RichC | March 18, 2025
After the January inauguration of President Trump and the confirmation of his cabinet, there was an immediate change to trade policies that included tariffs … often viewed as protectionist or at minimum leveling and reshaping the relationships with key trading partners. This month the U.S. levied 25% tariffs on steel and aluminum imports from Canada, […]
Category: Advice, Business, Misc, Politics |
Tags: commentary, economy, markets, Politics, recession, tariffs, thoughts, trade
RichC | February 21, 2025
Over the past year, I’ve been asked to write commentary for TheHustings.News. It isn’t really something I’ve thought about doing in the past, but I’ve enjoyed having someone “ask” me to help bolster the “right-leaning” column of their political news website (nothing earth shattering). After several columns in 2024, the editor asked if he could […]
Category: News, Politics, Social Media |
1 Comment
Tags: commentary, editorial, jeff bezos, media, News, Politics, thehustings, washingtonpost, writing
RichC | January 30, 2025
A long time wife of a sailing friend who live in Massachusetts near her daughter, has always been cordial and friendly, happened to included me on an email last week even though it is clear we do not share the same politics. I can’t say that I’m surprised, but was taken back at just how […]
Category: Friends, Politics, Sailing |
Tags: handley, Politics, resistance, robert reich,, trump 47
RichC | January 28, 2025
Getting an invite to write for the “right column” of is becoming a habit. Once again the editor reached out after my January 2024 comment, “Let’s Start With a Clean Slate,” mentioning that he has a very short list of conservative writers willing to be a little more pro-Trump — a couple of his […]
Category: Archive, Politics |
Tags: biden, opinion, pardons, Politics, presidential powers, promises, thehustings, trump, Washington DC, writing
RichC | January 16, 2025
Last year I was invited by a longtime automotive writer and friend, Todd Lassa (photo), to help with writing right column commentary for a political news site — The network of writers and journalists he taps into skew politically left for the most part … and he felt my Republican right-leaning (and pro-Trump/Vance) views […]
Category: AI, Audio, News, Politics, Social Media, Technology |
Tags: ai, editorial, elevenlabs, News, opinion, Politics, thehustings, writing
RichC | January 11, 2025
It is difficult to fathom the amount of devastation happening in Southern California due to the out of control wildfires fueled by the yearly dry vegetation and Santa Anna wind blowing through the canyons and mountains around Los Angeles. Having dense population and homes in the hills around the suburbs adds to the risk when […]
Category: Environment, Financial, News, Politics |
1 Comment
Tags: california, disaster, los angeles, meme, Politics, wildfires
RichC | December 14, 2024
Although I’m glad the 2024 presidential election is behind us in the United States (and hope Kamala Harris becomes a lost memory), there’s a lot of angst in our country and in the world over the political direction and change. I’m cautiously, optimistic that a Trump administration will have a foreign policy that leads to […]
Category: Human Interest, Politics, Social Media |
Tags: conservative, liberal, men, Politics, progressive, women, world
RichC | November 4, 2024
Most people can answer to the “4 years ago” question (below), but a more important question in my view would be, “Do you think you and your family would be better off under a Harris or Trump presidency in the next 4 years?” Both presidential candidates have leadership records to run on, so compare wisely […]
Category: News, Politics |
Tags: donald trump, elections, kamala harris, Politics, presidential, question, voting,
RichC | October 5, 2024
In case you are looking for guidance when it comes to who you elect to run your city, county, state or country … put this thought in the back of your mind when it comes to who has been putting their thumb on the scale (think lawfare) and which political party “might” … no guarantee […]
Category: Advice, Politics, Video |
Tags: cities, democrat, elected, governor, mayor, mismanagement, mp4, Politics, representative, republican, senator, troy nehls
RichC | September 7, 2024
As the US Presidential Election looms, we still really don’t know how Kamala Harris intends to govern — it’s been 1-1/2 months since President Biden stepped down. And many of us have questions: What are her policies? From a few appearances … by that I mean ONE interview … are we expected to believe the her […]
Category: News, Politics |
1 Comment
Tags: abraham lincoln, democrat, election, kamala harris, Politics, presidential, wikipedia
RichC | June 1, 2024
With partisan Democrats controlling “some” city and state governments … and our Federal bureaucracy hanging on by a thread … it is no surprise to see the United States looking like the totalitarian regimes we see in Communist Russia, China, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba, etc (sidelining their political opposition). I can only assume Progressives, and […]
Category: Politics |
Tags: america, appeal to heaven, campaign, conservative, democrat, distress, flags, independent, lawfare, News, Politics, potus, progressive, republican, ronald reagan
RichC | April 3, 2024
Last week I downloaded a book from the library by Jonathan DT Ward after hearing him mention it on a Fox Business program. He is a regular contributor and expert on China; I’ve always thought of him as knowledgeable and a younger version of Micheal Pillsbury (prevous book). The book is titled, “The Decisive Decade: […]
Category: Books, Politics |
Tags: china, jonathan ward, michael pillsbury, Politics, reading, strategy
RichC | March 28, 2024
As we approach another presidential election in November 2024 (it is still a long way off) … I find myself wishing we had Ronald Reagan on the ballot. I’ve yet to decide whether he put my political ideology into words, or if his political desires and presidency formed the positions I hold today? Whatever, this is […]
Category: Business, Education, History, Memories, Politics, TBT, Video-TV |
Tags: election, government, interview, johnny carson, Politics, president, ronald reagan
RichC | August 16, 2023
Deep down … I think most people know that there is something corrupt when it comes to climate science, grant money and politics. Still we are hesitate to question anything because “who am I to question these complicated issues?” It has always bothered me that so many things become an immediate, high priority “crisis” when […]
Category: Art, Education, Environment, Politics, Science |
Tags: bingai, climate change, enviromentalism, money, Politics, power, science, youtube
RichC | May 28, 2023
The “hold” for the ebook by Yeonmi Park titled “While Time Remains” became available this past weekend and even though I haven’t finished the last book I started; I guess I’m going to “start” another anyway (it is a “forever problem” — start a book, but never finish it). From all the interviews of her […]
Category: Books, Education, Politics |
Tags: ebook, elections, indocrination, north korea, Politics, reading, schools, voting, yeonmi park
RichC | May 10, 2023
My library borrowing and Kindle game caught up with me this week as the book I borrowed, “Metathreats,” (and was in the middle of reading) expired … but because I have been keeping my Kindle in “Airplane Mode,” I continued reading. Generally I can’t finish a book without renewing so will often put my Kindle […]
Category: Books, Politics, Tidbits, Video |
Tags: america, book, florida, governor, kindle, Politics, presidential, reading, reagan, ron desantis
RichC | November 9, 2022
Skywatching and politics have little in common, unless one is stretching for a to put the two together in a morning after a November midterm election blog post. In the early Tuesday morning hours, before the election polls opened, the Blood “Red” Moon was being photographed and viewed by skywatchers — often referred to at […]
Category: News, Politics |
Tags: astronomy, beaver moon, blood moon, democrat, divided, elections, federal reserve, government, Politics, red wave, republican
RichC | November 7, 2022
If there is one thing palpable in America, it is that Americans are worried about their country and our future. Ever since the COVID19 pandemic began and particularly since President Biden took office in 2020 … hard working, freedom-loving citizens in our country have watched their liberty and prosperity eroded. There is both concern and […]
Category: History, Politics |
Tags: america, election, freedom, government, john locke, liberalism, liberty, Politics, voting
RichC | July 3, 2022
With a little travel and vacation time coming up, I went into my “want to read” list and downloaded “The Dying Citizen” from the local library to my Kindle. The 2021 book is a longer read (433 pages) from Victor Davis Hanson, a professor and military historian seen regularly on Fox News and Fox Business. […]
Category: Books, History, Human Interest, Politics |
Tags: book, Books, citizenship, Politics, reading, the dying citizen, vacation, victor davis hanson
RichC | July 2, 2022
In one of my social media automotive threads, I saw this comparison graphic and it triggered my thinking … both from a “freedom to choose” and “work need” perspective vs a “forced to comply” based on ever-changing environmental concerns or fiscal reasons … usually by politicians (regulation, taxes, dis-incentives or incentives). People are likely to […]
Category: Automotive, Energy, Environment, Politics, Social Media |
Tags: america, choice, energy, environmental, europe, fossil fuel, freedom, libery, pick up, Politics, trucks
RichC | April 26, 2022
The financial markets have been following the Federal Reserves messaging regarding tightening their easy money policies and has been selling off the last few days. The more aggressive, but late stance to slow inflation is one needed piece of the puzzle … although also heights concerns over slow growth or even a recession. That news […]
Category: Business, Financial, News, Politics, Social Media |
Tags: $DWAC, $TWTR, buyout, elon musk, federal reserve, finance, investing, markets, media, msm, parler, poison pill, Politics, stocks, truth social, twitter
RichC | January 15, 2022
The post this morning was of the “friends and family” variety … and is not viewable unless you’re logged in. So for those visiting My Desultory Blog this Saturday afternoon, here’s a François-Marie Arouet, better known as Voltaire, politically oriented quote as an afternoon blog filler and to encourage registering. “To learn who rules over […]
Category: Politics, Privacy, Quotes |
Tags: criticize, french, friends and family, government, login, Politics, privacy, quote, register, ronald reagan, sign-in, voltaire
RichC | December 29, 2021
This book is on my 2022 “want to read” list and I’m unsure if I’ll opt for the audio version, ebook or paper edition (Amazon options)? While listening to the Brian Kilmeade (the books author) talking about the “battle to save America’s soul” on a Fox News program, it has become apparent that those setting the […]
Category: Books, History, News, Politics |
Tags: agenda, america, book, brian kilmeade, frederick douglas, freedom fighter, joe manchin, kyrsten sinema, lincoln, overton window, Politics, president, socialism
RichC | November 4, 2021
Not to many years ago, the United States was on its way to becoming energy independent … until the American fossil fuel industry came under attack from within our own country. This time the reason is not due to our country’s inability to produce enough oil and natural gas for our needs, but an ideology […]
Category: Energy, Financial, Politics, TBT |
Tags: biden, energy, fuel, gas, idiom, idioms, natural gas, policy, Politics, price, TBT
RichC | October 21, 2021
Every time I use political term with an “ism” these days, I sense I need to clarify the meaning as much as for myself as to the person I’m talking too. Often I’ll refer to an online resource in order to be sure that I’m not misspeaking … but usually its because the terms have […]
Category: Friends, Human Interest, Memories, Personal, Photos, Politics, TBT |
Tags: america, ann landers, capitalism, charlie, chicago tribune, china, communism, counterculture, debate, democracy, friends, isms, kamakaze, marxism, philosophy, political, Politics, respect, socialism, TBT
RichC | October 20, 2021
Here’s a short video worth 5 minutes of your time to watch and to contemplate before Congress and President Biden makes our spending spree even worse. “You can’t spend what you don’t have indefinitely ..” – Stephen Moore for Prager University. LINK to video
Category: Financial, Politics, Video |
Tags: debt, deficit, economy, mp4, Politics, prager, prageru, spending, stephen moore, video
RichC | September 11, 2021
The news media has been doing their part this week to remember the 20th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and memorializing the 2977 people killed by 19 radical Islamist terrorists. Twenty years ago, four commercial airliners loaded with unsuspecting passengers were hijacked and the fuel-ladened planes were used as suicide weapons. To […]
Category: History, Idioms, Millitary, News, Politics |
Tags: 9/11, afghanistan, anniversary, idioms, opinion, Politics, reflection, safety, terror, terrorism, war
RichC | August 31, 2021
Yesterday, Marine General Frank McKenzie announced the U.S. military’s withdrawal from our 20-year war in Afghanistan complete. We entered Afghanistan shortly after September 11, 2001 with a mission to hunt down al-Qaida, Osama bin Laden and radical Islamic terrorists, but we spent much of the time fighting the Taliban who gave the safe haven to […]
Category: Millitary, News, Politics |
Tags: 9/11, afghanistan, bagram, biden, isis-k, kabul, military, Politics, radical islam, sharia, taliban, terrorism, war
RichC | August 22, 2021
As I commented on the utter failure in Afghanistan last week regarding the decision President Biden made in leaving Afghanistan, it is just another “ fail decision” in a short 8 months by this president and his administration (we can’t take much more). The US exit was ill-conceived and poor planned. It was made ignoring […]
Category: Millitary, News, Politics |
1 Comment
Tags: afghanistan, biden, jihad, Politics, regret, taliban, terrorism, war, weapons, woke
RichC | May 16, 2021
When it comes to reading, I once again have started more books than I can finish. It started with our “rest and relaxation” vacation where I wanted to be sure to have a “paper book” to read on the beach and while relaxing at the condo … but I still haven’t finished “A Random Walk […]
Category: Books |
Tags: book, james freeman, maria bartiromo, Politics, reading, the cost, trump
RichC | May 12, 2021
In February 2021, I mentioned The Hustings news website which highlighted how much I appreciated that in America we can hold different political views and civilly debate issues without fear of government retribution (First Amendment). Unfortunately in the past decade or so our differences have become so divisive and derisive, that I’m not sure that […]
Category: Blogs, Idioms, News, Personal, Politics, Social Media |
Tags: braver angels, buckley, debate, earmarks, government, idiom, letter to editor, Politics, thehustings, wfb
RichC | April 29, 2021
Personally I don’t like using the word "bold" for taxing and spending by big government since it has a positive attribute (at least to my thinking), but President Biden’s Joint Address last night was unlike any we’ve ever seen. It looked far more like a socialist spending wish list than a unifying address to bring […]
Category: Humor, News, Politics |
Tags: address, biden, Politics, speech
RichC | April 20, 2021
It seems like a lot of politicians and journalists on the left feed into and retain power by stoking racial unrest? It also appears that the leaders who are fueling the fire also have a Marxist/Socialist ideology, which at its core wants to fundamentally change America. This trend towards disharmony is not unifying for our […]
Category: Politics, Quotes |
Tags: censorship, martin luther king jr, marxism, Politics, socialism, woke, wokeism
RichC | March 20, 2021
A technology friend of mine, Scott Bilik (who was considered my Twitter “Godfather in 2007), has recently wiped some of the mud from his hypothetical digital footprints and is systematically freeing himself from Big Tech’s shackles. This current Silicon Valley monopoly has increased its political clout and has enticed or entrapped most of us in […]
Category: Blogs, Cloud, Computer, Education, Personal, Politics, Social Media, Software, Technology |
Tags: big tech, blog, culture, digital, jeff pitts, national socialism, nazi, opinion, Politics, propaganda, scott bilik, Technology
RichC | March 16, 2021
Support for socialism has been on the rise in America as I have previously noted and according to trend we have seen and the acceptable rhetoric/terms politicians have been willing to adopt this past decade. Liberals, who now prefer the “progressive” label, have decidedly shifted from resisting the status quo, traditional “right and wrong” norms, […]
Category: Education, History, Politics |
Tags: capitalism, commentary, conservatives, debate, democracy, democrats, Education, freedom, hillsdale, liberalism, opinion, Politics, progressives, Republicans, socialism
RichC | February 9, 2021
Did you ever have a political discussion or receive an email that generated a desire to reply and explain? That sort of happened to me this weekend … but I decided there isn’t an upside in the one on one reply. The best approach, as is often the case when talking about faith and religion, […]
Category: Blogs, Personal, Politics |
Tags: adage, debate, democrat, government, john adams, libertarian, lost, opinion, Politics, quote, republican, socialist, taylor, thehustings, venting, website
RichC | January 22, 2021
Not being an advocate for those advocating bigger government, higher taxes, progressive policies … or most Democrats in general, I was not looking forward to the inauguration of Joe Biden as the 46th President of the United States this past week. In fact, I didn’t watch any live coverage and relied on the news clips […]
Category: Humor, News, Politics |
1 Comment
Tags: america, bernie sander, big bang theory, creativity, culture, election, inauguration, internet, meme, Politics, united states, unity
RichC | January 7, 2021
For red, white and blue flag waving, National Anthem honoring, military respecting patriots … who believed in the traditional values that founded this country … January 6, 2021 was a tough day. The election in Georgia for control of the U.S. Senate, the last line of defense for Republicans, went to the two Democrats Raphael […]
Category: News, Politics, Video |
Tags: america, biden, congress, democrats, election, georgia, mp4, ossoff, Politics, prresident, Republicans, schumer, senate, trump, warnock
RichC | January 5, 2021
I’ve watched the political divide and ideology between the right and left grow wider during the past decade … and probably longer, but the voices and actions haven’t seemed this divided since the 1960s. The debate is no longer on a hot-topic or two … or between the traditional bigger government. liberal Democrats and smaller […]
Category: Politics |
1 Comment
Tags: conservative, democrats, election, georgia, liberal, opinion, Politics, Republicans, runoff, senate, thoughts
RichC | November 10, 2020
It has been a long week since the 2020 Presidential Election and I haven’t posted or commented on the vote or “media reported results” regarding several projections as to Joe Biden being our president-elect. For me, the tabulation of votes in key swing states is very close and legitimately contested based on several questionable issues […]
Category: News, Politics |
Tags: commentary, corruption, donald trump, election, election2020, fraud, joe biden, law, News, opinion, Politics, president, presidential, supreme court
RichC | November 3, 2020
Today is election day and A LOT is on the line when it comes to the governing and political philosophy of the United States. Back in 2016, the promises then candidate Donald Trump, made when running as a new breed of Republican, had to be taken on face value and his words… something I personally […]
Category: Audio, News, Politics |
Tags: america, audio, biden, democracy, democrat, election, freedom, gop, liberty, mark levin, mp3, Politics, progresivism, republican, socialism, stalin, trump, ussr, voting
RichC | October 29, 2020
After all the hate during the 2016 Trump vs Clinton election, most Americans were relieved the contentious campaigning was finally over … but it was not. The political left, assisted by much of the media, celebrities and activists, continued to encourage elected Democrats to fight on, impeach President Trump on fabricated information and “resist” any […]
Category: Politics |
Tags: biden, campaign, election, election2020, harris, illustration, Pence, philosophy, Politics, trump
RichC | October 26, 2020
Generally, I prefer not to spread propaganda and campaign advertising, but Americans do need to vote with their eyes open. Not everyone’s family is getting paid millions by the Chinese like the Bidens. Played this video at today’s rally in Allentown, Pennsylvania—a must watch! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 26, 2020
Category: News, Politics |
Tags: biden, china, election, Politics, trump
RichC | October 9, 2020
A Hollywood style TRUMP sign goes up in California “on private property” … then it is promptly taken down by California Department of Transportation citing “a life and safety issue.” Hm … I’m sure that’s what it was … and that it has nothing to do with the aggressive, anti-Trump, left-leaning politics of politicians in […]
Category: News, Politics |
Tags: california, campaign, censorship, constitution, election, Politics, sarcasm, supreme court, trump
RichC | September 30, 2020
“INCOMING!” (reference to the diving falcon photo) With best intentions, I had hoped to post on Tuesday night’s first of 3 presidential debates for Wednesday morning – nope … maybe over lunch? I am with those who are embarrassed at what we now see and hear from our political leaders. To be honest, the “offensive […]
Category: Politics |
Tags: 2020, campaign, chris wallace, cleveland, debate, donald trump, election, joe biden, ohio, Politics
RichC | September 21, 2020
This content is restricted.
Category: Music, Politics |
Tags: 9/11, aaron tippin, eagle, election, freedom, liberty, mp3, music monday, musicmonday, patriotic, Politics, stars and stripes
RichC | July 27, 2020
This content is restricted.
Category: Alexa, Music, Politics, Weather |
Tags: al stewart, Alexa, biden, echo, election, family, mp3, Music, music monday, musicmonday, Politics, siriusxm, the bridge, time passages, trump
RichC | July 18, 2020
As politicians and most of us in the United States (and probably world) debate how to live under the shadow of the Coronavirus pandemic, researchers, doctors and academics are flooding the Internet with studies and opinions both for and against opening up the country. Some have our best interest at heart … and likely some […]
Category: Blogs, Business, Health, Idioms, News, Politics |
1 Comment
Tags: central, coronavirus, covid19, economic,, freedom, gcc, graph, idiom, idioms, karl marx, liberty, lock down, ludwig von mises, marxism, masks, new york, planning, Politics, prageru, shutdown, studies, sweden, youtube
RichC | July 4, 2020
As we celebrate our country’s freedom from oppression and an independence won from Great Britain this July 4th, it is hard to imagine any US citizen wanting to give up their liberty? Yet once again, it is looking more and more as if a vocal and radical segment in the most successful democracy on the […]
Category: History, Holiday, News, Politics |
Tags: america, american thinker, ani gif, anigif, article, constitution, debate, democracy, fletch daniels, governement, Holiday, independence day, negotiation, Politics, protesting, rioting, silence, silent, values, violence
RichC | May 16, 2020
I commented to Brenda, “We must have done something right?” It was both a statement .. and a half question .. when reflecting on the book our son Taylor read, liked and then bought to give me for my birthday. It was definitely a very thoughtful and appreciated gift. Representative Dan Crenshaw’s book Fortitude slightly […]
Category: Books, History, Human Interest, Millitary, Personal, Politics |
Tags: birthday, book, country, dan crenshaw, family, fortitude, ideology, patriotism, Politics, taylor
RichC | February 26, 2020
We haven’t had much snow in SW Ohio this year .. so before it is totally gone for 2019-2020, I’ll share a few flakes above … after the “BIG FLAKES” bickered last night in South Carolina (a list of Democratic Presidential Candidates debating in 2020). Democrats jockey for support ahead of S.C. primary The Democratic […]
Category: Photos, Politics, Weather |
Tags: ani gif, anigif, definition, demdebate, democrats, flakes, Politics, presidential, snow
RichC | February 25, 2020
It is shocking to see the “rock-star welcome” (or thumbs down reception in socialist leaning countries) that “recent” American presidents get when they are overseas. I said “recent American presidents” in respect for the popularity President Obama had when traveling in the leaning countries of Europe; he was seen as tilting the U.S. to the […]
Category: Human Interest, News, Politics |
Tags: capitalism, democracy, freedom, government, india, opinion, Politics, president, rock-star, socialism, trump, wsj
RichC | December 19, 2019
How does a “relatively open minded” politically moderate to conservative American see the impeachment of President Trump? I pay relatively close attention to the news … and politics since it is a big part of our news nowadays … AND with three years of quarrelling and intense dislike for President Donald Trump by his political […]
Category: Blogs, News, Politics |
Tags: abuse, biden, campaign, clinton, congress, democrats, donald trump, dossier, election, fisa, hatred, impeach, impeachment, motive, opinion, politcs, Politics, potus, president, Republicans, ukraine
RichC | October 31, 2019
When it comes to politicians making promises and pitching far fetched ideas nowadays, the sky is the limit. The current crop of Democrats campaigning for their party’s presidential nomination have lifted the “sky is the limit” to “space is the limit.” The sales pitches stretch from free tuition and education debt forgiveness to buying votes […]
Category: Politics, Video |
Tags: campaign, cavuto, democrats, foxnews, health care, healthcare, joe manchin, medicare, medicare for all, mp4, Politics, president, presidential, primary
RichC | October 5, 2019
Most people recognize how polarized our country has become … thanks in part to politicians and the media fanning the divisive flames. I’m not sure why we fall prey to their tactics, but generating hate and dislike for each other does seem to work when it comes to building campaign war-chests and rabid supporters. I […]
Category: Environment, Human Interest, Politics, Video |
Tags: conservative, debate, disagree, environmental, family, guns, liberal, mp4, polarized, Politics, progressive, video
RichC | September 12, 2019
No matter your political ideology, everyone who values integrity in our elections and in political campaigns, should be concerned with how information is disseminated and prioritized. Nowadays we depend no a very few sources that we hope are unbiasedly sifting through and helping us search information and news. For the past decade or so we […]
Category: News, Politics, Social Media, Software, Technology, Video-TV |
Tags: bias, elections, foxnews, google, manipulate, mark levin, mp4, Politics, robert epstein, search
RichC | August 4, 2019
Rick Warren has one of the more fitting quotes for our current cultural divide: “Our culture has accepted two huge lies. The first is that if you disagree with someone’s lifestyle, you must fear or hate them. The second is that to love someone means you agree with everything they believe or do. Both are […]
Category: Advice, Faith, Politics, Quotes |
1 Comment
Tags: compassion, culture, debate, differences, disagreement, Faith, hate, idenity, Politics, quotes, religion, rick warren
RichC | July 24, 2019
As a conservation minded “conservative” and as someone who has always balanced the cost vs benefits of decisions, I once thought “recycling” was as simple as “not littering” and cleaning up pollution highlighted by the 1971 ad campaign (Iron Eyes Cody photo above). From an early age we were bombarded by pointing out how careless […]
Category: Audio, Biodiesel, Environment, History, Marketing, Politics |
Tags: advertising, algae, biodiesel, china, climate change, co2, coal, crisis, democrats, earthday, Environment, epa, green, iron eyes cody, mp3, natural gas, new deal, npr, ocean, plastics, podcast, Politics, polution, recycling, Republicans
RichC | July 11, 2019
I tend to use Twitter $TWTR as my daily newsfeed and choice of social media comment platform, but on Thursday afternoon this week, it is not working. For me, it is no big deal, but for reporters and politicians, it is the way they communicate nowadays. It will be interesting to hear what caused the […]
Category: News, Politics, Social Media, Technology |
Tags: communication, News, Politics, reporting, social media, twitter
RichC | July 4, 2019
Most Americans love their country and enjoy celebrating our country’s “amazing” 243 year history and success. We are thankful for the rag-tag group of patriots from the 13 original colonies who boldly fought for their independence from Great Britain. In school, my generation (and previous) learned about our forefather’s near impossible struggle for freedom and […]
Category: History, Holiday, News, Politics |
1 Comment
Tags: betsy ross, flag, forth of july, History, Holiday, independence day, kaepernick, nike, Politics, racism, shoes