RichC | February 27, 2024
Ever since Brenda’s shoulder, then spine and replacement hip … sailing for us has been a bit of a “let’s wait and see how her osteoporosis treatment goes.” That said, having Encore out of the water and stored for 3 years hasn’t been one of my better decisions. It is time for me to get […]
Category: Sailing |
Tags: boating, brenda, encore, hip replacement, on-the-hard, osteoporosis, sailing, shoulder, spine
RichC | September 23, 2021
This content is restricted.
Category: Archive, Personal, Photography, Photos |
Tags: annalyn, brenda, condo1718, delray beach, drew, ellerie, encore, family, florida, football, katelyn, megan, momh, osu, richc, taylor, weekend
RichC | February 27, 2021
This past week was a semi-rushed haul out week for Encore in Florida. I headed south for 3 days of work on the “running hot” Volvo diesel auxiliary, as my assumption was that the heat exchanger was plugged up/calcified and needed to be taken off and cleaned (something I’ve never done). I met a friend […]
Category: Sailing |
Tags: brenda, diesel, encore, florida, haul out, Health, leak, maintenance, medical, overheating, repairs, sailboat, stuffing box, volvo
RichC | December 6, 2020
Sometime the best part of keeping a daily blog is that provides a place to archive tidbits for future reference. The Sailing Uma “gear review” tagged YouTube clip on their channel has a fantastic installation video for the Cape Horn Wind Vane self-steering gear that I might need when taking apart ours for repair. Currently […]
Category: Archive, Sailing, Tidbits, Video |
Tags: cape horn, encore, installation, sailing, self-steering, uma, video, youtube
RichC | June 28, 2020
Flew on the airlines for the first time since COVID19 to Florida via Baltimore (photo BWI terminal above) last week and thankfully the flights and negotiating the airport was uneventful. Besides a computer glitch which backed up lines on check in, everything else went smoothly. It is yet to be seen if the rise in […]
Category: Archive, Friends, Misc, Personal, Photos, Sailing, Travel |
Tags: airlines, cleaning, condo1718, coronavirus, covid19, crosley, dar jones, encore, friends, mark jones, Photos, record player, repair, southwest, Travel
RichC | January 30, 2020
Encore has battery power again, Alleluia! After fiddling around with dying and dead batteries on the boat for the past year, I finally broke down and yanked out the 3 deep cycle AGM 105 Amp Hour batteries. I did a little rewiring and strapped down 2 new DEKA-made batteries this past weekend ($253 ea). The […]
Category: Energy, Music, Personal, Photos, Sailing, Weather |
Tags: 12 volts, batteries, encore, florida, jimmy buffett, maintenance, marina, Music, sailboat, weather
RichC | December 18, 2019
Although my boating life isn’t quite this bad (thanks for the photo Fatty Goodlander), it is frustrating to be dealing with what I thought was an already “fixed” problems aboard Encore. Besides not using the boat often enough, the re-fixing of problems a second time is frustrating, time consuming and costly. Back in 2013 (has […]
Category: Sailing, Travel |
Tags: 12v, batteries, battery, bimini, boating, deep cycle, diehard, electricity, encore, marine, patch, power, reinforce, repair, sailing
RichC | November 9, 2019
When chatting about our recent vacation to Florida with a long time customer (friend) in Akron, Ohio, he asked why we picked Delray Beach, Florida as an area to buy a condo (I detected he is beginning to think about retiring). Although I realized that I really haven’t given much thought to how we ended […]
Category: Archive, Memories, Personal, Photos, Sailing |
Tags: aerial, bathroom, brenda, brenich, condo1718, delray beach, encore, florida, History, kitchen, life, Memory, remodel, retirement, richc, sailing, update, VacationOct2019
RichC | November 7, 2019
Although we have recently returned from a nice two week vacation (Part One, Two and Three) and finishing up projects at the condo, I was reminded when looking at a post from 5 years ago for Throwback Thursday #TBT, just how relaxed we were and how much we enjoyed our time together sailing Encore (it […]
Category: Archive, Music, Personal, Photos, Recreation, Sailing, TBT, Video |
Tags: brenich, encore, jack johnson, mp4, ocean, sailing, TBT, throwback, thursday, tulla, vacation, video
RichC | September 26, 2019
For those who follow or check on regularly, you know my daily musings are split between posts on a variety of newsy and topical interest items … and personal goings-on and project updates. This week has been pretty much all personal with a recent trip to check on Encore and work on Condo1718 updates. […]
Category: Archive, Misc, Personal, Photos |
Tags: condo, condo1718, cushions, delray beach, encore, florida, olefin, Personal, remodel, sewing, update, updates, upholstery
RichC | September 22, 2019
Made my favorite “good weather” drive this past week on I-40 through Tennessee and North Carolina (photo above) and visited my undeserved friends Mark and Dar Jones who recently moved to a new townhouse outside of Savannah, Georgia. What a comfortable place for both of them … offering “walk-ability” for Dar with her limited eyesight […]
Category: Friends, Personal, Photos, Sailing, Travel |
Tags: boat, cabin, dar jones, driving, encore, florida, friends, georgia, hospitality, lights, maintenance, mark jones, verdigris
RichC | September 5, 2019
Saw this on a sailing forum and thought it would be a great sewing tidbit to add to an Encore project list. Looks simple and compact enough.
