, jaws, movie, ocean, ocearch, photography, sharks, summer
RichC | January 18, 2019
The recent price increases rumbling through the economy are starting to be felt in the products we all use and have learned to appreciate. One of the services I’ll likely eliminate before the monthly price increase is the streaming service Netflix. We did this once before, but with all the new added content and lack […]
Category: Business, Computer, Entertainment, Marketing, Memories, Movies, Personal, Productivity, Software, Technology |
Tags: adobe, budget, computers, email, expenses, magazines, mailbox, microsoft, netflix, overhead, reading, Software, subscriptions, tech friday, techfriday, ups
RichC | September 7, 2018
Of course my reference by including "The Bandit" in a tribute post to the passing of Burt Reynolds has a lot to do with how I remember him; he died after a heart attack on Thursday 9/6/2018 at age 82. The highpoint for me in remembering him was the making of the Smokey and the […]
Category: Automotive, Entertainment, Memories, Movies, Obituary, Video |
1 Comment
Tags: actor, bandit, burt reynolds, florida, hollywood, obit, Obituary, pontiac, smokey, trans am, youtube
RichC | July 2, 2018
This content is restricted.
Category: Faith, Human Interest, Movies, Music, Video |
Tags: bible, i can only imagine, john 3:16, mercyme, movie, mp3, music monday, musicmonday, redbox
RichC | May 28, 2018
It is not my ordinary Memorial Day post honoring those who died in service to our country, but I enjoyed watching a couple older Star Wars movies this weekend and couldn’t get the theme song out of my head. It has been a while since I enjoy watching the original 1977 Star Wars (IV – […]
Category: Movies, Music |
Tags: Memorial Day, movie, music monday, musicmondy, song, Star Wars, theme, youtube
RichC | February 18, 2018
Sunday was the perfect day to finish up “covering” the lifts for the rear row of our new home theater seats. Now all 8 seats have a great view … even in recline mode. After building the “boxes” a week or so ago, I picked up some closeout brown polyester outdoor furniture upholstery material at […]
Category: Archive, Entertainment, Misc, Movies, Personal, Video |
Tags: basement, covering, daytona500, home, home theater, Movies, projects, sailrite, seating, sports, television
RichC | February 4, 2018
This is what I get for procrastinating until this weekend — TWO right hand seats! The boxes containing the long delayed leather home theater seats (ie. basement flood of 2013) arrived a couple weeks ago but I waited until this weekend to unpack since I was out of town last weekend. I unboxed them and […]
Category: Archive, Entertainment, Misc, Movies, Personal |
Tags: basement, defect, furniture, home, house, seats, superbowl, television, theater, tv, wayfair
RichC | December 6, 2017
Now if I were to be true to myself, I’d be driving a station wagon like this Buick Special Estate Wagon, Model 49 mentioned in Hemmigs. As posted previously, my first car was almost a 1958 Buick Special, but after my stint with wagons in the 1980s (Volvo DL245, Chevrolet Caprice Wagon and Oldsmobile Custom […]
Category: Automotive, History, Memories, Movies |
Tags: BMW, buick, classic, griswold, hemmings, special, station wagon, truckster, x5 35d
RichC | October 7, 2017
A friend of mine is receiving his first social security check this month and so I’ve been doing some reading on the subject (it is a long way off yet for me … just in case readers had me already over-the-hill!) One of the biggest concerns for those nearing retirement and doing calculations is that […]
Category: Financial, Health, Movies, Politics, Video |
Tags: fica, funding, generations, retirement, social security, soylent green, taxes
RichC | August 10, 2017
We are not big movie watchers and rarely go to the movie theater, but we did rent a very enjoyable movie on Sunday night … Redbox coupon triggered "movie night." Anyway the child acting was excellent and story line enticing enough to spur debate. Brenda, the competition type, would have preferred to maximize education over […]
Category: Movies, Shopping, Tidbits |
Tags: discount, gifted, movie, recommended, redbox, tip
RichC | April 9, 2017
Survey and ratings systems are a pet peeve of mine ever since finding out many places that use a rating scale (like 1- 5 or 0 – 10), will only count a perfect score as suitable to reward, complement or evaluate service, products and employees in a positive way. I’ve even stopped trying to offer […]
Category: Business, Movies |
1 Comment
Tags: netflix, ratings, review, stars, survey, thumbs
RichC | August 19, 2016
I really don’t know who these Minion characters are, but admire the phenomenon and their “cuteness.” Frankly I’ve haven’t actually seen the movie … or is it movies plural by now? Anyway, seeing them creatively showing up on a corner at our local Delhi Garden Center puts me in a good mood — and that […]
Category: Art, Local, Marketing, Movies |
Tags: animated, cartoon, delhi, minion, movie
RichC | February 17, 2016
This content is restricted.
