Tech Friday: There is a problem with live GPS rerouting

| June 7, 2019

A pitfall in real-time GPS mapping services is that, although they “can” highlight road construction and closures, they are not always accurate or give appropriate advice for detours or “route arounds.” This was apparent on a 16 hour drive back from Florida (see comment) and more recently for a road closing leading to our development […]

Once upon a time when studying black and white photography …

| May 23, 2019

I had several hobbies as a teenager, but photography was one that I thought might lead to a career. It “sort of did” since it opened the doors to eventually starting a printing and publishing company. When studying photography, several names of recognized photographers were published in the magazines and books. One French photographer that […]

Tech Friday: The Social Media that has become part of my life

| April 26, 2019

Likely I am not alone in constantly reevaluating the pros and cons of participating in social media. I’ve purposely limited my exposure to only a couple of platforms even though I enjoy staying in touch with friends and acquaintances … and generally don’t have a problem with people respectfully debating news and politics. Facebook as […]

The weather is not to my liking, but it is a “Good Friday”

| April 19, 2019

After a first cutting of the backyard, the flowering phlox and Redbud trees make even a cold and gloomy “Good Friday” worth taking a panorama photo. But let’s keep our focus on what Jesus did for us and the reason we refer today as “GOOD Friday” – I like what Rev Franklin Graham shared on […]

Gender roles and a repair estimate for our Honda Pilot

| April 13, 2019

Even in today’s gender-neutral world, there are duties, either said or unsaid, that married couples still assign to each other. One of them in our house assigned to me is taking care of our automotive issues … especially the ones nobody really wants to do. One of this past weeks’ tasks was to take our […]

Archive: Taylor Corbett – Meeting Clermont County’s Planner

| April 9, 2019

There aren’t many things that makes a mom and dad prouder than realizing their parenting efforts have paid off. We are now regularly seeing our children as productive professional adults and realizing that our being positive examples, and prioritizing school and providing a college education, has paid off. Besides Katelyn and husband Drew being accomplished […]

Music Monday: Just a guy playing the piano in a hardware store

| April 1, 2019

This is a repost from Facebook and a blog post from 5 years ago … but after someone sent me a message last week about not being able to view the embedded FB video, I decided to repost and archive the impressive piano playing of Jacob Tolliver on an “unfinished piano in a Portsmouth Ohio […]

The six degrees of separation theory strikes again

| March 3, 2019

But before the “six degrees of separation” reference (see below), how do you stack up to the WSJ survey of “workers benefiting from a strong U.S. labor market?” One thing that seems to remain consistent over the years is that an education benefits you when it comes to jobs and compensation in the long haul, […]

Just a little diesel automotive #humor to end the week

| February 22, 2019

Normally, I don’t forward emails or reposted viral images on social networks … but as a diesel car guy and TDIClub and BMW forum reader … I couldn’t resist including this as a humorous response to recent Democratic Socialists promoting their ambitious 10-year Green New Deal to combat climate change (still shocked Bernie drives this van?) 😉 […]

Tech Friday: Do you have a Flickr account with 1000 photos?

| February 8, 2019

Yup … I have over 1000 photos. Once again, the lesson to take to heart is to "control your own data" whenever you can or be blackmailed into new subscription rules or lose everything.  Even more challenging if a company goes out of business or deciding you have infringed on their user policy without warning […]

Spent time chatting rather than finalizing the days work

| February 2, 2019

One never knows who you will offend and who you will connect with when posting on an open social network, but Friday I had an enjoyable back and forth with Troy from Missouri. He is a like-minded political conservative, a patriot (a Navy veteran who served on the USS Stonewall Jackson) and seemed to also enjoy […]

The Super Bowl and tech humor shared by a Facebook friend

| January 29, 2019

Just another "Patriots are in the Super Bowl" year again. Whoop-de-do.  Scott Bilik and I have been Internet “tech” friends for a long time … and humorously is my Twitter “Godfather.” He has suffered his share of heartache having lost his wife Michelle to cancer in 2013, but remains strong in his faith and marches […]

Learning about the Packard Twelve leaves me curious #TBT

| January 10, 2019

While reading a few interesting older blog posts at Consumer Guide, my Twitter friend Tom Appel (@Car_Guy_Tom) post got me thinking about the strange company that seemed to be trying to revitalize the Packard car brand. The company built a prototype some years ago and by attending a few shows, generated some attention with the […]

Simple iPhone cursor features unknown for years by many users

| November 24, 2018

This really should have been yesterday’s Tech Friday post, but between the holiday with turkey, family and football watching on Thursday and another market drop and oil plunge of another 7.7% to $50.42 on Friday my focus was elsewhere. As for a tech tip, a viral tweet last week caught hold when it really shouldn’t […]

