RichC | September 28, 2024
It has been a few years since the last raccoon has found a way to get into the house again, but it looks like one has made an entrance again. I’ve tacked up heavy galvanized screens, screwed aluminum panels and trapped and trapped and trapped them over the years, but the raccoons that live in […]
Category: Misc, Nature, Photos, Repairs |
Tags: attic, critters, helene, house, hurricane, raccoon, soffit
RichC | May 16, 2024
I don’t recall how the subject came up, but Brenda and I were talking about our first and then second house in NE Ohio … the one I have some of my fondest memories in — the kids were about our grandchildren’s age. It was located on “Ground Hog Hill” in Hudson Township when we […]
Category: Archive, Automotive, Memories, Nature, Photos, TBT |
Tags: convertible, ford, google, groundhog, house, howard, hudson, maps, momh, mustang, ohio, property, TBT
RichC | April 11, 2024
Brenda has been bugging me to remove a couple of pine trees (one 30 yo Blue Spruce that was nearly dead) from in front of the house (photo – house without the drooping pine). They were on the “to-do” list last year, but I’ve procrastinated until this year … and in my mind, I was […]
Category: Archive, Personal, Photos, Repairs, TBT |
Tags: house, landscaping, TBT, trees, wind storm, yardwork
RichC | March 7, 2024
Thanks for the great night photo after the completion of your homebuilding project, Drew and Katelyn!
Category: Archive, Personal, Photos, Space |
Tags: drew, family, homebuilding, house, katelyn, nightsky, oostra, stars
RichC | November 2, 2023
An older video popped up on on of the cloud archive sites for one reason or another last month (don’t recall), and after quickly glancing at it, decided it was worth including for a Throwback Thursday #TBT. The short clip was Brenda driving to work in her 1998 Toyota Rav4 and was from 2011. It […]
Category: Automotive, Memories, Personal, TBT, Video |
Tags: brenda, driveway, house, mp4, october, Rav4, TBT, toyota
RichC | October 31, 2023
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Category: Archive, Personal, Photos |
Tags: annalyn, asphalt, beard, blacktop, bompa, drew, ellerie, family, homebuilding, house, israel, katelyn, oostra, richc, usa
RichC | December 14, 2022
As is my December tradition, I’m including a digital copy of what once was our Corbett Christmas Letter but is now a just a “card” on my blog. Our year as a family was full of too many great times to include, but highlighted by a special event: a 40th Anniversary and trip planned by […]
Category: Archive, Holiday, Idioms, Memories, Personal, Photos |
Tags: 2022, christmas, christmas card, Corbett Christmas Letter, family, homebuilding, house, oostra, postcard
RichC | December 3, 2022
Thankfully, even as the weather begins to cool these days, the homebuilding progress doesn’t screech to a halt as it did years ago (showing my age). With that, it is great to archive a photo or two as the walls go up on Katelyn and Drew’s new house in northwest Ohio. There is a small […]
Category: Archive, Personal, Photos |
Tags: building, construction, drew, family, homebuilding, house, katelyn, oostra, progress, project
RichC | October 22, 2022
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Category: Archive, Personal, Photos |
Tags: annalyn, babysitting, construction, ellerie, family, halloween, homebuilding, house, lumber, oostra, perrysburg, whitehouse
RichC | October 12, 2022
The sawmill has returned Katelyn and Drew‘s lumber and it’s a BIG pile (very exciting!) What Is Air-Drying? Air-drying lumber simple means to stack lumber and expose it to the outdoors. Depending on the species of wood and desired moisture content the air-drying process could take several months to almost a year. Make sure to […]
Category: Archive, Misc, Photos, Woodworking |
Tags: beach, building, drew, drying, house, katelyn, kiln, lumber, property, woodworking
RichC | September 13, 2022
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Category: Archive, Friends, Personal, Photos, Sports, Video |
Tags: annalyn, baseball, building, drew, ellerie, family, house, katelyn, mud hens, ohio, oostras, toledo, whitehouse
RichC | August 29, 2022