Category: Audio, Movies, Music, Tidbits |
1 Comment
Tags: jimmy buffett, jurassic, movie, mp3, trivia, world
RichC | September 25, 2015
If you are a regular online shopper and use Amazon, you may have contemplated purchasing their annual membership. Unfortunately each year it seems to go up in price and unless you “shop on Amazon or stream their video content” A LOT, it is hard to justify $99 per year. On the other hand, $67 (the […]
Category: Movies, Shopping |
Tags: discount, Movies, online, prime, sale, shipping, Shopping, tech friday, techfriday
RichC | June 12, 2015
Tell me that Steven Spielberg’s movie Jurassic World (opening June 12, 2015) is not going to be a well attended summer blockbuster? If the 63 million views YouTube movie trailer is any indication (below), it is exactly what the Hollywood and the movie industry plans on when coaxing people to the theaters with these kinds […]
Category: Movies, Video |
Tags: blockbuster, jurassic, movie, spielberg, theater, world
RichC | May 27, 2015
Brenda and I finally watched the Clint Eastwood directed movie about Navy Seal Chris Kyle titled American Sniper this Memorial Day weekend. It was worth the price of a DVD purchase, although I’m not sure emotionally I’ll want to see it again. The movie left me with gut wrenching sorrow and little solace that the […]
Category: Entertainment, History, Millitary, Movies, Photography |
1 Comment
Tags: American Sniper, chris kyle, military, movie, navy, seals, war
RichC | January 16, 2015
It has been a few years since my wife and I have gone to the movie theatre, but when Katelyn and Drew were visiting they convinced us to go with them to the movie Unbroken. Besides being a history oriented true story based on the book by Lauren Hillenbrand, the WWII timelined story put to […]
Category: Books, Movies, Tablet, Video |
Tags: book, library, movie, overdrive, reading, techfriday
RichC | December 27, 2014
From the trailer (below) and the previous Brian J. Terwilliger films, the new documentary movie Living in the Age of Airplanes should be another beautiful film. Tewilliger produced independent films One Six Right (One Six Left and Flying Full Circle), but the rights to his new film will have the National Geographic Studios brand to […]
Category: Aviation, History, Movies, Video |
Tags: airplanes, aviaiton, gifgrabber, Movies, national geographic, terwilliger
RichC | July 21, 2014
Time moves forward and it is always noticeable when the steady stream of celebrities and notable figures retire from public life or succumb to illness or age. One such favorite of mine was James Garner, an actor I enjoyed while growing up, died in his home at age 86 this past weekend. His role as […]
Category: Audio, Movies, Music, Obituary |
Tags: hollywood, james garner, Music, Obituary, rockford, television
RichC | June 17, 2013
The movie Jimmy made its début in early June and will be screened in my hometown with a high school classmate of mine introducing the movie and answers a few questions (it shows at 3PM and 9PM at the Historic Sidney Theatre for those interested or in the area). It would have been great to […]
Category: Friends, Movies |
Tags: jimmy, Movies, rob pottorf, sidney ohio
RichC | April 22, 2012
I’ve been following Ben Erikson’s sailing, great photos and videos since he was sailing his NorSea … a boat like we once owned. Over the years he has used his talents to share information on a couple blogs while he reconditioned his sailboats (plural) – the most recent his BCC Elizabeth. Eventually he met up […]
Category: Environment, Movies, Sailing, Video |
Tags: bcc, cruising, iceberg, movie, norsea, sailboat, sailing
RichC | October 7, 2011
Southwestern Ohio movie goers are anxious for the opening of George Cloney’s “The Ides of March” since the Cincinnati and the small college town of Oxford Ohio are notable in the film. The political drama starring Ryan Gosling used Miami University’s Hall Auditorium and the Farmer School of Business in the film, particularly in the […]
Category: Local, Movies |
Tags: cincinnati, miami, movie, oxford, university
RichC | October 6, 2011
I haven’t watched the movie “A Little Help,” but did noticed that Chris O’Donnell was driving a mid-seventies MGB with a similar color to ours – you know that, “yellow vomit” color. (or since I’m talking MGB, perhaps it is “colour”) I’m not sure just because the MG makes an appearance that I’ll be renting […]
Category: Automotive, MGB, Movies, Photos |
1 Comment
Tags: a little help, mgb, movie
RichC | October 1, 2011
So far I have been satisfied with our relatively low cost purchase of a Roku 2XD as a way to stream Internet content to our plasma TV. The Roku is must quicker to navigate than our TivoHD and offers a simple interface and one HDMI wire set up. Amazon online movie rentals worked great and […]
