RichC | July 27, 2021
As a longtime subscriber to the Wall Street Journal (and for the last decade or so Barron’s), I’ve learned to appreciate certain journalists, economists and opinion piece writers like Jason Riley at the Manhattan Institute. When he told the inspiring story of Thomas Sowell for PragerU, I quickly viewed the video and applauded – well […]
Category: Books, Business, Education, Financial, History, Politics, Video |
Tags: barrons, biography, brainwashing, capitalism, communism, free markets, hoover institution, idealogical subversion, jason riley, marxism, maverick, milton friedman, propaganda, saul alinsky, socialism, thomas sowell, wsj, youtube, Yuri Bezmenov. mp4
RichC | May 6, 2021
Whoops … an interesting Throwback Thursday #TBT flashback and mistake on my part … I received an order for MayFly Lures that I posted back in 2018 and sold a few and then sold my entire inventory in one lump in 2019. Unfortunately I forgot to remove the original blog post and so received a […]
Category: Business, Marketing, Misc, Recreation, Shopping, TBT |
Tags: ebay, fishing, inventory, lures, mayfly, paypal, selling, TBT
RichC | April 6, 2021
Democrats have been gaining ground over the past few years with their “hate Trump” blitzing supported by the leftists, big tech and mainstream media (one in the same from what I’ve seen), and continue to put heavy pressure politicians and corporations. Just as with the tactics used by BLM, Antifa and “woke” groups using racism, […]
Category: Business, Financial, News, Politics, Sports |
Tags: $KO, activism, all-star, boycott, coca-cola, delta, georgia, investing, jim crow, laws, mlb, nytimes, voter id, voting, woke, wsj
RichC | March 30, 2021
The news that has captured much of the of the world’s interest this week was the very large Ever Given container ship lodged sideways in the Suez Canal by 40+ mph winds (and perhaps some mechanical issues?). The “Empire State Building” size ship snarled traffic for 6 days surprising most people as to just how […]
Category: Business, Financial, News, Photos |
Tags: blocked, canal, coronavirus, covid19, jit, locks, News, shipping, ships, shutdown, suez, supply chain, tugboats, wedged, world
RichC | March 27, 2021
This past week was an on and off work week. I’ve been struggling to update software and the latest Linux flavor on an old server while telling myself “I’m getting too old for this.” Right or wrong attitude, I think keeping up with fast-paced technology change is a young person’s game. On the plus side, […]
Category: Business, Computer, Friends, Idioms, Misc, Woodworking |
Tags: Business, cpp,, delta, idiom, linux, mark jones, rock the boat, servers, tablesaw, william jennings bryan, winkelman
RichC | March 18, 2021
Real estate has been on a tear in many markets as the coronavirus has people moving from cities to the suburbs and their own piece of land. In my opinion it is not just COVID19 related, but that fact that cities aren’t as secure or as tax friendly to live in, especially on the east […]
Category: Business, Financial, News |
Tags: building, commodities, coronavirus, covid19, economy, federal reserve, house, housing, inflation, interest rates, lumber, mortgages, real estate, wsj
RichC | March 10, 2021
After cleaning out my email in-box and “attempting” to unsubscribe to a bunch of marketing oriented email lists, it became clear that I chose to remain subscribed to the lists that do more than plug their products or repeat sales again and again. A couple “subscribed-to” lists stood out because they were informative and were […]
Category: Advice, Business, History, Marketing, Technology |
Tags: bill hickok, email, firearms, History, Marketing, marlin, ranger point precision, rifle, selling
RichC | January 26, 2021
All I can think about are the stock market “bubbles” from the past. I’d love to believe the upward trend we’ve seen this past years is genuine and built on an appropriate foundation, but suspect as most know, it is being built on “hope” and “stimulus dollars.” Now that is not to say that certain […]
Category: Business, Financial, Politics, Productivity |
Tags: barrons, bubbles, coronavirus, covid19, economy, finance, investing, jack hough, jeremy grantham, pandemic, recovery, stimulus, stock market, trading, valuation
RichC | January 23, 2021
Once upon a time, I was … or at least tried … to be frugal in most things. I’ve always shied away from buying higher priced brand names, when there were less expensive option. Coffee is a prime example … since I was perfectly happy with the Chock full o’Nuts brand of canned coffee since […]
Category: Alexa, Business, Financial, Human Interest, Marketing, Misc, Personal, Shopping |
Tags: 3dwhite, brilliance, chock full o'nuts, coffee, crest, dentist pepsodent, dunkin' donuts, frugal, Marketing, toothpaste
RichC | January 20, 2021
While talking with a customer on the phone today and talking about when I’ll be traveling to NE Ohio again, they asked me when they could get the Covid-19 vaccine? See Covid-19 Vaccination Program – LINK. So I figured it would be appropriate to include a screenshot from an Ohio-based health care provider in our […]
Category: Business, Health, Personal, Photos, Travel |
Tags: brenda, cdc, coronavirus, covid19, drew, family, katelyn, megan, ohio, taylor, vaccine
RichC | January 2, 2021
Adam Savage, from Mythbusters claim-to-fame, has been regularly posting a few of his shop ideas online. A few months ago he triggered me into improving my portable Sailrite Sewing machine set-up (well my wife’s sewing machine that I use .. cough, cough). Anyway, a few weeks after he built his table for his impressive Sailrite […]
Category: Business, Gadget, History, Idioms, Memories, Personal, Photos, Video |
Tags: Adam Savage, box, brenda, cigar, clips, drugstore, feminine, gray drug, History, hudson, idiom, idioms, map, masculine, mp4, Mythbusters, ohio, Rabbit, revco, rite aid, sailrite, sewing, shaker heights, video, walgreens
RichC | December 17, 2020
For Throwback Thursday #TBT this week I’ll include a couple photos from 1998 or 1999. These photos are items from my friend Jeff sent to me when cleaning out his apartment. He (and my wife Brenda) were hired to build out the first Dot-Com era online Pharmacy … or at least the fulfillment facility. […]
Category: Archive, Business, Friends, Innovation, Memories, Photos, TBT |
Tags: brenda, career, cppnet,, dotcom, jeff pitts, post-it, richc, soma,, startup, tech
RichC | December 16, 2020
Are you tired of this COVID19 lockdown yet? It is hard to believe the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic AND those politicians dictating shutdowns in their mini-kingdoms have not had more pushback than they have? Way too many small businesses, and especially people working in the travel and food service industry, will not be having much of […]
Category: Business, Health, Humor, Photos, Politics, Social Media |
Tags: bubble, coronavirus, covid19, frustration, Humor, lockdown, navidad, santa, shutdown, toilet paper
RichC | October 10, 2020
As a dad who has always kept up and archived the “goings-on” with Taylor and Katelyn on MyDesultoryBlog, I realized that grandchildren steal the limelight most of the time … that is just the way it is. But … that doesn’t mean life doesn’t keep moving along for adult children in the work-a-day world either. […]
Category: Archive, Business, Friends, Personal, Photos |
Tags: archive, bachelor, cam harter, clermont, county, north dakota, ohio, planner, subdivision, taylor, wedding
RichC | October 1, 2020
While clearing out a little more garage clutter this past weekend in order to gain some space as the weather changes (things are getting too crowded), I finally ripped apart an old type galley cabinets that I hauled from my building in Cuyahoga Falls years ago. Consolidated Printing and Publishing Co. wasn’t really an old […]
Category: Archive, Business, Memories, Misc, Photos |
Tags: antique, case, cpp,, galley, lead, letterpress, printing, TBT, throwback, thursday, tray, type
RichC | July 24, 2020
As a start up, doing business with big company in order to boost sales and visibility can be a great way to grow a business. Unfortunately it can also be cut-throat and the smaller companies can and are taken advantage of. It is not new, but but in the fast-paced and highly competitive technology world, […]
Category: Alexa, Business, Gadget, Innovation, Marketing, News, Technology |
Tags: amazon, Business, clout, echo, investing, startups, tech friday, tech industry, techfriday, venture capital, wall street journal, wsj
RichC | July 18, 2020
As politicians and most of us in the United States (and probably world) debate how to live under the shadow of the Coronavirus pandemic, researchers, doctors and academics are flooding the Internet with studies and opinions both for and against opening up the country. Some have our best interest at heart … and likely some […]
Category: Blogs, Business, Health, Idioms, News, Politics |
1 Comment
Tags: central, coronavirus, covid19, economic,, freedom, gcc, graph, idiom, idioms, karl marx, liberty, lock down, ludwig von mises, marxism, masks, new york, planning, Politics, prageru, shutdown, studies, sweden, youtube
RichC | July 3, 2020
As often as I gripe about ordering from Amazon or more to the point, complain about their delivery and updating, one would think I would opt for another online ecommerce portal? Unfortunately there aren’t better options or more dependable deliveries. This past week a small order came a day early, yet the app notification that […]
Category: Alexa, Business, Shopping, Technology, Video |
Tags: ai, Alexa, amazon, bots, delivery, echo, ecommerce, mp4, ordering, prime, shipping, updates, video
RichC | June 26, 2020
Besides Google’s less intuitive cloud storage, Dropbox was the first cloud service that I gravitated to “back in the day.” I’ve posted about them before on TechFriday (2015 comparison) and they are still one of the best cloud storage services for the way I work on computers and devices. Unfortunately over the last few years […]
Category: Advice, Business, Computer, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: amazon, cloud, Computer, Dropbox, google, microsoft, odrive, office, pricing, services, storage, tech friday, techfriday, Technology
RichC | June 20, 2020
A couple weeks ago I shared an old automotive link from on Twitter and one of my automotive buddies sent me a private message asking about the name of my blog (now nearly 7000 posts). The conversation had me contemplate the early decisions and thoughts .. or lack of thought .. when all of […]
Category: Archive, Blogs, Business, History, Memories, Personal, Technology |
Tags: aol, apple, blog,, desultory, domains,, netscape, printing, publishing, richc, superdrive, syquest, wayback machine, wordpress, zip
RichC | June 17, 2020
This content is restricted.
Category: Alexa, Apple, Audio, Business, Cellphone, Entertainment, Financial, Human Interest, Memories, Personal, Technology |
Tags: Alexa, annalyn, audio, barbie, barrons, family, finance, gold, hedge, inflation, investing, jack hough, katelyn, memories, mike rowe, mp3, podcast, richc, rudolph, streetwise, trolls, yukon cornelius
RichC | June 16, 2020
Like a lot of people during COVID19, we have gravitated even more to Amazon and online ordering for our “stuff.” We have not ordered groceries online yet, but are definitely doing more online shopping than ever before. I mentioned having issues with Amazon a few times before (1, 2, 3) during stay-at-home orders and find […]
Category: Business, Shopping, Technology |
Tags: amazon, bags, bots, cancel, chat, complaints, coronavirus, covid19, customer service, dishwasher, e-commerce, garbage, grocery, kitchen, online, prime, refund, Shopping
RichC | June 7, 2020
Just an automotive kind of filler today after sharing Erwin Wurm’s “chubby” Volkswagen Hot Dog “microbus” from NYC last week on Tom Appel’s Twitter feed. The discussion started when I commented that the Fiat 500X Sport reminded me of the “plump when you cook it” Ballpark franks commercials in the 1990s. Eventually I shared the […]
Category: Automotive, Business, Marketing, Photos, Social Media, Volkswagen |
Tags: 500x sport, ballpark, erwin wurm, fiat, franks, hot dog, plump, tom appel, twitter, volkswagen, vw microbus
RichC | May 31, 2020
This content is restricted.
Category: Business, Entertainment, Misc, Music, Productivity, Technology, Video-TV |
Tags: cincitdi, cppnet, credit card, donation, eaa284, hogans heroes, klink, monocle, mp3, mp4, paypal, printing, processing, square, television, testing, transaction
RichC | May 12, 2020
After mentioning problems last week, the new webserver is up and running with a fresh install of Linux Ubuntu 18.04 “Bionic Beaver,” MySQL database and PHP 7.2 … well I actually decided to upgrade that to PHP 7.4 for a little better speed (who knows?) I’ve abandoned MongoDB for the time being for the […]
Category: Blogs, Business, Computer, Hobby, Personal, Photos, Technology, Woodworking |
Tags: blog, challenge, linux, makers mob, mysql, php, quickdex, scrap wood, update, upgrade, webserver
RichC | May 7, 2020
Nine years ago, it would have been polite for our FedEx driver to have at LEAST left a note or to have mentioned he ran off the driveway … although it was understandable with the snow cover (see link). On the other hand, it makes me smile now, especially since I can use it as […]
Category: Archive, Business, Photos, Shopping, TBT, Weather |
1 Comment
Tags: commonsense, coronavirus, covid19, delivery, driveway, fedex, fred w smith, rain, TBT, weather
RichC | May 6, 2020
Today’s post serves as a test … since I’m having a few webserver and database problems. If you are a regular reader, this will also be a notice that this blog will likely be sporadic until it is fixed. Once my business sites are updated, then I’ll address my long-in-the-tooth (see below) Quickdex project site and […]
Category: Blogs, Business, Computer, Human Interest, Technology |
Tags: blog, Computer, database, idioms, maintenance, problems, quickdex, server, update
RichC | April 21, 2020
As the United States and the world prepare to open society in phases after well over a month of stay-at-home orders due to the Coronavirus, the debate between those who see the health risk as too high and those who fear a full on economic collapse (world wide depression) continues. Several states are seeing protests […]
Category: Business, Financial, Health, News, Politics, Video |
Tags: congress, coronavirus, covid19, dr david katz, foxnews, herd immunity, icecream, mark levin, mp4, nancy pelosi, small business, stay at home, video, youtube
RichC | March 27, 2020
If Daniel Ives of Wedbush is right, the new 5G capable Apple iPhone release seems "extremely unlikely" for the normal September or October release this year. Most iPhone iOS users have been anticipating or even holding off on an upgrade thinking they might want the new 5G promise data. Personally, I’m relatively satisfied with my […]
Category: Apple, Business, Cellphone, Technology |
Tags: 5G, aapl, apple, cincinnatibell, daniel ives, data, fioptics, internet, iphone, isp, seeking alpha, tech friday, techfriday, wedbush
RichC | March 13, 2020
Earlier this year in preparation for the Sprint – T-Mobile merger, Sprint ended their business relationship with Virgin Mobile USA; Sprint was the carrier for the Virgin plans which we opted to switch to back in the summer of 2017. Neither Brenda or I have had any problems or complains with our wireless service or […]
Category: Business, Cellphone, Technology |
Tags: boost, boostmobile, carrier, Cellphone, connectivity, frugal, frugalist, iphone, tech friday, techfriday, virgin, virginmobile, wireless
RichC | March 11, 2020
Although I suspect all the selling on Wall Street has to do with needed cash or the “sell and re-assess later” attitude, I’ve been puzzled that gold (usual safe haven) and utilities have been hit as well. Personally I thought these areas might balance exposure to industrials, tech and energy. Obviously not as Wednesday’s market […]
Category: Business, Financial, Health, News |
Tags: bear, coronavirus, covid19, djia, energy, gold, nasdaq, recession, schwab, stock market, utilities, wall street
RichC | March 7, 2020
I’ve purposely put off posting anything to MyDesultoryBlog as the worldwide spread of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (#COVID19) began. Partially since it is challenging to separate the unfounded fears and panic from the real threat since the reporting varies based on news sources (Information from China is particularly questionable but western media sources aren’t all […]
Category: Business, Financial, Health, Medical, News, Weather |
1 Comment
Tags: 401k, be prepared, boy scouts, bsa, cdc, coronavirus, covid19, disease, flu, Health, idiom, idioms, infection, influenza, investing, ira, mortality, opinion, pandemic, precautions, retirement, savings, seasonality, trading, virus, who
RichC | January 21, 2020
This content is restricted.
Category: Automotive, Blogs, Business, Memories, Personal, Photos |
Tags: annalyn, aurora, automotive, cars, cozy coupe, hemmings, hudson, jim mariol, little tikes, newell, ohio, rubbermaid, university of cincinnati
RichC | January 17, 2020
Back in the late 1980s when I was starting in the commercial printing and eventually ‘small time’ publishing business (Consolidated Printing and Publishing Co), I didn’t realize how far ahead of the game we were when focusing on the subscription model. Early on we were able to capitalize on few people in the printing industry […]
Category: Apple, Automotive, BMW, Business, Cloud, Computer, Financial, Personal, Photos, Software, Technology |
Tags: adobe, aldus, apple, BMW, Business, cloud, Computer, cpp, cppnet,, macintosh, model, odometer, pagemaker, printing, publishing, streaming, subscriptions, tech friday, techfriday, x5 35d
RichC | January 15, 2020
A year or so ago, I “was” planning to give the Amazon Key service a try by having shipments delivered to the condo in Florida when we are not there. So I purchase a smart lock and then realized that Amazon didn’t offer Key delivery services in Delray Beach. I sent it back as I […]
Category: Business, Personal, Photos, Shopping, Technology, Video |
Tags: amazon, Cam, delivery, door, garage, idiom, idioms, key, mp4, myq, overhead, phrases, sump pump, video, wyze, zoeller
RichC | January 8, 2020
Just when you have the perfect wireless plan (and pricing structure) figured out … someone throws a wrench (spanner) in the works. Thanks Richard Branson. #sarcasm Our Virgin Mobile iPhones (we have iPhone7s and iPhone7plus) … are being transferred to Boost Mobile. Ugh, that doesn’t sound promising?
Category: Business, Cellphone, Idioms, Productivity, Technology |
Tags: boost, boostmobile, Cellphone, idiom, idioms, sarcasm, virgin, virginmobile, wireless, wrench
RichC | January 5, 2020
An interesting take on “inflation” and how different generations perceive the possibility of it accelerating in the next decade or so … and perhaps the effect it can or will have on our lives. For example, in the graph below, pick your birth year and note the color bars to determine how many years of […]
Category: Business, Financial, History, News |
Tags: economy, gen x, gen z, generation, inflation, interest rates, washington post
RichC | December 25, 2019
UPS for the win! (wait for it) Fedex and USPS better step up their game! “Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.”
Category: Business, Holiday, Humor, Video |
1 Comment
Tags: ani gif, christmas, delivery, fedex, gif, Humor, package, ups, usps
RichC | December 22, 2019
If you’ve been investing for a few years now, you know mergers and acquisitions in the banking and financial services business is nothing new. We’ve personally experienced a few brokerage firms in our day and still remorse losing the early trading platform of Datek, and to a lessor amount Waterhouse, to TDAmeritrade. Now that Schwab […]
Category: Business, Financial, Technology |
Tags: brokerage, brokers, discount, finance, schwab, tdameritrade
RichC | December 8, 2019
While trying my best to get in the Christmas spirit … how about something from the philately world? Although I’m not a stamp collector, back in the day my company Consolidated Printing and Publishing did some plate work for special cancels and printing for a stamp collecting organization. Besides, my father-in-law had an impressive stamp […]
Category: Business, History, Hobby, Holiday, Tidbits |
Tags: canada, christmas, cpp,, dadh, Holiday, mystic, philately, spirit, stamps
RichC | November 23, 2019
Tesla’s version of a “pickup truck” is being offered as a “green” alternative to America’s appetite for a consumer truck. Ford continues to dominate with it’s F-150 with Chevy and Dodge nipping at their heels. For some reason, we Americans want a pickup truck even though few use their dressed up beasts to haul anything. […]
Category: Automotive, Business, Environment, Innovation, Recreation, Technology, Video |
Tags: atv, battery, cybertruck, elon musk, ev, mp4, pickup, plugin, tesla, truck, video
RichC | November 16, 2019
Here’s a WIRED article that made me think … although it has a misleading title line, even if that is what caught my attention and started me reading it. When does user-friendliness, algorithms and anticipatory artificial intelligence that is designed to help us make decisions, end up becoming "I don’t need to think at all" […]
Category: Archive, Business, Human Interest, Innovation, Misc |
Tags: ai, algorithms, article, artificial intelligence, b-17, decisions, design, macintosh, steve jobs, user friendly, wired, ww2
RichC | November 5, 2019
This past summer we replaced the gutters on our house with a premium GutterShutter version. I particularly liked the heavier gauge aluminum, larger size, strong hangers and sensible “shutter” to keep out debris. So far we are happy with the upgrade. Current Nov2019 condition vs the Previous Aug2019 complaint Unfortunately after three service calls to […]
Category: Business, Misc, Personal, Photos |
Tags: downspouts, gutters, guttershutter, home, house, repairs, upgrade
RichC | October 22, 2019
One thing about waiting for a start-up car company to build a car is that I’m learning a lot more about the automotive manufacturing process. Nowadays, many of the parts are manufactured by suppliers to the automotive industry and then assembled. The same will be true for the unique Elio Motors three wheel tandem seating […]
Category: Automotive, Business, Technology |
Tags: automotive, design, digital buck, digital mockup, elio, elio motors, engineering
RichC | September 18, 2019
Does Your State Have a Marriage Tax Penalty? It isn’t always easy to decipher the tax impact of marriage on taxes, but the Tax Foundation summarized the tax code “marriage penalty” and offers an overview map. YMMV. Under a progressive, graduated-rate income tax system, tax rates increase as a taxpayer’s marginal income increases. A marriage […]
Category: Business, Financial, Politics |
Tags: maps, marriage, penalty, tax foundation, taxes
RichC | August 10, 2019
I’m becoming increasingly grouchy over paying for Amazon Prime (now $119/yr) and dealing with various shipping problems that have been popping up. This past year, I have have several shipping issues with Amazon reporting one thing and then delivering another. Usually a delay, in for the most part very impressive delivery speeds, isn’t a life-changer, […]
Category: Business, Shopping, Technology |
Tags: amazon, delivery, drop, online, ordering, prime, rant, ship, shipping
RichC | July 12, 2019
There are challenges from users and governments facing several of the companies who make money advertising to the millions of eyeballs and the marketing of users personal data. We all want “free services,” but most people dislike the collection and selling of their personal data or having to sift through advertising … especially when it […]
Category: Business, News, Politics, Social Media, Technology |
Tags: debate, facebook, google, hate, rules, social media, tech friday, techfriday, twitter, youtube
RichC | July 11, 2019
For decades I drove the Cincinnati to Cleveland/Akron/Warren Ohio drive at 4AM each week, but in recent years business has changed and the drive is no longer a regular thing. Part of me misses that early morning trip, but the other part that remembers snowstorms, construction and traffic delays does not. This past week I […]
Category: Business, Memories, Misc, Personal, Photos |
Tags: commute, driving, interstate, ohio, photo, sunrise, windshield
RichC | June 27, 2019
While cleaning out a few old files folders, I came across a couple Consolidated Printing and Publishing Co. building photos in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio that my insurance agent took and included glued onto a policy folder. They are likely from the late 1980s and are worth archiving and using for a Throwback Thursday #TBT post. […]
Category: Archive, Business, Memories, Misc, Personal, Photos, TBT |
Tags: archive, building, Business, consolidated, cpp,, cuyahoga falls, insurance, larry hart, ohio, printing, TBT, throwback, thursday
RichC | June 21, 2019
Taylor is my millennial antagonist when it comes to discussing politics, investing and both government and personal finances. We both enjoy debating, so it’s cool most of the time. He is also a product of his generation just as I am of mine. We view the role and expanse of government differently when it comes […]
Category: Business, Education, Financial, Politics |
Tags: america, american dream, burn rate, capitalism, debate, debt, discussion, future, government, History, millennials, opinion, philosophy, Politics, socialism, taxes, taylor
RichC | June 5, 2019
We were obviously not alone in sheading tears over the lost of our favorite local restaurant Spinning Fork in Fairfiled, Ohio(we’ve eaten there since 1995)… but thankfully the family, recipes and history looks like it will be around a while longer, just not at the same location. They have moved to a Hamilton Elks Golf […]
Category: Archive, Business, Food, Local |
Tags: anniversary, elks, fairfield, favorite, favorites, forchetta, golf, liberty township, ohio, Restaurant, spinning fork
RichC | May 14, 2019
It has taken awhile, but someone who enjoys Walleye fishing decided they wanted all my MayFly Lures. He made me an offer and so decided to give him a “buy them all” price. At least I’ve recovered most of my printing losses on this project from years ago and likely made a fisherman happy. He’ll […]
Category: Business, Financial, Misc, Recreation |
Tags: cpp, fishing, lake erie, lures, may fly, mayfly, printing, walleye
RichC | April 26, 2019
Likely I am not alone in constantly reevaluating the pros and cons of participating in social media. I’ve purposely limited my exposure to only a couple of platforms even though I enjoy staying in touch with friends and acquaintances … and generally don’t have a problem with people respectfully debating news and politics. Facebook as […]
Category: Business, Financial, News, Personal, Social Media, Technology |
Tags: facebook, idioms, opinion, social media, tech friday, techfriday, techonogy, twitter, words
RichC | April 19, 2019
All who have been through computer and cellphone issues know what a headache little glitches can become. For me, ever since having my battery replaced on my iPhone 7-plus back in January, the front facing microphone has not worked. After a couple back and forth evening phone calls with Apple Support, we set up an […]
Category: Apple, Business, Cellphone, Personal, Productivity, Technology, Video |
1 Comment
Tags: 7plus, apple, complaint, customer service, iphone, microphone, problem, rant, virgin mobile
RichC | April 14, 2019
It is hard to believe our local El Rancho Nuevo Mexican Restaurant has been around for 9 years now (photo from opening in 2010) … but as the competition has increase, entrepreneurs have had to step up their game. This restaurant is one of the greatest small business example of why capitalism works: with increased […]
Category: Business, Local, Marketing, Politics |
Tags: america, capitalism, competition, dining, example, exceptionalism, improvement, liberty township, mexican, ohio, Restaurant
RichC | April 12, 2019
The “customer experience” (a marketing buzz-term nowadays) can make or break companies. Some do it right, others fall on their face early in their start-up cycle … and others like Ebay ($EBAY) and Paypal ($PYPL) have employees, customer service departments and management issues dragging their company down … yes, this is going to be a […]
Category: Business, Financial, Marketing, Personal, Technology |
Tags: coupon, customer service, ebay, gripe, issue, paypal, problem, tech friday, techfriday
RichC | April 9, 2019
There aren’t many things that makes a mom and dad prouder than realizing their parenting efforts have paid off. We are now regularly seeing our children as productive professional adults and realizing that our being positive examples, and prioritizing school and providing a college education, has paid off. Besides Katelyn and husband Drew being accomplished […]
Category: Archive, Business, Education, Human Interest, Personal, Social Media, Video |
Tags: clermont, county, development, drew, economic, Education, family, katelyn, planner, professional, taylor, youtube
RichC | March 29, 2019
It has been a year since I’ve checked my Internet speed since we have not had any problems, but I doubted we were getting the advertised 500Mbps speeds , but then that my internal network problem. Speed aside, there hasn’t been any reason to question Cincinnati Bell’s service (our TV and internet service provider). They […]
Category: Business, Entertainment, Financial, Innovation, Productivity, Technology |
Tags: billing, Business, cable, cincinnatibell, haggling, internet, isp, negotiation, practices, promotion, speedtest
RichC | March 22, 2019
This is project for work as I wanted to demonstrate to a customer what I was referring to when I encouraged them to add a simple “read a script” podcast channel or simple YouTube video component to their marketing. It is a way to capture audiences who have moved away from reading articles and blogs […]
Category: Apple, Audio, Business, Marketing, Technology, Video |
Tags: apple, blog, client, customer, decisions, ipad, Marketing, mp4, podcast, promotion, richc, video, visual, youtube
RichC | February 27, 2019
Since printing presses (and bindery equipment) is in my DNA, I can’t help but have a soft spot for this guy tweaking his equipment to spit out paper airplanes. Personally I would rather … and remember many-a-late nights … calculating $$$ as our sheet-fed offset presses mesmerizingly crank out piles of paper.
Category: Aviation, Business, Humor, Innovation, Misc, Personal, Photos, Tidbits |
1 Comment
Tags: airplanes, ani gif, bindery, consolidated,, gif, paper, printing, publishing