Neither photo is mine, but Brenda and I were both startled in hearing the sounds of owls coming from was seemed like inside the house. Great Horned Owl Hoots After we slowly crept around inside our house, wondering where they were, we deciphered that the “hoots” were coming from the fireplace. "Hm, were they […]
Category: Audio, Environment, Misc, Nature, Personal |
Tags: audio, birds, cap, chimney, great horned, hoot, house, huge, owl, wingspan
RichC | August 27, 2022
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Category: Archive, Personal, Photos |
Tags: annalyn, bompa, brenda, building, ellerie, family, foundation, granddaughters, homebuilding, house, ohio, oma, oostra, perrysburg, richc, whitehouse
RichC | May 15, 2022
My weekend chores and projects are in full swing as I cut the lawn longer than usual since it grew fast and thick while we were on vacation. Hopefully after a few cuttings, the thatch will disappear (I’m not fond of raking and hauling to the compose pile). Early Saturday morning I put the final […]
Category: Misc, Personal, Photos |
Tags: chores, desk, home, house, lawncare, office, projects, refinishing, yardwork
RichC | May 4, 2022
Just archiving progress on the hardwood floors project before moving any furniture back in the guest bedroom (above left) and my home office (panorama photo below). I also wanted to save a photo of the can of Minwax branded wood finish, used and mixed to match our existing floor stain (great job by Schindler Hardwood […]
Category: Misc, Personal, Photos |
Tags: bedroom, finish, floors, guest, hardwood, home, house, office, pano
RichC | February 23, 2022
Interesting tidbit: According to a post on social media (take that for what it is worth), “the average person lives in 11 homes in there lifetime.” It doesn’t detail if a college dorm is considering a “home,” but if I eliminate them … I’m up to EIGHT that I call “a residence.” In pondering my […]
Category: Human Interest, Social Media, Tidbits |
Tags: home, house, interesting, residence, social media, tidbits
RichC | February 22, 2022
For years now we have been satisfied with the bulky (and older) Canary Cams for added security at home. The first Canary continues to work flawlessly “inside” our house and thankfully just perches quietly in our great room and is suppose to trigger when motion is detected “when we are not home.” The plan was […]
Category: Cloud, Gadget, Misc, Photos, Technology |
Tags: canary, floodlight, house, security cam, socket, wyze, wyzecam3
RichC | February 13, 2022
We’ve never been all that timely in getting Christmas decorations put away after the holidays, but this year we … and by “we” I mean Brenda … has been slower than usual. To be fair, most everything has been packed and put away, but there are a few stragglers still around our house. I’m not […]
Category: Books, Financial, History, Holiday, Humor, Millitary, Personal, Photos |
Tags: barton biggs, book, brenda, christmas, decorations, house, investing, momc, santa mouse, war, wealth, wisdom, world war 2
RichC | December 23, 2021
While posting to the blog yesterday, I noticed a “Year(s) Ago On This Day” post archiving the stamped concrete was being pour/stamped for our backporch – 14 years ago). And even more shocking is that we were building our house back in the winter and spring of 1996! (click on house photo below of Katelyn, […]
Category: Idioms, Memories, Personal, Photos, TBT |
Tags: backporch, brenda, construction, home, house, idiom, idioms, katelyn, memories, project, taylor, TBT, throwback, thursday, time flies
RichC | December 8, 2021
Since part one of a couple of blog photo posts will be pubic and not include family, I’ll archive it first. I finished (hopefully) the NINE trailer loads of leaves I mulched and raked in the front yard this year. Oh for the pre-Global Warming and now Climate Change days of burning leaves rather than […]
Category: Archive, Misc, Personal, Photos, Tidbits, Tools |
Tags: brakes, caliper, chores, electrical, home, house, leaves, office, passthru, projects, qled, richc, samsung, television, tools, yardwork
RichC | December 5, 2021
It might be a good idea to replace, or at least check, the wax ring seal on your toilet … as the line goes, “ask me how I know.” It seems ours was fine for 25 years, but at some point decided to drip when flushed. Slowly but surely the drip turned into a wet […]