Category: Archive, Sailing, Tidbits, Video |
Tags: archive, encore, mp4, project, sailboat, sailing, sailrite, sewing, tidbit, video, windscoop
RichC | September 3, 2019
The approaching hurricane kept my attention this Labor Day weekend (writing this for Tuesday on Sunday) as there was really nothing I could do to prepare the condo in Delray Beach or our boat Encore (in the water) in preparation for the approaching storm. Likely when this posts, we will either have dodged a bullet […]
Category: Holiday, Misc, Photos, Tools, Video, Weather |
Tags: air, branches, chores, cincinnati, compressor, condo, dorian, encore, hawthorn, Holiday, home, honeysuckle, hurricane, labor day, tools, trees, weather
RichC | August 30, 2019
As Floridians and those in the northern Bahamas prepare for Dorian, the first major hurricane to directly hit Florida’s Atlantic coast since Andrew (a Cat 5) in 1992, those of us with a vested interest out-of-state will not be sleeping well this weekend. There isn’t much we can do besides check our insurance policies and […]
Category: Personal, Sailing, Weather |
1 Comment
Tags: boats, dorian, encore, florida, hurricance, insurance, preparation, sailing, storm, weather
RichC | July 22, 2019
What would summer be without Jimmy Buffett music and cheeseburgers? How about remembering summer fun with Jimmy Buffett‘s Cheeseburger in Paradise song from back in 1978 with a relatively new personal connection twist? Besides me being a nearly life long listener, this past year or so I have another connection to Buffett as mentioned before. […]
Category: Food, Memories, Music, Personal, Photos, Sailing, Video |
Tags: cheeseburger, concert, encore, jimmy buffett, megan, memories, music monday, musicmonday, paradise, youtube
RichC | May 9, 2019
Although the Love Bugs didn’t seem quite a bad driving through Florida this past week as they were a few years ago (added old photo for ThrowBack Thursday #TBT), they still managed to annoy me aboard Encore and messed up the Honda Odyssey. Thankfully there were also several heavy thunderstorms when driving and since I […]
Category: Automotive, Environment, Memories, Misc, Nature |
Tags: bugs, encore, honda, love bugs, odyssey, pilot, usatoday
RichC | April 2, 2019
After a weekend trip to Encore in Florida, one would think that I would be totally rejuvenated? Unfortunately I’m feel further behind and less rested than when I left? Perhaps it is age or maybe just the long drive, but I’m tired and worn out. On the bright side, it was at least good to […]
Category: Cellphone, Personal, Photography, Photos, Sailing, Travel |
1 Comment
Tags: beach, encore, florida, iphone, pano, Photos, quick, richc, trip
RichC | March 19, 2019
Nothing like getting bogged down in wasting a weekend trying to repair a quartz clock that should just be replaced! I had the best of intentions on Saturday morning as I was up early and had my weekend project list ready to start. Initially I started to organize my workbench after ordering new bearings and […]
Category: Misc, Personal, Photos, Sailing |
Tags: ani gif, anigif, battery, clock, corrosion, encore, gears, project, quartz, sailboat, workshop
RichC | February 28, 2019
I enjoyed this photo enough to use it as my “too lazy to blog” filler photo for the day … and just to make it a ThrowBack Thursday #TBT … how about a photo with my buddy Mark Jones from 2014 looking down from up on Encore’s mast? 