Facebook Security Flaw Affects almost 50 million accounts

| September 28, 2018

Facebook Inc. discovered a security flaw affecting almost 50 million accounts, the company said Friday. Attackers exploited a vulnerability in Facebook’s code for its “view as” feature, which lets users see what their profile looks like to someone else. Facebook discovered the problem Tuesday, the company said in a blog post.A problem in the code […]

The Perfect Wave to make a mental escape

| September 19, 2018

Just escaping for a moment in my mind and eyes … Beautiful Ocean The Perfect Wave #Surfing #Surf #Travel #TuesdayThoughts #Australia — Tom Hall ☘ (@TomHall) September 18, 2018

Twitter is still my social network of choice for interacting

| September 15, 2018

A shocking number of Twitter impression for a simple Volkswagen Beetle update I posted yesterday – well over 100,000. I do use Twitter regularly to share and comment a variety of topics, but rarely have tweets generated more than 10,000 looks or a handful of retweets and likes (on the other hand, my blog’s Google […]

Tech Friday: Never shopping again at – $WMT owned

| September 14, 2018

In recent years, we’ve grown accustom to DOTcom retail companies delivering on their promises. Thanks to Amazon and their outstanding efficiency and reliable fulfillment and delivery services. Perhaps I’ve forgotten that not all online retailers live up to what we now take for granted? One expects that when a product is listed on a major […]

Apple introduces their new iPhone Xs line-up and new Watch

| September 12, 2018

The biggest awaited tech news for most Apple lovers took place yesterday as they introduced their latest Watch Series 4 with "heart monitoring" capabilities and improved everything. From edge to edge larger screens, to a 64-bit processor that is twice as fast at their earlier version. The speaker is louder (common complaint), a walkie-talkie feature, […]

A way to remember what “sacrificing everything” means on 9/11

| September 11, 2018

“We’re Going to Do Something …” After a week of total disgust over Nike selecting Colin Kaepernick as their new spokesperson suggesting he "sacrificed everything" when he knelt during the National Anthem and wore socks portraying "police as pigs" … I saw Mike Rowe’s Facebook post and thought his way too polite comment sum things […]

Occasionally an exchange on Twitter can surprise people

| September 9, 2018

Social networks like Twitter"can" be interesting places for people who have opposing views to debate and exchange views … or they can be just a bunch of haters. BUT … because I participate in the former, I do enjoy the back and forth with people who have good or better thoughts than me … or […]

Oh happy day – a FaceTime with Annalyn and Katelyn

| September 6, 2018

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A face only another shark can love … or maybe not?

| August 28, 2018

Just a couple of different #sharkshares this past week – they always make “attractive” photos for the blog! #NationalToothFairyDay Are we sure we want to celebrate this? — Big Peg, Diva of the Sea (@MakoPeggy) August 22, 2018

Tech Friday 2: My favorite Cincinnati oriented tweet of the day

| August 24, 2018

| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ | | WE | | ARE NOT | | THE | | NATIONAL | | ENQUIRER | | _______| (\__/) || (•ㅅ•) || /   づ — Enquirer (@Enquirer) August 23, 2018

Tinkerbelle – An inspirational book and story when I was a boy

| August 6, 2018

I was reminded in a tweet last week (below) of an inspirational book and story I read as a young boy growing up in Ohio. The book and story was that of the transatlantic voyage of Tinkerbelle (book of the same name) was made by Robert Manry back in 1965.  He was a copywriter at the Cleveland […]

Are you heading back to school this month?

| August 4, 2018

This was posted back in 2016 and thought it was great advice for all of us to read again … whether working in the media, in our personal day-to-day interactions or posting on social networks. My daughter starts middle school tomorrow. We’ve decorated her locker, bought new uniforms, even surprised her with a new backpack. […]

Tech Friday: Facebook stock drop demonstrates investing risk

| July 27, 2018

If you have any vested interest in the stock market, Thursday’s huge drop for social networking’s behemoth Facebook ($FB), demonstrated what go up, can come down … and can come down fast! The "biggest ever one-day loss in market value for a U.S. listed company" happened yesterday and saw investors in $FB (or any pension […]

Enjoyed watching the 2018 MLB #AllStarGame

| July 18, 2018

Usually I don’t spend (waste) too much time watching baseball until September, unless the Cincinnati Reds are having a winning season (I’m a fan of the Cleveland Indians too). But this year I’ve enjoyed watching a lot more Reds baseball even though they are in last place in their division. Perhaps I’m tired of the […]

What’s happening here? Has Trump gone soft? #helsinkisummit

| July 16, 2018

HELSINKI—President Donald Trump on Monday publicly questioned U.S. intelligence agencies’ conclusion that Moscow interfered in the 2016 presidential election while standing beside Russian leader Vladimir Putin, saying he “didn’t see any reason why” the finding would be true. Mr. Trump said he and the Russian president “spent a great deal of time” discussing the matter […]

Gender, asperations, family, careers and encouraging girls

| July 11, 2018

This content is restricted.