Category: Advice, Archive, Misc, Personal, Photos, To-Do |
Tags: basement, ceiling, drywall, home, home depot, house, leak, master bathroom, plumbing, repair, seal, toilet, wax ring
RichC | November 10, 2021
It may not be pretty, but hopefully the “fix” for the segment of driveway concrete that was poured when our driveway was replaced, without the proper pitch, will prevent puddling where the old and new concrete came together. We were not home to see the work, but after a cursory look (photos) on Wednesday morning, […]
Category: Archive, Misc, Personal, Photos |
Tags: big pour, drain, driveway, hime, house, project, repair, subcontract
RichC | October 19, 2021
While tuned into Fox Business over lunch last week, a segment highlighting people bulldozing beautiful homes in New York’s Long Island’s West Hamptons in order to build even more beautiful dream homes. One such multi-million dollar house featured a long window treatment rod similar to my thoughts for our new windows. For us it is […]
Category: Archive, Ideas |
Tags: archive, cavuto, curtains, foxbusiness, hamptons, home, house, ideas, new york, treatments, windows
RichC | October 7, 2021
… Boom … Our new windows are really not that clean, but obviously the reflective quality is not helpful and looks painful for birds flying into them. I’m starting to wonder if we should rig up some kind of netting or thin sunshade? The latest bird to hit the window left a “dust” imprint clear […]
Category: Archive, Environment, Misc, Nature, Personal, Photos |
Tags: birds, decisions, feathers, great room, home, house, netting, windows
RichC | September 16, 2021
Here are a few leftover project photos from the weekend for Throwback Thursday #TBT to add to the personal archive. Normally we make banana bread in the full-size Bosch oven when our bananas go soft and brown, but I keep trying to get the convection baking setting correct on our toaster oven – not bad […]
Category: Archive, Computer, Memories, Misc, Personal, Photos, TBT, Technology |
Tags: boxes, cable, ceiling, cracks, drywall, fiber, fioptics, home, house, internet, isdn, office, oven, paint, painting, patching, project, repair, satellite, starband, TBT, toaster, water putty, wiring
RichC | August 28, 2021
Friday was Day One, of what is the longest day of the planned two day driveway pour (Day 2 on Monday). The crew was at the house before 5:30AM with spot lights, last minute prep and ready for the first truck of concrete which was scheduled to arrive at 6AM – was here at 6:15. […]
Category: Archive, Idioms, Misc, Personal, Photos |
Tags: big pour, concrete, driveway, home, house, idiom, idioms, pano, Photos, project
RichC | August 25, 2021
We finally got the final grading, under the concrete pipes and extra gravel ($) issue semi-resolved and have the driveway project back on track while the weather is good … although very hot. Thankfully I was able to get the stumps taken care of since our contractor did not want to risk damaging the underground […]
Category: Archive, Misc, Personal, Photos |
Tags: concrete, driveway, home, house, progress, project, update
RichC | August 18, 2021
It is a month and a half late, but concrete companies and for that matter most construction companies are very busy this summer. The COVID19pandemic has put most projects behind and perhaps we should be thankful to be on their schedule. Tearing out (video from Canary Security Cam) and re-concreting a driveway is one of […]
Category: Archive, Financial, Movies, Personal, Video |
Tags: canary, concrete, driveway, home, house, inflation, mp4, project, security cam
RichC | August 5, 2021
In making this a Throwback Thursday #TBT post, it is interesting to look at a blog post from 2007 when we added our backporch and stamped concrete and as it is now while contemplating how to cut back our landscaping and trees. At one point we were thinking it was taking so long to mature […]
Category: Archive, Misc, Personal, Photos, TBT |
Tags: backporch, blog, home, house, lambs ear, landscaping, rose of sharon, TBT, throwback, thursday, trees, yard
RichC | July 16, 2021
Just a pleasant, but warm evening photo as a Friday filler, after mowing the front lawn on Thursday night … and before the crews come to bust up the driveway and prepare to pour concrete (I hope!)