Category: Blogs, Photography, Photos, Sailing, TBT |
Tags: beach, encore, filler, mark jones, mast, ocean, photography, richc, sky, sunset, surfing
RichC | February 11, 2019
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Category: Memories, Music, Personal, Photos, Sailing |
Tags: aaron, beatles, encore, family, florida, here comes the sun, howard, justin, katelyn, mp3, music monday, musicmonday, peek n peak, richc, taxman
RichC | February 10, 2019
I enjoyed the warm sunshine and working on a few project on Encore this past week. It was a delayed trip due to a flight cancelation, but thankful my schedule is pretty flexible. It would have been nice to stay longer and to have had Brenda with me, but "ya got to do what you […]
Category: Archive, Idioms, Misc, Sailing |
Tags: encore, florida, fort pierce, harbortown, hatch, idiom, lewmar, sailboat, sailing, sunrise
RichC | February 9, 2019
Although I’m not fond of birds that mess up the topsides of our boat, this Osprey made for a great photo from Aruba. Above is an Osprey is catching a blue reef fish.
Category: Blogs, Photography, Photos, Sailing |
Tags: aruba, encore, filler, mirror, osprey, photo, photography, reef fish, uk
RichC | December 8, 2018
Read up a little bit more on upholstery last weekend while in Florida while thinking about a couple possible projects. I’m not sure about tackling something as big as a couch and loveseat (slideshow below), but perhaps a couple chair pillows and condo dining room chair cushions are do-able? My projects in the past have […]
Category: Archive, Hobby, Ideas, Photos, Sailing |
Tags: boat, condo1718, cushions, encore, florida, sailboat, sailrite, sewing, slideshow, upholstery
RichC | December 3, 2018
Only one little piggy had a bad day down in Florida. It was unusual for me, but decided to wear the Sperry watershoes rather than leather boat shoes while working on Encore … basically just cleaning and getting her back to pre-hurricane prep form. Unfortunately we have not been sailing enough to justify even owning […]
Category: Archive, Ideas, Innovation, Personal, Photos, Sailing, Tidbits |
Tags: blister, boatshoe, boatshoes, condo1718, encore, harbortown, kitchen, renter, sailboat, sperry, topsider, topsiders, update, watershoes
RichC | June 24, 2018
Since I drive a diesel BMW X5 35d as well as an old 1982 Mercedes 300D Turbodiesel, and use diesel fuel in our Kubota and John Deere lawn tractors (not to mention sailboat) … seeing pump prices 20 to 40 cents higher at the pump is starting to cut into my theory of saving money […]
Category: Automotive, Diesel, Financial, Marketing, Misc |
Tags: 300d, BMW, diesel, economy, encore, engine, fuel, fuelly, mercedes, milkshakes, udf, udrive, x5 35d
RichC | June 23, 2018
I think I’ll archive that idea as a reminder since I always have an umbrella in the back of my Van, 300D or BMW X5 35d … one of those cars is generally at the marina with me! This might be the perfect post to archive my Father’s Day gifts from my kids! A new […]
Category: Archive, Misc, Photos, Sailing, Tidbits, Tools |
Tags: amazon, battery, boats, cordless, encore, idea, lithium, ridgid, sailboat, saililng, tiling, tools, unbrella
RichC | June 2, 2018
Although it rained constantly over the Memorial Day weekend and practically the entire time I was in Florida working on the kitchen update, I did squeeze in a couple of minor hurricane prep items aboard Encore. The canvas (spray dodger and bimini) is starting to show signs of wear, but a little tear maintenance will […]
Category: Sailing, Weather |
Tags: canvas, dodger, encore, mender, repair, sailboat, sunbrella, tear
RichC | May 20, 2018
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Category: Archive, Personal, Photography, Photos |
Tags: annalyn, cat, encore, iphone7plus, kubota, megan, spider, taylor, yard, zd326s
RichC | April 14, 2018
This past week has been a busy one for me. I was off to Florida for a few days to check on the condo in Delray Beach after our winter renter and to start the demolition of the kitchen. It is a project that is way past due and I’m not sure I know exactly […]
Category: Archive, Misc, Personal, Photos, Sailing, Travel |
Tags: condo1718, delray beach, demolition, encore, florida, kitchen, remodeling
RichC | March 8, 2018
Encore lost her slip last year at Harbortown Marina when I haul for some TLC during hurricane season in 2017 and I was glad Daniel our dockmaster made room for us last month when we relaunched. It’s great to have Encore is back in the water, but I miss the quieter dock we had previously. […]
Category: Sailing |
Tags: dock, encore, florida, fort pierce, harbortown, marinia, sailboat, sailing
RichC | February 19, 2018
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Category: Music, Personal, Photography, Photos, Sailing |
Tags: david gates, encore, florida, marina, mp3, music monday, musicmonday, sailboat, sunrise
RichC | February 18, 2018
Too many times in life I find myself fiddling to repairs something that really just needs to be thrown away. Case in point (see interesting idiom explanation below) … I brought home an LED fixture that replaced a higher wattage halogen bulb that works well in Encore‘s cabin, but for some reason the pin/plugs must have […]
Category: Idioms, Misc, Sailing, Tidbits |
Tags: encore, epoxy, fixture, idioms, led, lights, repair, sailboat
RichC | February 17, 2018
The irritation of “the week that was” has given way to the positive memories like waking up to this kind of sunrise view … even if it was in a marina. I’m thankful to have the out of water maintenance headaches behind me and can now look forward to “escaping” to our little corner of […]
Category: Personal, Sailing, Travel |
Tags: encore, family, marina, morning, sailboat, sunrise
RichC | February 17, 2018
To the non-boat owner, having a sailboat sitting out of the water "on the hard" might seem like an inexpensive way to "park" a boat for a while? Well let me tell you that is not even close to being true, at least at a working yard. Several months ago I had such grand plans […]
Category: Archive, Sailing |
Tags: bottom, encore, florida, launch, paint, repairs, sailboat, sailing
RichC | January 13, 2018
Google Maps view of the space D-8 that will be Encore‘s new dock After hauling Encore last year for some much needed out-of-water bottom work, I’m hoping to relaunch and have her back in the water in February for the improving weather this upcoming spring. But with such few trips and infrequent sailing, I’m torn […]
Category: Personal, Sailing, Travel |
Tags: dock, encore, florida, harbortown, marina, planning, sailboat
RichC | January 3, 2018
Before sending another check to the guy I have doing some bottom work on Encore, I really need to inspect the work. I don’t want him to stop working, but I don’t want bottom paint slapped on the new epoxy fiberglass repair before double checking the layers, fairing and keel work and epoxy barrier coats […]
Category: Aviation, Friends, Misc, Sailing, Travel |
Tags: dar, encore, flights, florida, friends, jones, mark, southwest, Travel
RichC | December 20, 2017
Just in case there are a few men looking for last minute jewelry gifts to give to their sweetheart for Christmas, here’s a ring idea that will pretty much guarantee that you’ll never need to worry again – you’ll either be alone … or dead! And since I know there is sure to be a […]
Category: Advice, Holiday, Humor, Sailing |
Tags: aba, awab, christmas, clamps, encore, friends, gifts, hose, Humor, men, rings, sailboat
RichC | August 31, 2017
As the title and Robert Burns suggest, "the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry." Here are a couple Thursday lunchtime updates. On the upside, the Ford ($F) trades from a week ago continue to pan out and I exited half of my position on Thursday morning to book profits (for those […]
Category: Business, Financial, Personal, Sailing |
Tags: boats, bottom, encore, ford, investing, quotes, sailboat, stock, trading, whiticar
RichC | July 16, 2017
It has been a little while since Encore has been on the hard and the bottom paint is worse than I thought or expected. Really disappointed to see a couple blisters reappear after the "shave, skim and epoxy barrier" a few years back. Looks like I’ll need to work on grinding out, drying and patching […]
Category: Personal, Photos, Sailing |
Tags: bottom, crackerboy, encore, paint, sailboat
RichC | July 6, 2017
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Category: Archive, Personal, Photos, Video |
1 Comment
Tags: annalyn, drew, encore, family, house, katelyn, new, ohio, perrysburg, toledo, video, vimeo
RichC | May 30, 2017
Not that I have a Yanmar diesel on our sailboat, but love the kit from Balmar to convert an auxilary diesel from V-belt to Serpentine belt and pulleys.