When THIS is our Butler County sheriff on the 4th of July …

| July 7, 2018

When this is our Butler County sheriff on the 4th of July … … I know that I am living in the correct Ohio county! Sheriff Richard K. Jones

If we coddle, protect and give, are we doing a disservice?

| June 19, 2018

I generally do not read longer Facebook posts, but while scanning a few friends comments on Father’s Day remembering their dads, Kathy Pangborn (good friend and neighbor of my inlaws) reposted a story that had me remembering the different father-types that I knew. Neither my mother or father-in-laws’ or mother or fathers’ parents (my grandparents) […]

Books: Robert Kurson’s Rocket Men and my very own Moon Rock

| May 24, 2018

A moon rock? Yes, my very own moon rock … or perhaps "rock" or even "stone" is too big a word – maybe moon chip or flake is more appropriate? Nevertheless, the publisher’s promotion to encourage social networking assistance in marketing Robert Kurson’s new book Rocket Men, The Daring Odyssey of Apollo 8 and the […]

One of our narcissistic doves seems to like taking a #selfie

| March 28, 2018

We have a couple of Canary cams in our home and they constantly trigger for one thing or the other. I’m still having problems with one of them sending “Person spotted in Away mode” which usually means my iPhone has not been detected as being “home.” I’ve tweaked the setting, played with masks, double and triple […]

Avoid fly by night services, plugins and linking when blogging

| March 23, 2018

Here’s some advice from someone who as blogged daily since 2005 — AVOID using data, photos, video, etc archived on other services. Over the years, I have been frustrated by “what seemed great at the time” using services offered by companies who specialize in hosting data for users. A little history: It started for me […]

Tech Friday: A Periscope chat with a Twitter management team

| March 9, 2018

Enjoyed the opportunity to ask questions and exchange thoughts with a Twitter management group working on improving online #health (safety/abuse). The live Periscopechat was a way for Twitter operate as transparently as possible. They will be opening an RFP process (request for proposal) from academia and the community. Twitter along with most of Silicon Valley […]

Disappointed in the thin Totallee cover for my iPhone 7 plus

| February 24, 2018

  I probably spoke too soon in praise of the Totallee super thin and lightweight case or more appropriately "cover" for my iPhone 7plus last year. Last week. While out of town traveling the thin skin just "slid" off the plastic case. It was as if the bonding method they used to attach the skin […]

A book on Value Investing and the #TwitterLockout

| February 23, 2018

New "old" reading this week as I picked up "The Little Book of Value Investing" by Christopher H. Browne. The information is something I should know more thoroughly than I do and the reading is relatively easy as value investing is a time tested concept proven over the years by investor gurus like Benjamin Graham […]

Loose Lips Sink Ships. An article from 1918 deserves revisiting

| February 13, 2018

Somewhat timely shared archived New York Times newspaper clipping (click image for larger) from 100 years ago. The February 6, 1918 article (tweet below) had me thinking about those in our country handling information that puts operations and the security of our many service personnel and undercover operatives at risk when politicians, intelligence bureaucrats in […]

It really does not take that much talent

| January 20, 2018

Probably should have been posted as a New Year’s resolution, but this works for ALL and at ALL times in life and career.

Would you tow an 18-wheeler with a Tesla?

| January 9, 2018

A great photo that gives meaning to whales being gentle giants

| December 26, 2017

California Gray Whale watching is on most ocean lovers "want to do list" but few have up close and personal opportunities like this. Part of me wants whales to "fear" humans and keep their distance (for their own protections and survival), where another part of me loves seeing the bond between mammals and knowing the […]

Thoughts on converting water separator to a desiccant dryer

| December 9, 2017

In a discussion on a Facebook group that I belong to regarding using compressed air tools and moisture control, I shared my budget solution. It really doesn’t do anything to "dry" the air coming from the compressor, but the simple gravity "separator" likely help a little when using shop tools. My biggest issue is that […]

Tech Friday: Twitter shortcuts when using a computer

| November 24, 2017

Although most of use probably use Twitter on our phones or tablets, there are times users check out the latest Tweets on "the bigger screen." If you use Twitter as your news (or "fakenews" feed), try a few of these power-user shortcuts.