Category: Misc, Personal, Photography, Photos |
Tags: driveway, filler, front, house, iphone, pano, panorama, yard
RichC | June 26, 2021
Last weekend we had thunderstorms and tornado warning that dumped buckets of rain in our area. Thankfully no damage or serious flooding, but I did check on the sump and backyard pumps … I even added my spare pump to the pit in order to keep the water that builds up in the retention area […]
Category: Advice, Misc, Photos, Tidbits, Weather |
Tags: ani gif, check valve, flooding, gif, home, house, maintenance, rain, repair, sump pump, zoeller
RichC | March 18, 2021
Real estate has been on a tear in many markets as the coronavirus has people moving from cities to the suburbs and their own piece of land. In my opinion it is not just COVID19 related, but that fact that cities aren’t as secure or as tax friendly to live in, especially on the east […]
Category: Business, Financial, News |
Tags: building, commodities, coronavirus, covid19, economy, federal reserve, house, housing, inflation, interest rates, lumber, mortgages, real estate, wsj
RichC | February 23, 2021
One of the most unappreciated attributes often overlooked when dating and looking for a life partner is that of a handyman, or to be a little more politically correct, a “handyperson.” I do know that having the Mister Fix-it gene, or is it a learned skill (???), has been one of my strong traits, but […]
Category: Advice, Misc, Personal, Photos |
Tags: adjust, door, garage, handyman, home, house, husband, marriage, opener, quality, repair, service
RichC | January 16, 2021
My wife is great … and her decorating and building taste as to what “looks” nice grows on a person after nearly 40 years of marriage … but I still grumble about some of the decision she makes. One of them was wanting a drywall ceiling rather than something removable when we finished the basement. […]
Category: Archive, Gadget, Innovation, Memories, Personal, Photos, To-Do |
Tags: basement, bluhm, brenda, ceiling, drywall, fiberglass, fishing, form, function, home, house, kitchen, patching, pole, project, rod, twofer, wiring
RichC | December 23, 2020
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Category: Archive, Health, Holiday, Misc, Personal, Photos |
Tags: annalyn, blog, christmas, coronavirus, ellerie, family, gilkey, granddaughters, great room, house, improvments covid19, updates, windows
RichC | December 3, 2020
As a ‘still listed’ page owner according to my Zillow update emails of my parents house listing in Sidney, Ohio, I realized that it will not be long before those pages and photos disappear. I likely still have the original photos on a compact flash drive card (who can still read those), but probably won’t […]
Category: Archive, Memories, Personal, Photos, TBT, Video |
Tags: archive, dadc, family, home, house, momc, mp4, parents, Photos, sidney ohio, slideshow, TBT, throwback, thursday, zillow
RichC | August 20, 2020
Let me get this out before someone tells me I’ve lost my mind: I love our current house and property in SW Ohio … as well as the community we live in just north of Cincinnati. Brenda and I could not be more blessed with our lives, our family and all that we have worked […]
Category: Archive, Memories, Personal, Photos, TBT |
Tags: cpp, cuyahoga falls, house, hudson, memories, northeast, ohio, piano, pool, reminiscing, remodeling
RichC | August 11, 2020
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Category: Archive, Misc, Personal, Photos, Travel, Video |
Tags: annalyn, archive, bees, birdhouse, bluebird, brenda, drew, ellerie, family, granddaughters, home, house, katelyn, mp4, Photos, pool, project, pyramid hill, richc, vacation
RichC | May 26, 2020
It is never as easy as expected? I’m accustom to opening the pool each season now that I’ve been doing it for 20+ years in Cincinnati and another 5 or so in Hudson before that. Each season it should get easier, right? Nope. There always something … and the job is MUCH more challenging to […]
Category: Archive, Personal, Photos, To-Do, Weather |
Tags: bearings, chores, clean, corrosion, electrical, house, motor, opening, pool, pump, rebuild, yard
RichC | May 24, 2020
It has been a slow start to getting our yard in shape. By now we usually have the pool open and flowers planned, but for some reason (probably rain) we are not ready for summer. Thankfully though, Saturday was nice most of the day. I waited as long as possible to add a few brown […]
Category: Misc, Personal, Photos, Shopping, Weather |
1 Comment
Tags: coronavirus, covid19, flowers, home, house, rain, spring, yard, yardwork
RichC | April 30, 2020
Rather than close out the month of April 2020 with some depressing topic related to COVID19, I’ll post a photo for book lovers (right) and collectors along with a saved newspaper article clipped with a photo to highlight a future project (steps/ladder for the bookshelves) and the latest in the seemingly SLOW progress of putting […]
Category: Alexa, Archive, Audio, Books, Personal, Photos, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: Books, bookshelves, collections, home, house, library, musicroom, painting, project, reading
RichC | March 21, 2020
The painting projects continue without a need to rush or complete anything quickly. Finished the ceiling paint, some patching and trim area and “might” paint the first coat of paint that Brenda has picked on Saturday – “Bermuda Sand” (which is more yellow than the pink sand color that comes to mind – see below). […]
Category: Archive, Misc, Personal, Photos, Woodworking |
Tags: bermuda, bookshelves, color, home, house, library, Music, paint, painting, project, room, sand, workshop
RichC | December 28, 2019
Instead of cleaning the workshop as I was planning, I ended up sidetracked. Nothing new about that. Since each time I pull the plywood box full of “short cuts and scraps” out from next to the miter saw, it is as if I’m dragging a 100 pound box with sandpaper on the bottom across the […]
Category: Personal, Photography, Photos, Productivity, Tools, Woodworking |
Tags: conveyor, house, Photos, projects, rollers, scraps, wood, woodworking, workshop, wreath
RichC | December 24, 2019
While putting the snowblower on the John Deere this past weekend, I notice the instruction/warranty booklet for our garage door opener hanging on the unlatch rope. I’ve unlatch dozens of times, repaired the door, the opener and sensors more times that I can count … yet have never removed the booklet. It just hangs and […]
Category: Archive, Diesel, Human Interest, Humor, Misc, Personal, Photos |
Tags: booklet, diesel, door, garage, homeowner, house, Humor, john deere, manual, opener, quirky, snowblower, tractor
RichC | December 16, 2019
December is here … and the snow arrived last night (snow 9 years ago), although it isn’t anything drastic, just peaceful and quiet. Actually the heavy snow surprised me considering Sunday afternoon was relatively pleasant and I was in the home theater watching Sunday Night Football (Bill beat the Steelers). When the game was over, […]
Category: Personal, Photos, Sports, Tools, Weather |
Tags: chisels, cincinnati, house, legacy, photo, snf, snow, tools, weather
RichC | December 5, 2019
While searching for a photo of an accident when a helicopter landed in our backyard, I ran across a photo of one of the “tools” I miss the most: a Bobcat 743 purchased when we built our house back in 1995-96. I did the same thing with a more powerful tractor besides our John Deere […]
Category: Archive, Diesel, Memories, Personal, Photos, TBT, Tools |
Tags: bobcat, brenda, building,, diesel, ford 800, forklift, homes, house, richc, skid steer, skidsteer,, TBT, throwback, tool, tootsie, tractor, yard
RichC | December 3, 2019
The more time I spend in the basement workshop, the more I enjoy having my coffee with me and “warm.” Usually I just use an insulated stainless steel coffee container, but lately I’ve gone back to a ceramic cup so it can easily go into the microwave for warming. When sidetracked by projects or working […]
Category: Archive, Misc, Personal, Photos |
Tags: coffee, garage, home, house, maintenance, mudroom, paint, painting, remodel, selfie, steps, treads, updates, warmer
RichC | November 5, 2019
This past summer we replaced the gutters on our house with a premium GutterShutter version. I particularly liked the heavier gauge aluminum, larger size, strong hangers and sensible “shutter” to keep out debris. So far we are happy with the upgrade. Current Nov2019 condition vs the Previous Aug2019 complaint Unfortunately after three service calls to […]
Category: Business, Misc, Personal, Photos |
Tags: downspouts, gutters, guttershutter, home, house, repairs, upgrade
RichC | August 27, 2019
We have more bees and wasps appearing around our house this summer, on the other hand, we have always had nests in the woods but this year a few more have moved closer to the house. When preparing to stain the fence this year, I had to glue 3/8” dowels in the carpenter bees holes […]
Category: Environment, Misc, Personal, Photos |
Tags: bees, fence, garage, house, insects, painting, pyrethrin, wasps, yard, yellow jackets
RichC | July 30, 2019
The summer of 2019 around our house has meant more repairs and maintenance updates than usual. This means weekends have been busy with house projects and in also finding and hiring help to complete the updates that are too overwhelming for this one “aging” guy to handle on his own (although my 60th birthday celebrations […]
Category: Archive, Automotive, Hobby, Misc, Personal, Photos, Tidbits |
Tags: autobody, automotive, bodyfiller, bondo, column, epoxy, home, house, maintenance, painting, pillar, poolhouse, repairs, west system
RichC | July 3, 2019
Our front door security camera picks up the strangest visitors #deer.
Category: Humor, Local, Misc, Nature, Personal, Photos, Technology, Video |
Tags: amazon, ani gif, camera, deer, door, front, house, santa, security, wyze
RichC | June 17, 2019
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Category: Misc, Music, Photos |
Tags: fence, gate, george strait, home, house, kenny chesney, mp3, music monday, musicmonday, post, quikcrete, repair, shiftwork, working, yard
RichC | June 11, 2019
We had a great 30th birthday party for Taylor and his friends on Saturday in the backyard … just as we have many times before. As a parent it is nice to know he has always enjoyed bringing friends to our house rather than going someplace else … and seemingly his friends are okay with […]
Category: Archive, Personal, Photos, Video |
Tags: 30th, birthday, bonfire, family, fireworks, friends, house, megan, mp4, party, Photos, schneider, stories, taylor, video
RichC | June 10, 2019
From 3 years old (photo) to 30 years old this year in 2019 … the years of watching Taylor grow up have zipped way too fast. I suspect every parent and grandparent has said that at one time or another? Birthday “year” celebrations, become “decade” celebrations, and we no long even contemplate the candles on […]
Category: Archive, Memories, Personal, Photos |
Tags: archive, birthday, celebrate, friends, home, house, party, pool, taylor
RichC | June 5, 2019
Nasty bugger … thankfully I think I caught this guy (or any of his buddies) before sucking my blood. Nowadays with Lyme Disease you can’t be to careful with letting ticks bite or burrow. I’m not sure our area is considered risky, but I don’t want to chance getting infected either (I thnk this guy […]
Category: Archive, Environment, Health, Nature, Personal, Photos |
Tags: chores, disease, home, house, landscaping, lyme, mulch, ohio, Photos, tick, yard
RichC | May 25, 2019
It feels a late start to opening the “mudhole” … I mean “muddy” pool … this year as our trips to Florida have set me back on the usual spring chores. I think the earliest we have opened the pool as been March, but this year is about the latest that I can recall, although […]
Category: Misc, Personal, Photos |
Tags: chores, cleaning, home, house, Memorial Day, mounds, mud, opening, pool, yardwork
RichC | May 7, 2019
In a discussion with my son Taylor last week, the subject of homeownership came up. He is single and currently rents, but like many millennials, hasn’t been in a big hurry to "put down roots" as have previous generations. On the other hand, being that his career is in "planning" and "economic development," regularly talks […]
Category: Advice, Blogs, Financial |
1 Comment
Tags: case-schiller, chart, homes, house, housing, phrase, real estate, rent
RichC | April 27, 2019
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Category: Archive, Personal, Photos |
Tags: annalyn, babysitting, drew, family, house, katelyn, swing
RichC | April 23, 2019
Although Brenda worked Easter Sunday this year, the weather could not have been more beautiful in Cincinnati for a few chores. I buffed out the oxidation on our 2002 Honda Odyssey, as the Florida sun is hard on paint. After buffing, I wax and buffed again in order to add a layer of protection … […]
Category: Archive, Hobby, Holiday, Personal, Photography, Photos |
1 Comment
Tags: camera, cincinnati, flowers, gx8, honda, house, lumix, odyssey, ohio, photography, Photos, spring, van, yard
RichC | April 11, 2019
If you are looking for a grand home with too many features to mention and a lot of room both inside and out, look no further; 8000 Green Lake Drive in Liberty Township, Ohio is featured in the Pulse Journal this week and listed by Keller Williams Advisor’s Realty. (archiving photos in OneDrive – see […]
Category: Archive, Local, Photos |
Tags: butler, county, efe, for sale, home, house, liberty township, neighborhood, ohio