Category: Entertainment, Movies, Technology |
Tags: amazon, gbtv, glenn beck, netflix, roku
RichC | September 19, 2011
After talking with a few disgruntled NetFlix subscribers (and ex-subscribers) this morning, I can attest that I’m not the only one thinking “spin-off” after CEO Reed Hastings relays the news that their new DVD-by-mail service will be a dying “wholly owned subsidiary” being called Qwikster. Netflix Inc. Chief Executive Reed Hastings said in a blog […]
Category: Entertainment, Financial, Movies, Technology |
Tags: entertainment, finance, Movies, netflix
RichC | September 2, 2011
There seems to be a little tarnish on the once high-flying Netflix who has dominated the DVD and streaming movie market since the demise of the big box video rental stores. Their model seemed to be invincible until someone realized that business is only as good as having content … and customers willing to pay […]
Category: Financial, Movies |
Tags: Movies, netflix, nflx, streaming
RichC | June 24, 2011
The online streaming component of Netflix is tweaking their user preferences that should help with both ‘paused’ streaming delays and data caps many users are facing. The Good, Better, Best quality adjustment will be a welcomed addition for heavier bandwidth users and helpful for those struggling with inconsistent provider speeds. One sacrifice to setting quality […]
Category: Movies, Technology |
Tags: Movies, netflix
RichC | April 20, 2011
Let me know if you are interested in movies, documentaries and TV programs from Netflix and I’ll forward the first ten names for ONE month of FREE … so as long as you are not currently a Netflix member. Netflix’s offers a decent mail delivery program and very good streaming over the Internet service (in […]
Category: Entertainment, Movies |
Tags: dvd, free, Movies, neflix, streaming
RichC | April 2, 2011
I’m looking forward to reading a new book, Rawhide Down, the near assassination of Ronald Reagan, by Del Quentin Wilber, after listening to a couple of interviews while driving this week. The history and medical component to the story really sounded compelling, particularly since it was a piece of history that I remember – […]
Category: Books, Movies |
Tags: 127 hours, book, movie, rawhide down, reagan, survival
RichC | January 17, 2011
The WSJ This Morning podcast mentioned Flix on Stix, a new kiosk similar to Redbox, as yet another way to rent movies. The self-service kiosk delivers a movie to a USB flash drive which eliminates the need to return the movie. At first look it sounds like a great idea, as after selecting a movie […]
Category: Financial, Movies, Technology |
Tags: flash, Memory, movie, rental, stick
RichC | September 16, 2010
Let me know if you are interested in movies, documentaries and TV programs from Netflix and I’ll forward the first ten names for ONE month of FREE … so as long as you are not currently a Netflix member. Netflix’s offers a decent mail delivery program and movie/archived TV shows streaming over the Internet to […]
Category: Entertainment, Movies |
Tags: netflix, promo, trial
RichC | May 10, 2010
“Bueller… Bueller… Bueller“ Who can forget the Ben Stein line from one of the enjoyable comedy movies in the 1980s – Ferris Buellers Day Off. The movie continues to see success reaching near cult status for some and even found a following on social networking giant Twitter last week. A group of Chicago based Twitter […]
Category: Entertainment, Movies, Social Media |
Tags: foursquare, Movies, twitter
RichC | April 27, 2010
Let me know if you are interested in movies, documentaries and TV programs from Netflix and I’ll forward the first ten names for ONE month of FREE … so as long as you are not currently a Netflix member. Netflix’s offers a solid mail delivery program and best streaming over the Internet service (in my […]
Category: Entertainment, Movies |
Tags: blockbuster, dvd, Movies, netflix, television, tv
RichC | December 9, 2009
My goal is to have the home theater upgraded by the time my kids are home from college for their Christmas break. The new Optoma HD20 arrived and I anxiously replaced my older Sony 900U ceiling concealed projector. Besides ‘still’ having a ridiculous combination of remotes, the HD picture enhanced from a standard DVD from […]
Category: Entertainment, Movies, Personal, Technology |
Tags: electronics, home theater, Movies, tv
RichC | February 22, 2009
We streamed the movie “The Interpreter” to our HD Tivo this weekend and besides being an excellent movie, I enjoyed a relatively unrelated scene where Silvia Broome, played by Nicole Kidman, reads from notebooks written in by her list making brother. One of the listed items (again unrelated) were interesting words … one of which […]
Category: Cellphone, Movies |
1 Comment
Tags: 700p, dvd, movie, netflix, photo, tivo, treo