Category: Archive, Sailing, Video |
Tags: balmar, encore, sailboat, serpentine, v-belt, yanmar
RichC | April 29, 2017
Just as I was beginning to “once again” ponder the wisdom of keeping our sailboat in Florida while still working, taking care of a home and being pulled in different directions … an early morning walk back to Encore reminded me that it is healthy to slow down, de-stress and appreciate the daily paintings He makes for […]
Category: Art, Faith, Personal, Photos, Sailing |
Tags: encore, marina, sailboat, sunrise
RichC | March 17, 2017
Category: How-To, Sailing, Tidbits, Video |
Tags: encore, hammock, relaxing, sailboat, sailing, tips, video, youtube
RichC | February 12, 2017
Posting a few leftover photos from my last trip to the boat. One is a waterproof fitting to bring the solar cable thru Encore‘s deck (eventually a new project) … and a couple more of an early morning sunrise at the dock at Harbortown Marina in Fort Pierce. Really the trip was a quick getaway […]
Category: Archive, Photos, Sailing |
Tags: dar, encore, florida, friends, harbortown, jones, mark, sailboat, solar, sunrise
RichC | February 4, 2017
Spent a few days aboard Encore by myself this week doing a little (very little) needed maintenance. It’s amazing how "just sitting" is a killer for aging a sailboat! That’s not to say I’m ready to let her go, just that I need to give her more attention. One of the projects was to disassemble […]
Category: Sailing |
Tags: bearings, encore, maintenance, pedestal, sailboat, steering, whitlock
RichC | January 5, 2017
Although I just updated a few of the fittings on Encore‘s ShadeTree awning system, I’d prefer fewer bungee cords and fiberglass and vinyl wear points. After posting a comment to Eben Bruyns the new owner of Taleisin (Lin and Larry Pardey‘s boat), I noticed the D-ring fittings and cinch lines and figured I would archive […]
Category: Archive, Photos, Sailing, Tidbits |
Tags: archive, awning, encore, pardey, sailboat, shadetree, taleisin
RichC | December 11, 2016
Wrapping up a weekend trip with a few photos tinkering aboard Encore. Some needed cleaning and a few improvements were the items on the agenda. First up, I semi-fitted the new generator cage for the Honda EU2000i. I welded the aluminum up in the summer/fall and hope that once bolted in place it will keep […]
Category: Misc, Music, Personal, Photos, Sailing |
Tags: buffett, cage, curtain, diesel, encore, florida, generator, projects, solar, volvo
RichC | December 10, 2016
In continuing the quest to be able to bring along our fully inflated Zodiac dinghy when gunkholing aboard Encore, I am still pondering an inexpensive davit option. The dilemma has been trying to keep the Capehorn Steering gear (hopefully functional) while still "safely" toting along a dinghy. The foredeck space is limited since the baby […]
Category: Archive, Misc, Personal, Sailing |
Tags: davits, ebay, encore, pardey, project, sailboat, st croix, zodiac
RichC | December 6, 2016
I headed down to Florida to check in on Encore this past weekend and enjoyed the sunshine but not necessarily the long drive for a short stay. Primarily the in-water project had to do with getting the dodger and bimini back on the boat and getting the deck cleaned up after the harsh summer and […]
Category: Diesel, Personal, Photos, Sailing |
Tags: dar, encore, friends, jones, mark, sailboat, strainer, vetus, water pump
RichC | November 24, 2016
On the recommendation of Carolyn Goodlander (wife of Fatty Goodlander), I’m giving the weather routing and passage planning online tool a try. Not that I’m planning a bluewater passage to Bermuda just yet, but it is interesting how technology has changed route planning. Where it seems to help is in tweaking departure dates and […]
Category: Archive, Sailing, Travel |
Tags: encore, fastseas, fatty goodlander, goodlander, planning, sailboat, sailing, trip, voyaging
RichC | October 9, 2016
Archiving another project idea for living on the hook (someday) yet still having hot water for dishes, cleaning and SHOWERS (a freshwater shower is a luxury for most sailboats).
Category: Archive, How-To, Innovation, Sailing, Tidbits, Video |
Tags: archive, encore, hot, sailboat, showers, solar, water, youtube
RichC | October 7, 2016
Hurricane Matthew is blasting up Florida’s Atlantic coast at this early morning moment. I’ve been back and forth between baseball and the Weather Channel which spent much of the night broadcasting from all places, Fort Pierce, FL. I exchanged text messages at midnight with our friends riding out the storm there and will stay up […]
Category: Misc, Sailing, Weather |
1 Comment
Tags: cleveland, encore, florida, fort pierce, friends, hurricane, indians, matthew
RichC | October 6, 2016
Let’s hope this “curtain call” (cough, cough) isn’t a precursor for Hurricane Matthew bearing down on Encore in Fort Pierce Florida? The subject line was more of a slip of the tongue regarding “curtains” when I really intended a twisted “Suzy Homemaker” innuendo — Sailor Homemaker (my attempts at sewing curtains). Failed joke aside, I […]
Category: Archive, Personal, Photos, Sailing |
Tags: curtains, encore, fence, project, sailboat, sailrite, sewing, straight edge
RichC | October 5, 2016
Perhaps I’m being a bit to self-focused in worrying about “just a sailboat” when millions of lives are going to be impacted by Hurricane Matthew? I think it is time for the final preparation … pray for safety for those in the path of this storm (and Encore). EDIT: A buddy of mine was asking […]
Category: Sailing, Weather |
Tags: encore, florida, hurricane, matthew, sailboat, tropical storm, weather
RichC | October 4, 2016
The Category 4 Hurricane Matthew is wreaking havoc on Haiti with 145 mph wind and up to 40 inches of rain, I’m keeping a close eye on new projections that put this powerful storm way too close to Encore. Thankfully my good friend Mark called me last night and offered to add a couple of […]
Category: Sailing, Weather |
1 Comment
Tags: encore, florida, haiti, hurricanes, matthew, preparation
RichC | October 3, 2016
The generator "security cage" project for our sailboat Encore is ready to be installed. I’m not fond of making a few more holes in the deck, but it needs to be done. The final touches (minus adding Velcro) were taken care of this past weekend. That included softening the aluminum edges, adding shrink tubing to […]
Category: Personal, Sailing |
1 Comment
Tags: aluminum, cage, encore, EU2000i, generator, honda, project, sailboat
RichC | October 2, 2016
This past week I’ve made a few frustrating online transactions and purchases. First, in dealing with NewEgg, I attempted to use a credit on my business account and decided to handled it on the phone with customer service rather than risk it online. I explained that I was using a "store credit" and wanted to […]
Category: Misc, Personal, Photos |
Tags: cover, customer, encore, florida, generator, honda, newegg, service, warranty, wire
RichC | October 1, 2016
Sailrite has years of on and off water How-To YouTube Videos
Category: How-To, Sailing, Video |
Tags: bimini, canvas, dodger, encore, sailboat, sailrite, sewing, youtube
RichC | September 21, 2016
In a previous post, I sketched out a "Generator Cage," for the lack of a better term, for our sailboat Encore. The idea is to slip off a Sunbrella cover so we can use the Honda EU2000i Inverter Generator mentioned here on the aft deck when needing power at anchor to charge the batteries and […]
Category: Energy, Misc, Personal, Sailing, Tidbits |
Tags: aluminum, encore, EU2000i, generator, honda, inverter, tig, welding
RichC | September 18, 2016
After sitting quietly most of the summer, my friend Jeff needed to borrow a set of wheels for a week. He has intimately name the 1982 MB diesel the "old girl" and seems to appreciate her many quirks. Since it isn’t covered, there was a little dust, but she still looks pretty good to me. […]
Category: Automotive, Diesel, Mercedes, Sailing, Tidbits |
Tags: 300d, elio, encore, generator, honda, mercedes, project, sailboat, turbodiesel