A welcomed update from Twitter to 280 characters for tweets

| November 8, 2017

It might not seem like a monumental decision, but Twitter upped their 140 character limit to 280 yesterday … so it was kind of a big deal. One of the core attributes for those of us using the popular social networking tool is the brevity and discipline required to communicate with a limited number of […]

Using journalistic integrity when reporting on President Trump

| November 7, 2017

Ethics in journalism, particularly political content, continues to disappear as the line between editorializing and reporting is blurred. Most who consume "their" brand of NEWS recognize there is truth to the sarcastic #FakeNews hashtag on social networks and President Trump’s regular "tweets" complaining about how his administration is treated by the #MSM (Main Stream Media). […]

World Series baseball and reading a good book go together

| October 27, 2017

The great thing about watching baseball is that it moves at a pace that makes reading a new book do-able while watching the game. Currently MLB World Series game 3 in Houston has the Astros leading the Dodgers 4 -1 in the 4th after they splitting the game 1 and 2 in LA. It has […]

Can Twitter management better monetize the company?

| September 2, 2017

For the fun of it, I ran a lightly responded to Twitter poll (200+ votes and nearly 40,000 views) with an idea that could generate some subscription based income for $TWTR – yes I would like to see the stock price rise too. My purpose was to see just how many users would be interested […]

Can Sharks Read? #surfing

| August 23, 2017

Remembering one of my early jobs after seeing a Tweet #TBT

| August 17, 2017

Earlier this week, I had a Throwback Thursday moment when reading my Twitter feed. A reporter commented on @PortageNotebook and the logo/icon was a dead giveaway for the spin-off company where I once worked. The Akron, Ohio based Portage Newspaper Supply was the purchasing arm for Knight Ridder Newspapers and I was part of the […]

As mention before, James Garner is a favorite of mine

| July 23, 2017

One of the more interesting aspects of social networking is that one never knows who they might connect with. I’ve been a fan and have posted before about the late James Garner (1928-2014) for most of my life and noticed his daughter Gigi (MavrocksGirl) actively keeps his memory alive on Twitter. I’m not sure what […]

The new CFO of Twitter – what do we know?

| July 12, 2017

From a shareholder perspective we know investors seem to like Ned Segal – share price is up significantly after the announcement. From a Twitter USER perspective, we don’t even know him – Segal isn’t active on Twitter. Twitter Inc (NYSE: TWTR) confirmed Tuesday the appointment of Ned Segal as the company’s next chief financial officer. […]

TechFriday: Twitter updates their mobile look

| June 16, 2017

We’ll see how the new iOS Twitter update is received by users, but since it is my go-to social network for all things news, I’ve download the hefty update to my aging iPhone5s and will see how bogged down it feels (very sluggish of late on most apps). Hopefully it will continue to run reasonable […]

Priorities: Get your chores done, then you can watch the game

| June 5, 2017

One of the more interesting photos making the social networking circles was that of a man mowing his lawn as a nasty looking tornado was churning in the background. According to the news, the man said "I was keeping my eye on it." That said, this is NOT the kind of guy you want to […]

Reading and downloading ebooks on my Kindle Voyage

| April 27, 2017

After borrowing my daughter’s Nook, and my friends Kindle, I finally have my own ereader — thanks to MyDesultoryBlog readers and discreet Google Ad clickers. I now can travel and read comfortably without disassembling the keyboard off my iPad Air2 and "hefting" the much heavier and larger tablet in front of my face. My second-hand […]

TechFriday: Twitter updates 140 character count rules

| March 31, 2017

Last year, the social networking company Twitter announced it would begin changing the requirement that all tweets could only contain 140 characters. They started with not counting characters of the media attachments or @ replies. Some users are concerned that Twitter will stray too far from its roots as a public text messaging service tool. […]

Every Vloging sailor needs a friend and a schtick

| March 25, 2017

Just when you think you’ve heard and read it all when it comes to sailing and telling the story … Guirec Soudée and his chicken Monique goes one step further. Crazy. The adventure of Monique & Guirec Our adventure is going global! Thank you all for your support! Notre aventure se mondialise! Merci à tous […]

A beautiful sunrise, then storms – and retweeted tweets

| March 20, 2017

It was dark for a panoramic iPhone5 photo, but while doing my "last bag" garbage run this morning, I couldn’t resist a photo of the sunrise while the lightning was cracking to the west. Within an hour it was pouring rain and became a dreary, damp day. On a social networking technology note, it is […]

Disgruntled Volkswagen TDI owner not happy with buyback

| December 21, 2016

Now that Volkswagen TDI owners have to accept the performance debilitating modification or return in their diesel cars in for compensation as the settlement enters the "compensation phase." Some have been stripping parts off their cars prior to turning them in. Joe Mayer, in Cincinnati has take that a step further … and stripped "the […]

A couple favorite Baba 30 photos from Robert Perry

| December 16, 2016

  Got to love Facebook for connecting people who love the same things … in this instance, a naval architect and sailing guru Robert Perry has posted a couple of his favorite photos of one of his early designs — the Baba 30 (our first sailboat, Brenich). It was a beautiful boat and enjoyable to […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog